Chapter 7 – How The Nicknames Started + The Girl/ Guy Talk = Match Made In Dictionary

The Old Fashioned Princess

- A Month later-                                                                             

- Your Pov-

I wished I could go back in time and stop myself from doing certain things…number 1 would be…to have never told Taemin I would be there for him and Number 2 Never had agreed to go to this academy…Why? The word cling wouldn’t be the correct word anymore to decide the annoying attachment of Taemin to me. No,…Its super glue. You would think the most he could of done was a month ago…No. You’re deadly wrong. Taemin had develop a new habit of breaking into my Tree house every. single .damn. Morning. Even on Weekends…just to wake me up and to have breakfast with me. The only time I would be at peace without him is when I have Science or my 8 hour sleep at night….7 days in a week and I spend 14 – 16 hours with him… Because of this attachment some people even thought that we were together…like a couple, which I am greatly disgusted by. There had being no scene of Boa, even if sometimes I wish there was so Taemin would go to her instead…but that would be too cruel. Did I do something wrong in my last life?

- Double Sport Lesson –

Everyone was outside on the basketball court, today the sport is basketball…what hell is basketball? The couch wasn’t strict this lesson, he allowed everyone to choose their own teams and to have free play and it was obvious that the royals, Uee and Kahi we were on a court together.

‘5 vs. 5, who’s teaming with who?’ Minho asked

Taemin who was next to me grinned as he hugged my arm ‘I’M WITH BYUL-A-NA MILK!’ Taemin declared happily

‘No Dog Face. No’ I rejected annoyed

Byul-a-na Milk and Dog Face were somewhat nicknames that we gave each other…

-Flash Back-

It was the weekend which meant no classes. I was in my kitchen blending up bananas, making banana milk. Kahi had Art Club right now and Uee was studying, Jungah and Nana went out on dates with their boyfriends, so this means I had a day to myself…or so I thought.

BYUL~ Knock BYUL~ Knock BYUL~ Knock

I heard an annoying voice shouted outside my door along with sounds of knocking

‘Go away Taemin, it’s my peace day today’ I stated

‘Lets spend peace day together~!’ Taemin said excited

‘The term peace defines No Taemin’ I said irritated.

There was silence which I smiled to myself happily…


The door opened as Taemin grinned victoriously

‘HI BYUL!’ He greeted me again grinning proudly


I gave Taemin a stern look ‘You did not just broke into my house…’ I said darkly

But to my dark tone he only smiled brightly and ran into the kitchen, standing next to me as he was looking at what I was doing.

‘What are you doing Byul?’ he asked me

‘Taemin. Don’t you dare break into my house again. You hear me!’ I said glaring at him

‘But You didn’t open the door when Taeminnie was knocking’ he stated innocently

This guy…this guy is really something…a very very very very Daebak idiot.

I gritted my teeth ‘ Have the thought that I don’t want to let you in ever crossed your mind’ I stated

Taemin blinked at me like an innocent kid who didn’t know the meaning of no, before smiling brightly

‘But Byul wants to spend time with Taeminnie so Taeminnie let himself in!’ he declared

 If this was the game of holding in your frustration…then I am damn K.Oed

‘so what are you doing?’ he asked again, looking at my kitchen bench which was filled with dozen of bunches of bananas and carton of milks. ‘ that’s a lot of b bananas and milk’

‘I’m making Banana Milk’ I said as I continue to blend the bananas

Taemin eyes widen suddenly which made me gave him a weird look, he then suddenly squealed out in happiness

‘TAEMINNIE LOVES BANANA MILK! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY~’ He declared very happy and was jumping around

Taemin looked at a carton which I had already filled it with my freshly made Banana milk.

‘Oh hell no…first my house now my Banana milk…NO. JUST GOT SERIOUS!’ I thought alarmed

I snatched the carton away from him

‘No. their mine’ I stated possessively.

Taemin pouted ‘There’s a lot! Taeminnie wants to try one’ he said

I shook my head. He pouted more. I shook my head. He did his puppy dog eyes. I glared

‘No’ I said firmly ‘ if you want Banana Milk. Go and buy one yourself’

‘No! Taeminnie wants Byul’s Banana Milk!’ He stated pouting

He was like a spoiled kid…I can blame Key for this after all his the ‘Umma’ of this ‘Child’.

‘I said no!’ I repeated angrily ‘Banana Milk IS MINE!’


From the sound of the blender made, that told me it was done got me distracted, which was a chance for Taemin to snatch the carton from my hands and ran away. Realizing what just happened I was angry as I chased Taemin around the Kitchen bench

‘TAEMIN GIVE IT BACK TO ME!’ I shouted angrily

‘MERONG~!’ he stuck his tongue out at me

I got angrier as I pounced at him and tackled him to the ground, we start to roll around on the floor as we were fighting for the carton of milk

‘TAEMIN LET GO!’ I shouted as I sitting on top of him not letting go of the carton.

We rolled again this time Taemin was on top of me

‘NO!’ he shouted back stubbornly

We rolled again and I was back on top

‘YAH! I MADE THIS!’ I shouted

This continue on for a while…when suddenly back of Taemin’s head hit onto my living room’s table making him let go of the carton. I quick took the carton and jumped up from the ground. I grinned proudly at myself while walking back into the kitchen but…I stopped in my tracks as I heard a soft whimper like the sound that came from a small puppy when it’s being hurt. I turn around…Taemin sat up while rubbing the back of this head, his expression showed pain and sadness…he whimpered from the pain he felt on the back of his head. I clutched the carton in my hand tight…the look he had on his face…

I groaned ‘All of this happened just cause of banana milk…AISHI!’ I thought frustrated in my mind

I went to the fridge and got a lot of ice, putting them into a bag and tied it up. I walked back over to Taemin and kneeled in front of him

‘Where does it hurt?’ I questioned

Now that I was close to him I could see his eyes were slightly teary, the impact must of hurt a lot.

‘Here’ he whimpered rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head

I removed his hand and placed the ice pack there

‘Hold on to it. The pain will lessen’ I said

He nod and held onto the ice pack. I watched him as he was holding on to the ice pack…

‘Aishi…now I feel bad’ I thought as I mentally slap myself

I went back into the kitchen, I removed the lid from the carton, and poured the milk into a cup…I returned back into the living room and held the cup out in front of Taemin

‘Here’ I stated

Taemin looked at me before looking at the cup in my hand, with his other spare hand he took it and sip a bit of it. He eyes widen when the milk was in his mouth

‘ITS YUMMY!’ he shouted before gulped the whole cup down

He smiled brightly up at me again ‘Byul’s Banana Milk is the best!’ he said

‘of course it is’ I stated returning back into the kitchen

‘Byul-a-na Milk’ I heard Taemin said

I snapped my attention back to him ‘What did you just say’ I said in a deadly tone

Taemin grinned and nod proudly to himself ‘Byul-a-na Milk. It suits you!’ he said happily

I glared at him ‘Yah! Don’t call me that!’ I hissed

He only grinned wider at me ‘ Byul-a-na Milk’ he called

I growled ‘YAH! YOU DAMN DOG FACE STOP IT!’ I shouted

Taemin looked at me surprised before smiled widely at me while I gave him a confused look

‘why was he looking at me like that…’ I thought

‘but…Why Dog face?’ he questioned

I soon then realized it…I just made a nickname for Taemin…Dog Face…yea it suits him…him and his endless puppy dog eyes and puppy like whimpering.

- End Flash Back-

I shook my head at the memory

‘Whichever team I am in, as long as I’m not with him’ I said glaring at Taemin

Taemin pouted ‘Taeminnie wants to team up with Byul-a-na Milk’ he said stubbornly

But in the end the team turned out like this.

Team 1







Team 2






Taemin of course was complaining and whining. My team explained to me the rules and how Basketball works, it sounded pretty fun and interesting, so I was excited…though the game didn’t turn out how I would of expected it to be…

‘Yah! Taemin! You can’t do that!’ Nana stated a little surprised

I had the ball and was looking to see who I can pass it to but all of a sudden Taemin came running to me and tackled into a hug from behind, from the sudden impact that he had jumped onto my back made me threw the ball to Jonghyun.

‘WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!’ I shouted angry as I glared at Taemin

Taemin grinned at me ‘That’s for not being on the same team as Taeminnie!’ he stated childishly

Everyone face palmed…Taemin…is not in his right age of mind. Jonghyun smirked as he had the ball, he dribble to the other end of the court where we shoot to score, Kahi was standing there as a defense. She put up her guard as Jonghyun was coming closer but he suddenly stopped and held the ball up high

‘Babe, if you want it, you’ll have to get it’ Jonghyun said in a seducing voice which made everyone eyes twitched

Kahi shot Jonghyun a disturbed look but tried to get the ball. She jumped to grab the ball but Jonghyun would hold it far to the opposite direction from her. Kahi was getting annoyed because she wasn’t tall enough and that Jonghyun was just enjoying this…but Kahi smirked as Key came from behind Jonghyun and stole the ball.

‘YAH! HYUNG!’ Jonghyun whined, upset that Key had ruin his fun.

‘Save your flirting off the courts Dinosaur’ Key teased smirking as he dribbled the opposite direction.

But as Key was dribbling, Uee ran pass him and had successfully stole the ball from him.

Key glared at Uee ‘YAH! THAT’S A FOUL!’ he shouted angrily

Uee stopped in her spot as she threw the ball to Onew and went munching back, face to face with Key.

‘NO, it’s not!’ Uee protested

‘YES, IT IS!’ Key shouted back

‘NO, IT’S NOT!’ Uee retorted loudly

‘YES, IT IS YOU CHEATER!’ Key angrily snapped

‘LEARN THE RULES YOU DUMMY!’ Uee countered loudly

Well…here goes another long argument.

‘This basketball game…is it often this…hectic?’ I wondered out loud

Nana, Minho, Jungah and Onew shook their heads ‘This is a love quarrel not basketball’ they stated as they watched the childish behavior from their team members.

‘Key and Uee ….And Jonghyun and Kahi are what you would….’Jungah started

‘Define. Match Made In Dictionary’ Nana finished Jungah’s sentence.

We all nod agreeing while watching the display of argument from one couple while the other couple displayed a playboy getting rejected…

‘May Fate Bliss Them…’We commented.

- End Of Class-

I got changed and waited outside for Uee, Kahi, Jungah and Nana…but big problem was Taemin was already there waiting for me.

He grinned widely ‘BYUL-A-NA MILK~ Lets have Lunch together’ he said happily while hugging my arm

‘No’ I said grabbing on to anything that will save me from being dragged off…

‘Aww c’mon Byul-a-na milk! My treat’ he said pouting

I shook my head ‘No!’ I said again still holding onto a doorframe

‘Not today Taemin’ came a voice

I smiled happily ‘Your guys are finally out’ I said

‘Taemin, today we’re going to Byul’s place to have lunch. So you can go and eat lunch with your Hyungs’ Nana said

Taemin stopped smiling for a moment before his smile came back ‘then Taeminnie will join too!’ he declared smiling

The girls have him a blank look before shaking their heads

‘No Taemin. It’s our girl time, so no boys’ Kahi said

Taemin frowned and pouted ‘No! Taeminnie wants to eat lunch with Byul-a-na Milk!’ he said stubbornly

‘You always cling to her Taemin! Let her have time with her Noonas!’ Jungah said crossing her arms

Taemin shook his head ‘No!’  He said stubbornly

‘You don’t have a Choice Taemin’ came a voice behind Taemin

It was Minho, and behind him were the other guys. Jonghyun and Onew held Taemin by the arms

‘Your having lunch with us. Without Byul.’ The guys said

Taemin tried to get out of their holds ‘No! No! No! Taeminnie wants to have lunch with Byul-a-na Milk!’ He argued but was being ignored and dragged away

I let out a sigh of relief and happiness ‘Lets go to my place now’ I said smiling

- Tree House-

We sat and eat in my living room.

‘So where’s life heading?’ Nana asked while eating

‘I’m on the highway to hell if that answers your question’ I responded while eating

They all laughed at me

‘Phahahaha speak the obvious why don’t you’ Jungah said laughing. But then stopped and smiled at me ‘But why do you hate Taemin so much?’

I looked at her and shook my head ‘It’s not that I hate him…it’s just…his really annoying…very clingy…and doesn’t understand the word ‘shut up’…’ I answered honestly

They nod in understanding before changing the topic, Jungah and Nana were both grinning at Kahi and Uee who had a look of confusion on

‘So…where’s life heading with the Playboy and Drama Queen’ Nana asked with a teasing smile.

‘Well,…Jonghyun has endless pickup lines…which…’ Kahi paused because she could help but to twitch at the remembrance of how cheesy and disturbed most of Jonghyun pickup lines are… ‘lets just say it’s cheesy and too disturbing to even mention or wanted to be remembered.’

‘But you know...I think it’s about time you accept him’ Nana suggested smiling ‘his finally taking someone really serious’

Kahi blushed while we all grinned at her

‘Yeah, he stopped flirting and checking out girls ever since he knew you. And that from him…that’s like an a miracle’ Jungah added

We nod agreeing with Jungah.

‘Really? You really think I should?’ Kahi questioned

‘Yeah girl after more than a month of chasing after you and begging you…I think its time’ Nana said grinning

Uee and Jungah nod agreeing, Kahi then looked at me to see my response.

‘It’s entirely up to you Kahi. If you feel that his worth it then you should go for it’ I said smiling

Kahi was in deep thought ‘I guess I’ll accept him then….but… I can’t just suddenly accept him…it’ll just boost his ego way too much’ she said

Everyone was silent deep in thought

‘Oh!’ Jungah exclaimed having an idea ‘ there’s an exam coming up soon, why not make a bet with him on it’

‘He buys his grades though’ Kahi stated

‘The more reason to go with that idea!’ Nana stated happily ‘if he actually studies and do this exam then it proves his willing to be hard working for you!’

Uee and Jungah nod agreeing with Nana and once again Kahi looked at me

‘Go with whatever you feel like’ I said smiling ‘in the end you’ll always have us to support and welcome you with open arms if things don’t go as you expect them to be’

Kahi smiled ‘thanks guys!’ she said happily

‘Well, how about you and Mr. Diva?’ Nana asked grinning

 ‘I guess it’s a never ending fan girl chasing after her dream Kingka’ Uee stated

‘Aww You're doing such a great job!’ Nana said smiling

Kahi nod and smiled ‘keep it up, I won’t be long before he’ll finally accept you’ she said proud

Uee smiled ‘You really think so?’ she asked

‘We know so’ we all said

Uee smiled happily. They all then directed their attention towards me and had a huge grin on their faces.

‘What?’ I questioned blinking confusingly at them

‘Donsaeng~ you should find yourself a man~’ Jungah said happily ‘ Actually doesn’t the idea of your guy could be Taemin?’

I shook my head ‘that never crossed my mind.’ I answered honestly ‘but then again…dating him is like dating at 5 year old…I don’t want to be a e!’

They laughed

‘But seriously Byul… Taemin is the one for you’ Uee said with a genuine smile

‘You may not see it…but you change him. In a good way.’ Nana said smiling

I blinked a couple of times ‘I changed him?’ I thought

-Taemin Pov –

I was not happy. Not at all.

‘Yah stop pouting like a spoil child Taemin and get over it’ Key said

‘But I wanted to eat with Byul-a-na Milk!’ I whined

‘Give the girl some space and time for herself, man. It’s not like you’re her obsessive boyfriend or anything’ Jonghyun joked

‘But I’m her closest best friend!’ I stated

‘Just leave him be’ Minho said rolling his eyes

While eating, we would often joked around and talk about random things…though for some reason Jonghyun was being really quiet…which is not a normal thing. Normally he would comment or blab about girls…but I’ve realized that it’s been over a month he hasn’t being flirting or picking up girls…all beside Kahi Noona.

‘Yah, Why so quiet Jonghyun? Normally you would be the one to never shut up’ Key joked

Jonghyun let out a depressing sigh ‘I got rejected again…’ he said

We all looked at each other

‘Don’t you always?’ Onew stated

‘Yeah. But…but I really really was hoping she would accept me this time. I mean I’ve been trying really hard’ Jonghyun said

‘That’s true…you’ve stop flirting and picking up random girls…’ Minho said nodding ‘I guess you’ll just have to give her time and be patient’

Jonghyun nod ‘I guess your right…’ he said, before grinning ‘she’s so beautiful today!!!’

We all rolled our eyes and chuckled at Jonghyun. I knew for sure that Jonghyun was lovesick.

‘What about you. Shouldn’t you being considering to accept Uee now?’ Minho asked looking at Key

Key rolled his eyes and crossed his arms ‘tch. I’ll never accept someone like her!’ he said

‘Why’s that? She’s a great catch you know’ Jonghyun said grinning

‘You only say that because she’s close and best friend with your girl’ Key stated

‘I’ll have to agree with Jonghyun though. Uee is someone you shouldn’t let go of’ Onew said

‘I’ll never date a commoner!’ Key said serious

I sometime really do hate Key Hyung’s Status issues…or maybe it’s just course I’ve been greatly influenced by Byul.

‘Status is not everything Key.’ Minho said

‘Of course I know that. But, to me I won’t date anyone that’s going to ruin my image! And that’s final’ Key stated

‘Fine. But don’t nag and whine to us when you regret it’ Jonghyun said

‘Tsk Tsk it’s not me who has a problem’ Key stated before looking at me and smirked ‘I think Our little Taeminnie is the one that has it big time’

I pouted ‘Hyung don’t drag me into this’ I said

‘Well, that is true…Taemin are you sure you're not in love with Byul? Onew asked me

My mouth dropped how could my Hyungs even ask me that

‘Hyung! You know that me and Byul-a-na Milk are only friends!’ I exclaimed ‘besides! I only llike Boa-ah!’

For some strange reason I’ve been noticing that every time I mention Boa’s name Hyungs and Noonas would seem to lose interest or were just annoyed by it. I never knew why…maybe they were just annoyed and irritated that I would always talk about her and nothing else…so I guess that was understanding.

‘Seriously Taemin…you really have to open up your eyes and see what’s in front of you and know what’s important…’ Minho said

Key, Jonghyun, and Onew nod agreeing with Minho

‘Yeah…or you also might regret it later too’ Jonghyun said

I tilt my head to the side and blinked a couple of times…I was confused at what they were trying to say

‘What do you mean?’ I questioned

They let out a sigh and shook their heads ‘ Never mind. You’ll understand one day’ they all said at once

‘That is…when it’s not too late’ Jonghyun commented.

-That Night-

- Your Pov-

I was laying on my bed like a starfish, it was 10 at night. I didn’t feel sleepy or had anything to do so I was laying around and had a recap of what happened today. Through the highlight of today would be the talk that we girls had. I don’t mind if Jonghyun and Kahi, and Uee and Key were together, actually I really support it,…but…I knew there will be serious problems that will occur.

I let out a sigh ‘Hopefully both ways you guys can deal with your problems in the future’ I said to myself

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Chapter 36: Totally awesome omgomg I read all in one go. Cried. And like omg

kjll9922 #2
Chapter 37: is it possible for you to continue chunji and l.joe's story? :") im a fan
carla23 #3
Chapter 36: wahhhhh..........thank you so much thor
Chapter 35: This is daebak really ♥♥♥ I've been looking for such an amazing jjangjjang fic like this~♡ thank you authornim! ~^^~
flyhigh09 #5
SawahTheSelecao #7
Chapter 35: Awe, I'm kind of sad its over but I'm really glad that it ended the way it did. I truely loved this story, thank you so so much for sharing it with us all. You are a very talented author, thanks again c:
carla23 #8
Chapter 35: wowww.... thanks verry story