Sing For Me, Kyuhyun

Blue Folder (Oneshot)



Kyuhyun d in the semi-darkness for the source of the annoying sound. He put it in front of his face to look at the time...7:30 am. He groaned as he put it back on the night stand and peeled the blanket off his body. He has a presentation at 9:30 so he has enough time to take a bath and make himself presentable for the executives that he will face later. As a game developer for one of South Korea's biggest software companies, Kyuhyun doesn't need to go to the office in suit and tie. It is one of those rare occasions that necessitate him to dress in formal attire. He went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee to go with his toast before brushing his teeth and taking a shower. When he was dressed and ready, he took all the things that he would need for the presentation and left his apartment.


As he expected, the subway was packed. Morning rush. All sorts of people crowd the subway every day rushing here and there. Kyuhyun loves to observe people. It's a habit he developed since he was in high school when he spent his time mostly alone. He would observe people around him and try to think what kind of lives they live. Not that he pried on other's. He just found it entertaining to make up stories in his mind about people according to how they appear and whatever things that he can see about them. Think of it as fanfiction for ordinary people. And the subway proves a rich resource of fanfiction for all sorts of people from all walks of life.


Kyuhyun enters the train with the flow of bodies that rush to their destinations. He stands in the middle holding an overhead bar to keep himself in position despite the train's movement. The smell of vanilla and peaches wafts to his nose as a slightly shorter man moves closer to him. He observes the man with sleek black hair and the first thing he notices is the man's small hands. It's too small to be proportionate to his body which Kyuhyun observes seems to be well-toned and muscled moderately. The man carries a blue plastic folder not different from the one Kyuhyun is holding. Wearing a powder blue long sleeves with the top button open and dark blue skinny jeans, the man looks just about Kyuhyun's age. He wonders if the man is a teacher or a sales agent.


The train jerks to a halt. Kyuhyun's folder drops from his hand as he was surprised by the sudden stop. He picks up the folder and returns to making his story about the man who this time he notices is wearing eyeliner. Peculiar, he thought. Though maybe not as peculiar for others who are used to seeing men wearing eyeliner or make up in general. He moves closer to the door in preparation for getting off as the next station is his stop already. He notes that the man follows him as he waits for the train doors to open. As he joins the swarm of people he loses sight of the man with black hair and y eyes. Yes, Kyuhyun admits that he finds the guy's eyes as y and it's not because of the eyeliner. There's just something in the man's eyes that makes Kyuhyun think as such.


Kyuhyun goes to his office still thinking of the man with y eyes. He snorts as he reprimands himself slightly for being distracted. He needs to focus on that presentation. He gathers the things that he will need later checking the folders making sure he has everything. He gasps as he opens the blue folder he was carrying earlier. Music sheets! When did he use music sheets???? He scans the rest of the folder's sheet...


"Argh!" Kyuhyun groans in frustration when suddenly he remembers the man from the train. He was holding a similar folder! They must have been switched when the train suddenly stopped earlier! Kyuhyun can't help but curse his luck. He frantically opened the folder hoping that there will be something inside that will give him a clue as to how to contact the stranger. He heaves a sigh of relief when he sees the blue post it note attached to the inner side of the folder.  Kim Jongwoon - Vocal Coach Sapphire Blue Music School.  Kyuhyun hastily dials the phone number printed on the note but before he could press the call button, his phone rings.


"Hello." Kyuhyun's voice was slightly annoyed. He is in a hurry. He only has forty five minutes before the presentation.


"Hello. This is Kim Jongwoon. I would like to speak to Cho Kyuhyun." The voice that answers douses Kyuhyun with cold water. It's soft and husky making Kyuhyuh think that the voice is just as y as the man's eyes.


"Yes, I am Cho Kyuhyun. I guess we need to exchange folders Mr. Kim" Kyuhyun manages to answer after a few seconds. The man on the other line chuckles surprising Kyuhyun. How can a man chuckle and sound innocent and mischievous at the same time, he thought.


"Yes, in fact I am in the lobby of your office building, Mr. Cho. If you'd be kind enough to come down so we can make the exchange I would be very thankful. I have exams for my students in half an hour and I need those music sheets."


"I will be down in two minutes." They hang up but their connection did not end in that conversation. They take turns inviting each other for lunch or coffee and learning that their apartments are just a few blocks from each other they start coming over each other's place for whatever occasions or excuses that they can find.


Kyuhyun learns that Jongwoon also works part time as a club singer where people call him by the name Yesung. And Kyuhyun agrees with the name given his new friend. If Jongwoon's voice over the phone is y it is nothing compared to the silkiness of his singing voice. The man can hit notes as high as Mt. Everest and carry on a note longer than Kyuhyuh can stay underwater. When Jongwoon invites him to watch him at the bar Kyuhyun makes sure he has no other plans. He rather enjoys watching and hearing his new friend perform on the mini stage. Not only is Jongwoon's voice admirable, the man can also make it seductive, soulful, and almost all the other emotions that Kyuhyun thought wasn't possible to incorporate. Jongwoon also looks the part of a singer. His sleek black hair, kohl lined eyes, ear piercings match well with his simple attire of mostly v-neck or button down shirts that Kyuhyun never fails to notice always exposes the singer's well-toned chest and those skin tight pants that shows off his pert . A singer that looks mouth-watering, that's what Kyuhyun thinks of Jongwoon.


Kyuhyun is shy by nature so he doesn't have many friends. But Jongwoon likes that. He doesn't have much competition when it comes to Kyuhyun's time and attention. And he likes Heechul and Henry, Kyuhyun's only friends. He can't help but laugh at Kyuhyun and Heechul's word war since the two are both snarky and  just a tad bit conceited, always arguing over the simplest of things. Henry on the other hand is such an adorable mochi. Jongwoon can only admire the passion the three share for computer games.


Jongwoon invites Kyuhyun and his friends  for his birthday celebration at the bar where he sings and together with his own friends they make quite a large boisterous group. Jongwoon wonders if Heechul and Henry brought glue with them seeing that they got stuck to his friends Siwon and ZhouMi. Jongwoon points this out to Kyuhyun and they share a hearty laugh with each other. Jongwoon's friends are all singers so they one by one went to the stage and sang for him, even Heechul and Henry although the former sang a rock song. Well, Jongwoon already expected that from the man-diva. Lastly, it's Kyuhyun's turn. Heechul, Henry, ZhouMi, Siwon, Ryewook and Sungmin want to drag him to the stage and make him sing but shy Kyuhyun doesn't budge. Leeteuk, the owner of the bar, slammed $300 on the table for whoever can persuade Kyuhyun to sing. They all try to coax the young man to get on stage and sing but to no avail. Kyuhyun just crosses his arms in front of him shaking his head to the negative.


Jongwoon suddenly grows a smirk on his face. He remembers how Kyuhyun would always stare at his or check him out when they are together. He leans a little closer to Kyuhyun and whispers just beside his ear.


"Sing for me Kyuhyun-ah. If you do, I'll give you a mind blowing ." Jongwoon gives Kyuhyun's ear a teasing for good measure. Shivers run down Kyuhyun's spine and he swallows the drool that threatens to flow from his mouth upon hearing Jongwoon's  offered incentive. But Kyuhyun will not be Kyuhyun if he didn't have a comeback for that.


"Make it two and we have a deal." Jongwoon can't help but chuckle.


"Greedy bastard. Fine. Two it is then." Jongwoon's voice an octave lower making Kyuhyun's imagination run wild. Jongwoon takes the money from the table as Kyuhyun gets up and makes his way to the stage. He asks Ryeowook to accompany him with the piano. He will sing Hope Is A Dream That Never Sleeps.


"This is for you, Jongwoon. Happy birthday!" When he goes back to the table he gets a few past on the shoulder and compliments for his nice voice. He sits down beside a smiling Jongwoon who leans closer to whisper.


"Thanks, Kyu. I guess that deserves more than just a ."


"Hmm. I agree."

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Chapter 1: Omg the deal kkkkkkkk
Chapter 1: We have to read about the end of the deal. The two that was promised. Hehehehe
Chapter 1: Yahhh~ I think you should write a continuation of this where Ye is delivering his end of the deal. ;)
Chapter 1: The way Yesung got Kyu to sing hot XD could you write a continuation? :P
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaa, i like it and you must make it longer..^^