The game has officially started

Devil in Disguise




“Annyeong Haseyo, Jiyeon ssi,” the staff said as I passed by them,

“Oppa, how many hours will the filming be?” I asked to my manager and took a sip of my frappe,

“Why are you here?” Myungsoo jumped in front of me,

“Filming?” I said,

“You’re not feeling well right? Let me take you to the director first,” he said and grabbed me,

“Do you really think we’re that close for you to be grabbing me like that?” I said and kicked his foot,

“I’ll go see him myself so you should never do that to me again, okay?” I said and walked towards the director,

“Oh you’re here, Ms. Jiyeon ssi. It’s a great honor for us to work with you,” he bowed and prepared for a handshake,

“I don’t really shake hands with those people I’m not really close with. Kunde, who are the people I’m going to work with?” I said and gave a sorry face,

“Ah, good timing! Here he is,” he said and I looked back,

What? Why did Myungsoo didn’t tell me that he’ll be the other one who I am going to work with. Well then it’s okay. Park Jiyeon, remember, you’re now the DEVIL IN DISGUISE. You can’t let him catch you.

“Annyeon director, Annyeong-“ he said but he stopped when he saw me,

“Looks like I’m going to work with you,  Im Jae Bum,” I said and gave him a blank face,

“It’s a pleasure to work with the mighty Jiyeon but how did you know my name? You must be a fan right?” he laughed,

“Excuse me? You’re not someone I’m going to be a fan of, you’re not even famous like the actors I dated,” I said and glared at him,

“Ah, looks like you both know each other,” the director said,

“Yes,” “No,” we both said in chorus,

“Your words are not matching,” the director said,

“It’s okay, it’s not like I’m going to know him forever and by the way, acting innocent doesn’t suit you. I’ve read the script and it’s somehow similar to your life, is that why you accepted it? Tss,” I said and saw Myungsoo by my side,

What the heck was he doing beside me? How did he get here and how long has he been here?

“Yah, why are you here?” I said and glared at him,

“Nothing, you looked like you were fighting and I find it interesting,” he said and laughed,

“Aish, do you like me? Is that why you kept on following me?” I said confidently,

“Of course, I’m a fan. Why? Do you want to become my girlfriend?” he said and grabbed my waist,

“Why not?” I putted my hands on his neck and whispered, “Too bad, I don’t really guys who shows me their affections first,” and winked to him,

“Aish, I thought I’d get you by now,” he said and smiled,

We just laughed at our conversation. Looks like I’m going to have another bestfriend. I looked at JB and just smiled. I was thinking if I really wanted revenge because if I did, I wouldn’t be this happy but how could this guy make me? Aish, Jiyeon! You’re crazy!

I playfully smacked my head at the thought and smiled again.


It’s been 4 years since I saw this smile. Everytime I saw her in person, she was cold but how could Myungsoo make her smile for a small amount of time? Did she really forget about me? Oh well, it was me who broke up but she even smiled at me when we broke up.


“Break up with her, Jb,” Suzy said,

“We’ve been in a relationship for 4 months already yet you haven’t even told her the truth, just tell me who you love. Me or her? I’ll break up with you if you don’t really love me,” she added,

“You know it’s not like that, I just can’t find any other way to bring the topic up,” I said and hugged her,

“It’s okay,” she said and kissed me,

We haven’t done it but we’ve been in a relationship for 4 months already, it’s going to be 5 months next week and I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t told Jiyeon yet about this.

I waited near their house for nearly 2 hours then she just arrived,

“Yaaaaaah!” I yelled and she startled,

“What did I do wrong?”she said innocently,

“Nothing, just come with me. I’ve been waiting here for 2 hours already and why are you so late? It’s already past 10 young lady,” I said,

She followed me as I walked straight to the park. She can sense that I wasn’t in a good mood so she didn’t bother me and just followed me quietly. I stopped near the swings so she just sat and swung by herself. I just stared at me sadly.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked curiously and just hugged me,

“Let’s break up,” I said and hugged her back,

“Yah, that’s not a good joke,” she said and broke the hug,

“I’m not joking,” I said and held her hand,

“Okay then, let’s break up,” she said and smiled,

“Then it’s settled then,” I smiled and hugged her for the last time.


I saw her with Myungsoo playfully smacking each other’s head. They were laughing loudly that mostly everyone would look at them. Myungsoo’s filming place wasn’t here. They were on a street because he was part of a streetband in this film. Well I guess you would really like to protect your girlfriend from others, especially because it’s Park Jiyeon, hollywood’s it-girl.

I felt my phone vibrate so I answered the call.

“Did you miss me?” said the other line,

“Oh,” I was shocked to hear the voice that the only thing that came out from my mouth was that,

“Ayy, don’t you miss me? Do you know where I am?” she asked playfully,

“I’m going to take the role of Shin Hae Sung, Sora unnie said she can’t film 2 dramas at a time so I asked her to give this project to me and I’m at your back,” she said and when I looked back she waved at me,

Why am I not that happy to see her? She ran towards me and hugged me. We broke up 2 years ago after a long time of being together because when we came to Korea, we became trainees and she was the first one to debut since she was beautiful, I had no doubt about that. I don’t really feel bad because she was my girlfriend that time, I accepted the fact that we should stop because we have to follow our dreams. We remained friends and preserved our friendship.

“Why did you say this only now?” I said and hugged her back,

“I heard Jiyeon got the role for Rian,” she said,

“Yes she does,” I said and walked grabbed her waist,

We were talking about the things I missed with her for the last few months because she was busy with the Miss A members. We walked towards the make-up room and we saw Myungsoo and Jiyeon fighting playfully using the blushes as swords. They stopped playing when they saw us. Jiyeon just smiled and continued hitting Myungsoo’s head.

“Jiyeon, long time no see,” Suzy said and smiled,

“I thought you hired people to stalk me for the past few years?” she said and laughed,

“Yah, don’t you want to greet our co-actor. She’s going to take the role of Shin Hae Sung because Sora unnie will be filming another drama,” L said,

“Ah, Suzy annyeong, long time no see and don’t take my joke too personally,” she said and whispered something to L.

“Oh and L, can’t we practice our lines together? I think that would be easier,” Suzy said and gave her a hopeful face,

“Oh? L? Who’s that?” Jiyeon said confused,

“Ah, it’s my stage name. You should be so proud that you’re the only one I allowed to call me Myungsoo,” he said and poked Jiyeon’s face,

“Heol~ That’s more like it. Saranghae,” she said and sat in a chair,

“Sorry Suzy ssi, I’m quite busy because –“ he said and gave Jiyeon a look,

I saw Suzy’s fist clenched as she gave L an okay face. I knew that she liked Myungsoo ever since he debuted because just like a typical fan girl would do, he stalks him. I dragged Suzy outside because I think that she really can’t bear the pain. She has always hated Jiyeon. She got insecure after I broke up with Jiyeon because she thinks that she’s the only one on my mind.


I was playing with Myungsoo when JB and Suzy appeared. The girl she chose. The girl I hated so much, the girl I wanted to kill. Yet I smiled at them. I will never be the loser before. Being a loser once was too much for me to bear. She talked to me but I gave her a half truth joke and I was so glad to see her reaction. She was looking at Myungsoo/L too much that it gave me the idea of using him. Looks like I can kill 2 birds using 1 stone.

JB dragged him outside because I bet he knew that she was hurting. I continued acting innocently.

“What am I missing?” Myungsoo/L suddenly asked me,

“Eh?” I replied and continued blushing my cheeks,

“You know what I mean, I think it’s enough that you’ve used me twice already?” he said,

“I thought you were stupid, I already gave you the clues,” I said coldly,

“You had a past with him but what is it? What’s the real reason why you’re here?” I said and grabbed her hands,

“Yes we had one. I didn’t accept the offer for this drama, my manager did. I didn’t even know that I’ll be working with the people I really hate the most, satisfied now?” I said and tried to break free from his hands but instead he hugged me,

“What do you think would other people think if they saw us like this? This would make the headlines right? I will make them know what you’re planning,” he said,

“If people misunderstands this situation, why not cool them off with saying it’s true? If this causes a scandal, you’re making all things easier and boring for me, don’t you think?” I said and whispered, “You should’ve asked me sooner the truth,” I broke free from his hug and when I looked back, Suzy and JB were there.

“Did you hear our conversation?” I asked bluntly,

“No, we just got in and we saw you both hugging,” JB said,

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong with that right? Hugging with my boyfriend in the make-up room?” I said and looked at Suzy’s reaction,

She was really angry. Her fists clenched and I just laughed.

“Just joking, he’s not my boyfriend YET,” I said and emphasized the YET to make things more fun,

“Don’t you think you’re too harsh?” Myungsoo whispered,

“What’s wrong with letting them feel the pain I felt when they cheated on my back?” I whispered back and kissed his cheek,

“You should’ve kissed me on the lips,” Myungsoo said and laughed,

“Can’t you wait for that tonight?” I said seductively,

I turned my look into JB and Suzy and they were just glaring at us.  I hid my smile and controlled my laughter because I’d be caught in time if I’d show it. I looked at JB and he was really angry. Did he really think I came here because of him? That’s just stupid. Sorry but unlike before, I will never be a loser.

“L, standby!” one of the staffs yelled,

“Araso! We’ll talk later okay?” Myungsoo said and brushed his lips to mine,

I was so shocked that I pushed him. I gave him a disbelief face but when I saw JB and Suzy’s face, I can’t forget everything I worked hard for. I grabbed him and whispered, “What the heck did you just do?”

“Okay! Call! After our filming, I’ll meet you at our usual place, Saranghae!” he said and gave me a heart sign and a flying kiss,

How could this guy act so greasy? What did I just have myself into? Why does it have to be him? Since we already started, I just can’t back out. Especially because I know that Suzy likes him.

“So how did you two meet each other?” Suzy asked to break the silence,

“I was followed by lots of undercover paparazzis and I accidentally bumped into him, I told him I was in a hurry so I putted my autograph on his bag instead, when I got into a taxi, I was supposed to call my manager but fortunately, he got my phone. Then we saw each other later that day and the next day, we got on a date and JB knows the rest,” I said while walking on circles,

“What does she mean?” Suzy asked nervously,

“L made her ride the roller coaster then she collapsed, L saw me and told me to go with him, I didn’t expect it was you,” he said and looked at me when he said “You”

“Of course, why would you expect a Hollywood actress here in Korea?” I said arrogantly,

“So the rumors were true, you’re a ,” Suzy said and glared at me,

JB tried to hold her back but it was too late, I won’t back out,

“Basically I am, how about you? Cheating on my back for how many months with that boy beside you? Who’s who? And I guess you both made the right thing, look where I got now, I just didn’t expect that I’d be working with people who’s not even on the same level as me,” I said and rolled my eyes,

“So you’re doing this because of revenge?” Suzy asked in disbelief,

“Nope, I didn’t even know that you two were the ones I will work with. My manager just accepted the offer. If I were to choose, I should’ve chose the project to work with Alex Pettyfer or the project with Hunter Parrish,”  I said and laughed,

“If that’s what you say, just don’t cry afterwards and don’t drag L into this,” she said convincingly,

“Uh-oh, sounds like a jealous, FAN much? You just gave me an idea, I never thought about using him to make you guys suffer, I’m not a low person but looks like I’m going to act like one. And you know what? I could easily let him fall into my trap. Looks? Wealth?  Fame? What thing am I lacking for him to like me? And one last thing, the game has just begun,” I said and walked out,

I could hear her yell at the top of her lungs. I just laughed and continued to our filming place.




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Chapter 25: so yeah , there's no MYUNGYEON ?

what happen next ? please do a sequel of it , MyungYeon . you have to finish it , author-nim , Jebal .......
Chapter 25: So There's no Myungyeon ? OTL
enne16 #3
Chapter 24: Sequel jiyeon n kai couple please ..
Chapter 22: Poor jiyeon. She suffered way too much ):
update soon please :D
stacyberd #6
Its already chapter 24?
why i didnt see the other chapters?
wannaBu #7
Chapter 1: dear author when are you going to update this beautiful story of yours..
I really love the story I've been waiting for you to update.. no matter what I will wait for your update.. now im just going to read it again and again :D
enne16 #8
Chapter 19: Sequel please ...
ChocoRaisin #9
Chapter 19: Wow,,,finally suzy is nicer. Update soon!!
(ง'̀⌣'́)ง fighting...!!!!!
Chapter 19: Hope myunyeon will be together again.
Whoaa, this will end soon? :( please make sequel chingu :) cause I love all ur fics♥
Hehe update soon :)