Chapter 9 – Mr. Playa Is Mr. Honest + Mr. Snob Is Mr. Loyal = Old Fashion Princess (SOS + Gone Missing)

The Old Fashioned Princess

-Language Exam Day-

-Your Pov-

Today is the day of the exam…many of the students were nervous…mainly applied to Taemin…and of course Jonghyun. Even if all he did was studying the answers.

‘Omomomomomomomomo’ Taemin chanted nervously

I rolled my eyes ‘geez it’s just an exam don’t lose your soul over it’ I joked

Taemin pouted looking at me ‘Taeminnie is super nervous! What happen if Taeminnie fails?!’ he said

‘It won’t be that bad. After all you did spend 3 days studying for it’ I reasoned

‘Taeminnie don’t think it’s enough!’ Taemin whined


Everyone in class mouth dropped with their eyes wide open

‘WHY YOU SLAP ME?!’ Taemin cried holding his cheek

‘Stop whining, you’ll do fine. We didn’t study together for nothing.’ I stated

Taemin smiled but then pouted with a light frown ‘Byul-a-na Milk didn’t have to slap me’ he said

‘It was the only way to shut you up’ I stated

‘Byul-a-na Milk can just say Good luck!’ Taemin said

I shrugged my shoulders ‘I’ll keep that in mind for next time’ I said

The teacher came in and every sat quietly in their seats waiting for the teacher instructions. The exam papers were handed out.

‘I wish everyone the best of luck.’ The teacher said smiling ‘you may begin’

- Jonghyun Pov –

I smirked to myself due to how easy this was. It was a good thing I’ve receive the exam answers just a few days ago, which leaves me a lot of time to memorize the answers.

‘I’ll definitely get more then 90s and Kahi will finally go out with me!’ I thought happily

Though…for some reason…my chest had a tight feeling…it was a very unpleasant feeling. I wasn’t feeling sick or anything…but this feeling that I felt was enough to suffocate me. Why am I feeling like this?

‘Aishi! I have to focus!’ I mentally told myself and continued writing.

- Key Pov-

I have to get this exam over and done with so I can start my brilliant plan.

‘Aishi…hurry hurry’ I told myself mentally, writing very quickly

Just you wait four eyes.

- An Hour Later-

‘YES! Finally!’ I thought happily

I raised my hand for the teacher to know that I was done

‘Your done very early’ the teacher commented amazed

‘Aishi! Just hurry up and collect my exam papers already!’ I thought impatiently

Right after the teacher collected my papers I ran out

- Your Pov-

-End Of Exam-

‘Everyone please put your pens down’ the teacher said

Everyone let out a sigh it was a relief or a nervous one. I was glad to have just finished the exam in time and I was also surprised that Key had finished it so quick. The students passed the papers to the teacher, just as the teacher collected all of the papers another teacher came in and got the exam papers from her.

‘Everyone your rank and marks will be shown on the notice board at lunch’ the teacher said

I was surprised that we would be getting our marks back so quick…this is seriously a super elite school…

‘Yah. Yah! Byul-a-na Milk! How did you go?’ Taemin asked

I nod my head ‘its good. You made sure to answer everything as well right?’ I questioned him

Taemin grinned ‘Yep!’ he answered

‘How was it for you? Jonghyun’ Kahi asked looking at Jonghyun

Jonghyun smirked ‘hahahaha don’t worry about that babe, just worry about what you’ll wear for tonight’s date’ he said full of confidence

He would be a true idiot if he studied the answers and still get less than 90…

‘Don’t get too cocky so soon Mr. Playa ‘ Kahi said rolling her eyes

- Lunch –

‘LET’S GO BYUL-A-NA MILK!’ Taemin shouted excitingly as he dragged me out of class

‘YAH! SLOW DOWN!’ I snapped

We we’re first to get to the notice boards, the results were already posted up. Me and Taemin both looked for our names

‘YES! BYUL-A-NA MILK! LOOK LOOK LOOK!’ Taemin shouted very happy

Taemin pointed to his name... Taemin was ranked 55th out of 500 students with the mark of 80%...which is very damn good.

I chuckled and patted him on the head ‘That’s great! Congrats!’ I complimented

Taemin pouted with a light frown on his face which confused me

‘What’s with your pouting face?’ I questioned

‘Your patting me on the head like your my mother or something! But your Byul-a-na Milk! My closest friend! So it should be a hug!’ Taemin said whining

I rolled my eyes ‘That’s not happening.’ I stated

And so what made him so famous were his puppy dog eyes...why does he keep using them on me when he knows it never works?

‘You know…just one day your face WILL turn into a dog’ I joked

‘Byul-A-Na Milk is a Meanie!’ Taemin stated childishly

I ignored him and went back to searching for my Name on the notice Board. My ranking was 40th with the marks of 88%.

‘Oh! Byul you did great!’ Kahi complimented me

I smiled ‘thanks, Unnis sure aced the exam’ I said

Kahi rank was 6th with the marks of 96% and Uee was ranked 1st for full marks.

‘WHOA~ HYUNG YOUR IN TOP 10?! Amazing…’ Taemin exclaimed surprised

Jonghyun grinned ‘phahahaha I told you I could do it’ he said

We went to see what Jonghyun had got, he was ranked 9th with the marks of 94%. Kahi was surprised of course but nevertheless she was really happy.

-Jonghyun Pov –

The look on Kahi’s face when she saw my results made a bomb of happiness blew up inside of me. She was so happy and proud…did this mean she was really hoping that I would of won the bet? She wanted to go out with me? If that was the case then I can die as a happy man right now. Kahi smiled sweetly at me which I couldn’t help but to grin like an idiot while my ears were turning bright red…it was a normal reaction that I would get when I felt nervous or shy...for this moment I felt both

‘Congratulations Jonghyun’ Kahi said happily to me

‘It’s all worth it if it’s for you’ I said smiling

A bright blush made it to her face…F*** was she cute…but for some reason…there was a light prick of pain in my chest when I said those words…I wonder why. There was a minute of silence before Kahi took in a deep breath and looked at me shyly in the eye.

‘I-I Have a c-Confession to make’ Kahi stuttered her face turning more red

My heart started to speed up

‘N-Neh?’ I said trying to keep up with my cool image

 ‘T-To be honest… I-I had a-always being in-interested in you.’ Kahi confessed shyly ‘I-I’ve being liking you for a while now…’

My heart was now racing and it felt like it could crash any moment.

‘SHE LIKES ME! F*** YES SHE LIKE ME!’ I mentally screamed in pure joy

 ‘I’m sorry that I-I’ve always rejected your dates…I guess I was scared at the thought that…I-I could of being just like any other girl, that you would date and then end it.’ Kahi apologized

Well, I can’t blame her…I was well known for my playboy image.

‘But making that bet with you, to seeing the result of your hard word just for a date with me…it made me really happy. It made me feel more secure and confident in my feelings for you. So now I can say this to you whole heatedly…’ Kahi said smiling sweetly and lovingly at me ‘ Kim Jonghyun I love you.’

My eyes widened, my body froze and my heart felt like it had stopped...all for two reasons. One, I’m dead happy to hear from the girl who had my heart that she loved me…yes I can sure die happy now. But two, I felt a huge weight of guilt and pain in my chest as well as in my heart…why?...Because I’ve cheated that exam…it felt as if I’ve cheated and lied to her for her love. I know that I should just push these thoughts away and accept her love…but…I never want it to be this way to earn her love.

‘Is it really for Kahi or is it really for you’

My smiled dropped in to a slight frown, my head dropped a little in shame as I remembered Byul’s words.

‘In the end...till the very end…I was only being selfish.’ I thought to myself in great disappointment in myself.

Kahi’s smiled dropped as she held a worried expression on ‘Jonghyun are you okay?’ she asked voice full of worry

I looked up at her with a sad smile ‘I have a confession to make as well Kahi-ah’ I said

Kahi looked at me and remained quiet for me to continue on

‘I….I cheated…I cheated for this exam’ I said ‘I bought the answers and studied them’

I watch as Kahi’s expression turned surprised to…disappointment…and what I hated most…sadness. Kahi looked down at the ground…I guess she couldn’t look at me in the eye anymore…I mean If I was in her place I couldn’t either.

‘I’m Sorry. I’m really really sorry’ I apologized ‘but please understand…please understand that you're really important to me’

‘Then why?...why did you…’ Kahi whispered still looking down at the ground

‘Because...’ I paused as I lifted her chin up gently with my right hand making her look at me ‘I was desperate’

Kahi had confusion in her eyes.

‘At first I thought that it was just a crush that I had on you…so asking you out was something I could manage to do. But…but after the more time I’ve spent with you…my feeling knew more and more…so much that I couldn’t handle it. Because you’ve always turned me down, I thought that maybe you didn’t even have a slight interest in me I explained ‘ then…you suddenly made that bet with me. Honestly I was really happy because that would be my one time chance to finally show you my feelings. I really did try to study…but none of what it made sense to me, I couldn’t understand any little thing of it…so I grew very desperate…so I brought the exam answers and memorized it instead’

Kahi eyes softened hearing my reasons ‘If… you were so desperate…then why did you tell me?’ she asked

I gave her a small smile ‘Because…I felt I was being dishonest and selfish.’ I said ‘ And I can’t be like that to you.’

I looked away from Kahi…I knew I had lost my one and only chance with her…but…to be honest to her and to have her trust on me…was far more important then my selfishness.

‘Pabo…’ I heard Kahi said

I look back at her to see that she had a smile on…why was she smiling at me? Shouldn’t she be angry or upset?...but no… she had loving and sweet smile on…and it was directed to me

‘Pabo, I confessed to you my feelings and yet…after you confessed your wrong doings you didn’t even confessed your feelings…’ Kahi said ‘does that mean you don’t like me at all?’

I shook my head ‘of course I can never like you’ I stated ‘ because I love you’

The next thing I knew…Kahi threw her arms around me and was hugging me. I was startled and shocked by her action…but nevertheless hugged her tightly.

‘A-Aren’t you angry at me?’ I asked

Kahi laughed softly ‘For what? For you being honest with me?’ she stated ‘My boyfriend was being honest with me, If his honest then I’ll always forgive him’

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her with wide eyes ‘Boyfriend?’ I asked shocked ‘REALLY? REALLY I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND?!’

I was burst with happiness inside as I was jumping around and squealing like a happy fan girl.

- Your Pov-

I was more then happy that Jonghyun had chosen to be honest to Kahi. Heck I am super proud of him.

‘Hyung is like a love struck fan girl’ Taemin commented grinning widely

I chuckled and nod ‘Yeah…it’s creepy’ I said

We all congratulating on the new formed couple…but then my eyes looked over at Uee who was surely whole heartedly happy for Kahi…but in her eyes also held longing and envy.

‘Aishi…Key if you're planning something, please put it into actions now!’ I thought

‘Hey, where’s Key? His missing out a lot’ Onew said

- Uee Pov –

Ding Ding Ding~

Just as Onew had said that, the speaker was on for an announcement

Hello? Testing…123…

Wait…I recognize this voice…

‘Key?? Onew and Jungah questioned

This is Kim Ki Bum specking

The whole academy was silent, everyone was listening attentively to the speakers.

I would like to make confession. So I would like everyone to please stop whatever you're doing and listen to me.

His a serious dramatic and attention seeking queen isn’t he?

Especially you. Kim Yoo Jin.

My eyes widened as I hear my name, Byul, and the others all gave me a quick glance before looking back at the speakers.

Firstly I would like to say is…Sorry. I’m sorry Kim Yoo Jin. I shouldn’t have never say or even think of those hurtful words to you. I’m sorry for always had being a prick and a jerk to you. I’m sorry for always giving you a hard time and for you to always having to deal with me and my crap every day. I hope that you can find a way to forgive me…and I am willing to do whatever it is to earn your forgiveness.

Now for my confession. As you all may know…I have status issue, I always worry of my image and my reputation. …

‘Yes you do’ I thought to myself

I’ve always looked down on those who were lower status then me and I would treat them poorly. That is…until I finally meet you. Kim Yoo Jin.

My breath was caught in my throat as my heart was skipping beats

For some reason I always find myself every day to see you and start an argument with you. I know for someone like me, I should just be ignoring someone like you…

I looked sadly at the ground hearing his last sentence

But I can’t find myself to…because it had became a habit…a habit which I came to look forward to and cherish every moment of it.

‘Aww how Cute!’ Nana and Jungah squealed

My face was turning pink…I knew was I blushing now.

So when you ignored me and avoided having any conversation with me…I felt lost and lonely. It was killing me inside when you had told me that you would stop it all...especially…stopping your love for me.

He actually still remembers that?

Kim Yoo Jin…I know that it’s probably too late…or that you might be hating me now. But…but I want to make it clear to you and to the rest of the academy.

I Kim Ki Bum is in love with you.

There were many grasp and shocked looked from everyone in the hallways…heck I was shocked too.

I Kim Ki Bum is in love with a Commoner.

Kim Yoo Jin…you may be not my fan girl anymore…but that’s fine, Because…I Kim Ki Bum from now onwards…will be your Number one love crazed Fan Boy.

And I am willing to give up my image, my reputation,…and even my pride…to be with you.

Tears came down from my eyes…tears of happiness

Please Love me again. Thank You.

The speaker was turned off as every person who had heard the announcement was still in shock. My tears were falling more and more from how happy I felt inside. Key loves me. What more could I ask for?

‘Yah. Pabo. Why are you crying?’ I heard the love that I love very much

I rubbed the tears out of my eyes to clear my vision, standing in front of me was none other then the dramatic Prince himself…Key.

Key smiled at me before opening up his arms ‘Will you accept my love?’ he asked

Without hesitation, I went into his arms and hugged him tightly.

‘NEH!’ I cried

Sounds of clapping and cheering erupted through the hallways.

- Your Pov-

Seems like there were 2 happy ending today and I couldn’t be more happier then how it had turned out. Aishi…Key and Jonghyun were both really too damn cheesy though...

‘Congratulations guys. Please always be happy from now on’ I thought happily

Everyone was clapping and cheering for the two new couples that were formed.

‘Noon Ki Byul!’ I heard someone called me

I turn around to find it was the Headmaster’s secretary, the lady who had shown me the academy. I bowed politely and stood back up straight…I wonder what was going on…

‘Please report to the headmaster’s office immediately…it is urgent!’ She said, her voice was serious but at the same time full or worry

I nod and headed to the headmaster’s office, without letting anyone notice…I wouldn’t want to disturb the happy atmosphere.

- Headmaster Office-

I came into the office and gave a polite bow before facing the headmaster

‘Sir, you wanted to see me’ I said

The headmaster had the same expression as the secretary…it was serious yet full of worries and also sympathy…why was he giving me that look?

‘Noon Ki Byul…I just had a report from your village…’ The Headmaster said with hesitation  ‘they are undergoing…a flood’

At that very moment my whole world came crashing down on me. My mind was blank, my heart stopped beating and my breath was caught in my throat….

‘What?...there is a flood…in the village?’ my mind was processing

Tears poured out from my eyes as it clicked into my mind. My chest was filled with mix feelings of pain, panic, worry, and fear…I broke down at that very moment. I was sobbing on my knees on the ground, the secretary was trying to calm me down but none of her actions or words of comfort got through to me.

‘LET ME GET BACK HOME!’ I cried in agony

‘M-Miss---’ ‘PLEASE LET ME GET BACK HOME!’ I begged as my tears were endless







Of course hearing my cries and shouting surprised the headmaster and the secretary. There was only sound of my crying in the office, the headmaster and the secretary didn’t say anything…that was until the headmaster broke it.

‘Have the jet ready’ the headmaster ordered, the secretary nod and ran out of the room? The headmaster then looked down at me ‘ 2 weeks’

I looked up at the headmaster through my tears

‘2 weeks. I’ll let you go for 2 weeks and then you’ll come back here. Understand?’ the headmaster questioned

I wiped my tears away furiously while nodding ‘T-Thank You’ I choked up before running outside

Everyone please wait for me

- Taemin Pov –

I was happily clapping and cheering for Key and Jonghyun, I was really happy for them.

‘Byul-a-na Milk this is so awesome right?’ I asked Byul

I received no reply from Byul…I stopped clapping and looked around…

‘Where is she?’ I thought

I couldn’t see Byul through the large crowd that was in the halls…but I swore she was right next to me before…

‘Maybe she went to the restrooms’ I thought before continuing to congratulate my Hyungs.

-That Night-

There was a celebration in the dorm, everyone was partying for the new couples…though…where was Byul?

‘Hey has anyone seen Byul-a-na Milk?’ I asked

This caught everyone’s attention

‘Now that you mentioned it…I haven’t seen her after the result was posted up…’ Nana said

‘Maybe she’s in her tree house…’ Minho said…

I nod ‘I’ll go get her then~’ I said happily running out the dorm

I went to Byul’s tree house and knocked on her door as well as calling her out her name…but there wasn’t even sounds of movement or her replying to me…

‘She couldn’t be sleeping now could she?’ I thought

But if she was sleeping…I should let her right?

‘SWEET DREAMS BYUL-A-NA MILK!’ I shouted and returned back to the dorm.

-The Next Day-

I got up and hurried to get ready.

'Yah Taemin don't forget to bring your jacket' Key said casually, he was making breakfast

'Neh~' I said cheerfully, running out of the door.

I ran towards Byul's Tree house, since I didn't get to see her yesterday today I’ll be waking her up and make up the lost time we missed yesterday. I smiling evilly, then knocking and shouting her name loudly.

- Hours later-

'YAH! BYUL-A-NA MILK! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!' I shouted, but there was no reply.

I was getting slightly angry because I had been outside shouting for her for about 2 hours, usually she'd be opening the door and scolded me in 10 minutes. So I was left with no other choice but to.....

'Pick lock~' I thought in my mind.

The door popped open, I smiled to myself pound. The living room and Kitchen were both empty, so I made my way up the stairs.

'BYUL-A-NA MILK!' I shouted as I bust into her bedroom.

My smile dropped when my sight was greeted with an empty room.

'Huh? Where is she?' I thought confused.

'Byul-a-na Milk, Yah! Where are you?!' I called, hoping that she might be playing hide and seek with me.

After a while of searching, she wasn't around.

'Maybe she went to class early...' I thought and made my way towards the academy.

-Uee Pov -

'Where's Byul?' Kahi asked getting worried.

'Taemin is not here too, maybe he wanted to ditch class' Jonghyun said.

We were in Music class.

'But I thought royals were supposed to have perfect attendance' I said.

This made everyone silent.

‘Mr. Lee Taemin your late!' The teacher exclaimed

Everyone turned their attention towards the front. Taemin had just come in, but what caught our attention, it was that he fact he was looking around the room for someone.

'Byul's not here?' Taemin exclaimed.

This made me and Kahi stood up from our seats.

'WAIT! BYUL'S NOT WITH YOU?!' Kahi shouted

Taemin shook his head.

Would all royals, Miss Park Ji Young and Miss Kim Yoo Jin come to the Head Master's Office.

-3rd Person Pov -

The royals, Kahi and Uee came to the Headmaster office.

‘Headmaster you called for us?' Minho said.

‘Neh, Miss Noon Ki Byul---''BYUL?!' Taemin exclaimed cutting the Headmaster off.

Onew and Jonghyun both had their hands over Taemin's mouth shutting him up.

'Sorry, please continue' Minho said.

'Miss Noon Ki Byul won't be able to attending for 2 weeks, due to important matters which I’ll let her to explain to you' the headmaster said.

'2 WEEKS?!' Everyone exclaimed.

'Neh, and that is all, you may return to your classes' the headmaster said.

-Taemin Pov -

I was still processing what was happening... BYUL IS GOING TO BE GONE FOR 2WEEKS?! 2 WEEKS! There was a heavy feeling in my chest which I didn't like.

'Why would Byul be gone for 2 weeks?' Onew asked.

Everyone thought for a moment but they had no idea.

'Wait! Doesn’t Byul have a phone?' Key said.

This made my head shot up and hugged him, he was brilliant!

'WE HAVE TO CALL HER!!! NOW!' I shouted.

'Oh......' Kahi cursed.

'What’s wrong baby?' Jonghyun asked with worry.

'I NEVER EXPLAINED TO HER WHAT A DAMN PHONE WAS!!!! !' Kahi shouted and face palm herself.

Everyone jaws drops probably because the fact that Byul didn't know what a phone was ....THIS MEAN SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE! I was feeling that heavy feeling again but this time worst.

'How could she just leave me? She didn't even tell me!!' I thought to myself feeling a little betrayed.

'We can't contact her and we don't know her where a rounds!' Uee said worry taking over.

'What happens if she's in some kind of trouble?!' Nana added

‘She doesn't know what kind of world is out there!' Jungah added

'Yah! Don’t just think of the bad things!' Key said.

Minho nod agreeing with Key 'Don't forget about her unbelievable strength' he said.

'And she's capable of taking care of herself' Minho reasoned.

'There's no use worrying and stressing over it, we'll just have to wait for her to come back or any news of her.' Jonghyun said.

The girls nod slowly still worried about Byul.

'That applies spectrally for you, Taemin' Onew said, looking at me.

I remained quiet, I didn't like the idea, but I knew I had no other choice.

'Neh' I muttered but the others heard it.

We all walked back to class, Key walked next to me and patted me on the back.

'Yah, don't look so down, it's just going to be how it used to be before she came' Key said.

Before Byul came, I was always around Boa-ah but now boa has a boyfriend and I wouldn't want for there to be any trouble for her.

'Neh' I mumbled anyway, just so Key would let me off

- Week Later- 

I wasn't use to the fact that Byul isn't around anymore. It bothered and annoyed me to no end, I hated the fact that I have an empty seat next to me, I hate the fact that I couldn't talk about random and personal things to someone, I hate the fact that there's no one to scold or get annoyed with me...I hate how she's not around and calling me Dog Face.

'Taemin lets go eat' Key said, standing at the door with Uee.

'Nah, I’m going back to the dorm, you guys go ahead and eat' I said.

Everyone knew that I was not okay about Byul's absent, even after when they all tried to make me feel better, it just wasn't the same as how Byul would do it.

Uee looked worrying at me, I forced reassuring smile at them ' See you guys later' I said and left the classroom.

- Uee Pov -

It was hard to pretend that things are normal when Byul isn't around, it hurt and pained me, Kahi, and the others, but I knew that Taemin had it worse.

Key put an arm around me probably saw that I was sad.

‘C’mon lets go still have to eat and maintain your health' Key said.

I nod and followed him.

- Your Pov-



I stopped hammering when I heard my name being called.

'Hmm? What’s the matter?' I asked the kids who had called me.

'Byul Unni! Look look' said the little girl, showing me a tomato.

'Whoa! It grew so much, that’s great' I said smiling at her.

'Yah! Byul take a rest' one of the builders said.

'No, I’m almost done with this one' I said continue to work.

Today I was helping the builders to rebuild the houses. It turned out when I came back, everyone was safe. No one was hurt or more importantly died, I was beyond happy.

'Byul are you sure it's okay for you to be here?' another worker asked me.

'Neh, I got permission to come here after all' I said.

'Aren't you going to get held behind on your studies if you're here?' the workers questioned me.

'I can catch up, this is more important than grades' I said smiling.

'But...what about your friends? Wouldn’t they be worried?' another worker said.

'Its fine, I sent a letter 3 days ago ' I said.

- Taemin Pov -

I got back to the dorm and opened the door.

‘I hate this...' I thought countless times.

I then stepped on an envelope that was in front of the door

‘A letter? we don't get letters now a days...' I thought

I picked it up and looked at it.

For Everyone

From: Noon Ki Byul

My eyes widen at her name. BYUL SENT A LETTER! I instantly ripped the letter open and read it.

Hey guys,

Sorry if I worried you guys, but I had to leave urgently because my village needs me right now. I’ll explain everything once I’m back which will probably be for a while.

Ps. Just wanna sent you this letter to let you guys know I’m okay and not dead.


I was relieved that she was okay and safe but I was disappointed that she won't be back for another week.

‘I should tell the others about this' I thought

- 3rd Person Pov -

- Abandon Building-

'Heheheh we should pay those rich snobs and royal bastards a visit'

'Phahaha we should rob them empty'

'That academy is heavily guarded though....’

‘That’s not a problem as long as we hold one of the student hostage'

The guys nod 'it'll be easy considering how much of a snob they are' 

'Heheheh and we should get a few of those girls, I heard their all hot there'

‘We’ll start our plan soon'

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Chapter 36: Totally awesome omgomg I read all in one go. Cried. And like omg

kjll9922 #2
Chapter 37: is it possible for you to continue chunji and l.joe's story? :") im a fan
carla23 #3
Chapter 36: wahhhhh..........thank you so much thor
Chapter 35: This is daebak really ♥♥♥ I've been looking for such an amazing jjangjjang fic like this~♡ thank you authornim! ~^^~
flyhigh09 #5
SawahTheSelecao #7
Chapter 35: Awe, I'm kind of sad its over but I'm really glad that it ended the way it did. I truely loved this story, thank you so so much for sharing it with us all. You are a very talented author, thanks again c:
carla23 #8
Chapter 35: wowww.... thanks verry story