Halmeoni & 'Ah Young Love'


Hehe! Yay another update, hope you gusy enjoy tis chapter and comments are really appreciated cause I love to hear from you guys! :D


"What do you think their talking about?" Ye Eun ask, they where in a ice cream, leaving Sunye and Sunmi at a far corner spending some time alone. Leaving Ye Eun, Seung Hyun, and Seungri at another far corner watching them.

"Who cares nuna, at least their talking and laughing." Seungri said poking his spoon in his vanilla ice cream and twirling his spoon around in it, clearly playing with it. He earned a smack on the head by Ye Eun as Seungri yelp in pain.

"Stop playing with your food." Ye Eun only reply while Seungri glared at her.

"Gosh you're always so mean to me nuna." Seungri said rubbing his head as Ye Eun had a smirk on her face.

"But we get along just fine." Ye Eun said as Seungri shook his head denying it.

"Oh come on," Ye Eun said nudging Seungri from his seat, "we like to plays the same action games." Ye Eun said as Seungri started to smile.

"True." He commented as Ye Eun continue to reel him in to get on his good side again.

"Come on kids, why don't we go to the arcade down the block? So we can leave Sunye and Sunmi to catch up on each other alone without you guys bickering from afar." Seung Hyun said getting up from his chair.

"Hey!" Ye Eun and Seunrgi both snap at him and glared. Ye Eun layed back on her chair and cross her hands over her chest pouting.

"I am not a kid except for him over there." Ye Eun said pointing at Seungri.

"Me?!" Seungri pointed at himself, "How about you! For a twenty your old girl you sure don't act like one." Seungri retorted as Ye Eun was about to fire back when Seung Hyun interrupt.

"Enough guys!" Seung Hyun said and glared at the both of them, "Let's just go, were already attracting attentions from other people other than Sunye and Sunmi."

"Fine." Both Ye Eun and Seungri said with a pout and got up from their seat.

"They finally left." Sunye said watching the three if her friends go out the door. Sunmi giggle while looking at her sister, then at her sister's friends leaving.

"Your so mean unni." Sunmi said but smile not meaning it.

"No I'm not, I just need them to leave so they don't embarrass themselves any further." Sunye said and laugh as Sunmi punch her arm slightly.

"Unni, so your twenty years old now. Doens't it mean you attend university then?" Sunmi ask curious.

Sunye nod her head answering her question, "Yeah, I attend Dongguk University with Ye Eun and Seung Hyun."

"Unni," Sunmi said with her eyes sparkling for a reason, "I hope you don't mind me asking but is Seung Hyun oppa your boyfriend?"

Sunye face turn slightly red caught by surprise, "Eh? How did you know?"

"So it's true?" Sunmi ask with a wide smile. Speechless Sunye only nod her head.

"I can see it in the way you guys look at each other." Sunmi giggle covering .

"For how long?" Sunmi ask, "I mean, how long have you guys started dating?"

"Two years ago." Sunye reply with a smile, which replaced her blush.

"I see, even though it may seem late, but congratulation unni!" Sunmi said clapping her hands, Sunye laugh at her silliness.

Over the next three hours they spent the time talking at the ice cream shop, until they finally decided to leave the place to go elsewhere.

"Should we go the beach?" Sunye ask, they were both walking down the busy streets thinking of a place to go.

Sunmi shook her head, "How about the amusement park, I love it their."

"To far." Sunye said shaking her head, just then a idea came to Sunye and Sunmi at the same time. They turn to look at each other with a smile.

"Are you thinking what I think your thinking?" Sunye ask, Sunmi nod her head.

"Halmeoni's house." Sunmi said beaming with excitement.

"Halmeoni?" Sunye ask poking her head inside the front house door in only. They got to her home just a few minutes awhile ago, and both Sunye and Sunmi agree to surprise their halmeoni.

"Yes?" The old lady said coming out the kitchen with a small cloth she use to wipe her wet hands with.

"Halmeoni, I have someone you will be happy to see." Sunye said with a bright smile as she came inside the house first leaving Sunmi standing outside of the front door house.

"Really?" Halmeoni said smiling clearly not knowing what Sunye's talking about.

"Yes." Sunye said and pushed the front door wide open revealing Sunmi.

"Halmeoni." Sunmi said as Sunye watch their halmeoni eyes grow wide and yelp with happiness. Sunmi ran towards her and wrap her arms around her. They both cried in each other arms like what Sunye and Sunmi did hours ago.

"Sunmi! Little Sunmi! Oh look at you, you've grown up to be so beautiful looking like your mother!" Halmeoni yelled happily.

"Halmeoni." Sunmi whisper out quietly as tears spilled out.

For the next few more hours the three of them talked and chatted until five came around where Sunmi said good bye and departed.

"Bye Halmeoni." Sunmi said and hugged her, "Bye unni." Sunmi then said and hugged her big sister afterward.

"Come visit me anytime." Halmeoni said and smile giving a squeeze on Sunmi's hand.

"Yes halmeoni." Sunmi said smiling as Sunye told her to call her more often.

"Ye(yes)." Sunmi answer with a yes and walked down the front porch on to the streets waving goodbye and left. Both Sunye and her halmeoni watched until Sunmi left and went back inside the house smiling wide.

"I'm so glad we found her." Halmeoni said and went towards the kitchen, Sunye nodded and plop down on the couch thinking this was the best day of her life so far. She decided to call Seung Hyun, Seungri and Ye Eun to see where they were.

Walking to the bus stop Sunmi couldn't help thinking about today, how it became the best. She couldn't help but started sniffling and cry again.

"Sunmi!" A man voice said and started to run up to her. Sunmi look to find one of her best friend, Jo Kwon was running towards her.

"Why are you crying?!" Jo Kwon ask with concern, "I heard some people took you out of school and-" Jo Kwon stop himself and narrowed his eyes.

"Did they do something to you?!" Jo Kwon ask with a worried yet scared tone, Sunmi shook her head frantically and couldn't help but started to laugh slightly.

"No! No not that!" Sunmi said and smacked his arm smiling wiping her tears away from her eyes and face.

"Ow!" Jo Kwon yelp in pain, "Gosh women you hit so hard." Sunmi giggle and saw someone behind Jo Kwon running towards them.

"Yo! Dude why did you run off like that? You know how I feel when you run off leaving me with those two girls." A guy that Sunmi haven't met before said. He had short hair somewhat, orange and reddish hair color, a face that looks like the singer Rain/Bi, who by the way is one of her favorite singer, Sunmi thought examining the man in front of her.

"Sorry man, it's just that I saw one of my best friend that wasn't at school for the half of the school day." Jo Kwon said giving a apologetic smile.

"Whatever dude you owe your date an apology for running off." The guy said.

Jo Kwon snicker, "Your the one that dragged me with you. I didn't want to come anyway."

"Yah! I didn't want to come either, but my friend made me and he ditched me so I called you to help me and you happily agreed." The guy rant off while Jo Kwon hugged Sunmi like a koala, not letting her go. The guy stopped his ranting, finally noticing Sunmi, his mouth parted slightly forming a "oh" sign.

"Oh." The guy finally manage to say, Sunmi couldn't help but giggle at his silliness.

"I'm Min Sunmi." Sunmi introduce herself and took out one of her hand for a handshake as the guy stared at her still. Finally snapping out of his daze he scratch his head and gave a cheeky smile.

"Lee Junho." The guy, Junho, said also extending his hand out and shook Sunmi's hand.

"Okay okay, enough with this. Sunmi tell me everything from the beginning of getting out of school in the middle of fourth period till now, where you were crying." Jo Kwon said still hugging her, Sunmi nodded while smiling at Jo Kwon then at the new guy Junho who smiled back at her.

"So that's what happen." Jo Kwon said sipping his drink, they were at a bubble tea shop sitting on the second floor of it, sipping at their drink.

"Yep." Sunmi reply while she put her hands on her lap. She glanced at the clock on a wall and her eyes widen.

"Hey I gotta go." Sunmi said getting up from her chair.

"Wait Sunmi, just a few more minutes." Jo Kwon said sipping his drink, "I haven't finish my drink."

"That's your problem Kwonnie." Sunmi said his nickname while putting on her backpack.

"Hee Young is going to kill me for coming home late." Sunmi said, "You know how she get's."

Jo Kwon made a face and nod his head, "You want me too walk you to the bus stop?"

"No, that's okay beside I think your rather busy with something else." Sunmi said eying his drink, Jo Kwon gave a childish grin.

"I can go with you." Junho offered, who had kept quiet the whole time.

"I mean, I live near you. I mean around your neighborhood." Junho stammered as Sunmi looked at him funny.

"True." Jo Kwon said and looked at Sunmi, "You should go with him, I mean it's getting late and it could be dangerous for a girl walking home alone."

"I am not a little girl." Sunmi retorted as Junho laugh, he earned himself a glare by Sunmi.

"Fine." Sunmi said finally with a pout, she walked out towards the stairs without Junho who was left behind to follow her.

"Bye you guys!" Jo Kwon wave and only Junho waved back. "Ah young love." Jo Kwon said smiling watching them leave.

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herlyn #1
Chapter 15: are you still writing this story?
binnie #2
yay finally u update
binnie #3
when u want to update??