She Had A Dream


Dong Min sat nervously in a chair at a small café waiting for his date. It has been two weeks since his wife funeral. And during those two weeks he has learned to move on fast along with his daughter with the help of Hee Young.

He looked at his watch, ten more minutes before their date actually started. He came early just to prepare himself. Letting out a slow breath he picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip. Looking out the window he sat beside he was memorize by the beautiful flowers growing from the massive field not knowing time passed by.

“Mr.Min?” A feminine voice called out to Dong Min. Breaking his gaze from the window he turned towards the voice and found Hee Young Standing beside him smiling.

“Am I late? Did I make you wait too long?” Hee Young ask with concern, Dong Min shook his head.

“Oh, no I just got here early for five minutes only.” Dong Min asks when a woman with caramel hair went towards them and asks for their order.

“I see your date has finally come, I thought you were alone since you’ve got here ten minutes ago.” The waitress said smiling writing down their order. Hee Young turned towards Dong Min with wide eyes shock. Blushing Dong Min hid his face behind the menu he was holding.

“Your order will be here quite soon.” The waitress said and left leaving Dong Min and Hee Young alone.

“You got here ten minutes earlier before our date started?” Hee Young ask as a smile slowly crept to her face.

“Ahem, yes.” Dong Min said coughing away his embarrassment.

“I think that’s just romantic.” Hee Young said smiling as Dong Min looked at her shock by her response.

“Really?” He ask as Hee Young nod her head and put out her right arm and elbow to the table and leaned on her hand looking at him. She smiled a warm smile that reminded Dong Min of Hana. Her warm loving smile, he was mesmerized once again.

“Dong Min? You okay?” Hee Young ask waving her left hand in front of him.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m okay.” He said blushing once again. Hee Young smile and laughed, as she looked at him.

“You sure?” Hee Young ask, “You seem to dreaming about something whenever I talk to you.” Dong Min scratched his head as he thought of an answer.

“Here’s you order.” The waitress came back with food on a tray. As she set them out for them she left. Over that period they both talked and ate with laughter and smiles.

As the day draws to an end both Dong Min and Hee Young has a bright smile on their faces. Walking side by side as Dong Min walked Hee Young home the sunset slowly draws down.

"So......" Dong Min ask as Hee Young slowly turns her head to face him.

"Yes?" She ask, clearing his throat Dong Min decided to ask things he wanted to know.

"So about Chin Ho-" He started as a frown quickly erased Hee Young's smile.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" Dong Min said quickly his shoulder stiffen. Hee Young shook her head, "No it's okay, I need to let him go. What did you want to ask me about him?"
Dong Min's shoulder relax and they continue to walk along the road.

"About Chin Ho.....are you finally getting over his death?" Dong Min ask, Hee Young turn to look at him with confusion on her face.

"I mean like.....finally move on.....and find somebody else......." Dong Min said in a slur while Hee young's eyes stared at him.

She smiled on spoke, "I don't know Dong Min. Maybe, but 'll have to see if this person I have in mind can help me erase all the pasts sorrow for me." Dong Min looked at her who gave an encouraging smile. He couldn't help smiling also where they both just stared into each other gazes.

Breaking it off finally Dong Min coughed, " We should get going." He said and extend his hand out where Hee Young smile and took it. Walking home together Dong Min couldn't help but thought how she can help him forget his sorrows.

---------------[Dong Min's P.O.V.]
Sitting at in my office as the night sky get's darker I breath in slowly. Somehow my breathing has been getting worse it's at times where it gets hard to breath. I don't bother to go to the doctor, I just don't want my daughters to worry about me after losing their mother.

"Hana." I silently whisper out. I stared out into space as I thought her, her face so pure and beautiful. Sighing I took out my own personal diary that's lock in my drawer here in my office.

Opening to my next clean page I started writing.

Dear Dairy,
It has been two weeks since Hana left me alone in my lonely world, but my two daughters always try to put a smile on my face and clearly succeed. Sunmi is such a joker, today the silly girl try to make me laugh by dancing to a song she said called Pretty Girls by Kara. Though I don't know this girl group the dance was cute just like her. She's a good dancer as she sang along to the song just like her sister. As for Sunye she tried to make me smile as I sat in the garden looking at the flowers Hana planted. She played the piano from our music studio near the garden. That silly girl opened the window for me to hear, that excellent playing on the piano just brought memories of Hana where she first captured my heart from playing the piano. Talking about Hana makes me think of the terrible thing I'm doing. Hee Young, Chin Ho's wife, well I know I have alittle of feelings for her because she reminds of Hana. But I'm using her, I need someone to help me look out for my daughters. I can't do it on my own since Hana's not here. In my heart I know she's the only one for me. With this sin I'll be unforgivable by Hana I know this. But forgive me my dearest Hana.

Sighing as I closed the book and put it back where it was, locking the drawer I looked around the room and towards the window. The moon was bright like the day when Hana and I shared our first kiss under a cherry blossom tree on are first date.

"Appa?" A little girl voice came from the door. I turned towards the voice and found Sunmi half from the door with her head poking out.

"Appa?" She'd call out again, I gave a smile and nod my head.

"Yes Sunmi?" I ask, she hesitated and came in from the door walking towards me.

"I.......I.had a nightmare." Sunmi said as I picked her up from the ground and put her on my lap.

"And what nightmare was that?" I ask her hair like her mother use to do when she gets a nightmare. Hesitating once more she thought about telling me as she scrunched her face. Finally making up her mind to tell me she looked into my eyes with her warm chocolate eyes like her mom.

"I dreamed" Sunmi trailed off.

"Yes? What about me?" I ask smiling warmly at her, she had tears in her eyes as she told me.

"That you passed away, that you left me and Sunye." She said as tears came down her face. My smile disappear and I let those words sink into my brain.

Moments of silence as I process this, I looked at her and continue to her hair.

"Silly Sunmi, I will never leave you. Now lets get you to bed okay?" I ask as she nod her head and got off my lap. I took her hand in my and walk out the office closing the light behind me. Walking down the hall which had little lights on every corner to light up the path Sunmi smiled at me.

"I think it's silly of me appa, I know that you will never leave me and Sunye unni behind." She said as I look at her and nod my head. When we reached her room she hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek before running to her bed.

"Night Appa." Sunmi said as she closed her eyes. Returning the same thing I closed the door behind me and walked towards my room.

'My room.' I thought as I shook my head and gave a fake laugh. My room now lonely without Hana, as I open my room's door I smiled.

"I'm finally back." I whisper into the dark room with only my window open with the moonlight shining in. It's silly of me to say this, but when Hana was here I always say it. And she'll return a comment back with her warm smile saying, "Your finally back."

Chuckling as I imagine the scene, I walked towards my bed looking at my photo with her on my night stand. She had her arm around my neck from behind me as she laugh with me.
"Hana." I whisper out as my eyes sting with tears persuading to come out. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I need to stay strong for myself and mostly for my two daughters. Thinking back to Sunmi's dream send chills down my spine.

Perhaps Sunmi dream was a sign telling me about something. But even if she'd dream of this dream about me passing away, I wouldn't leave them alone. No I wouldn't, instead I'll have two more people beside them before I leave this world then.

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herlyn #1
Chapter 15: are you still writing this story?
binnie #2
yay finally u update
binnie #3
when u want to update??