O1 The Chaser, Park Rin.

I like him, but he's AFRAID of women


Girls. I absolutely cannot stand them. Thus, resulting me
to be in a school with all boys. At the age of 12, I developed a phobia called "gynophobia,"
which means "fear of women." Whenever girls get close to me, my breathing tightens, making
me struggle to breathe, which could result to death, obviously. Since I have gynophobia, which will
never go away, I might as well turn gay, right? No point in trying to fall in love with a girl.

Anyways, I have a all girls school just across from this one. No girls can get in this school, since there's a 
guard, guarding the gate. I have a few friends here, but my closest friend would be Woohyun. It used to be
Sungyeol, but he moved to California. Anyways, it's such a nice, and calm day at A.B.HS, like always until he dared me..

= = = = = = = = = = = = = 

"Hey hey, L. You're always in your own world. You dreamin' about your gynophobia to go away?" Woohyun asked, while
throwing a chip in his mouth, chewing it awkwardly loud. "No. I was dreaming about how you weren't annoying. Life would've
been better." I joked around, making him dramatically gasp. He then suddenly smirked, and stood up. "You up for dares?" I
stared at him, and shook my head. "Why? Don't be such a chicken!" He slapped my back. 

"It's pretty risky, but since your good at not getting caught.. maybe you could help ya pal' get some ramen noodles? Please,
I'm freakin' craving! I feel like I'm a women on her period! Come on L, just once, do this for me!" Woohyun pleaded. At first,
I didn't care at all, and was about to leave, but the moment he used that horrible aegyo on me, I had to do it. "Fine.." I stupidly
accepted his dare, as he jumped and gave me a brofist.  "Do it at night, when the girls are sleeping. I'm sure you won't get caught."
"Yeah yeah, whatever."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = 


"Night Rin." My best friend, Eunmi yawned loudly and collapsed on her bed.
I whispered back "night" to her, and lied on my bed. I tried to sleep, but it seems like I couldn't.
I was hungry in the middle of the night, darn my stomach. I lazily rolled off my bed, and fell onto the cold floor.

Surprisingly, Eunmi didn't wake up. I then struggled to get up, so I grabbed onto the most nearby object near me, and pulled myself up.
I then quietly, and slowly, walked out and went to the food storage room.
"Damn. It's locked." I heard someone whisper.  Her voice was... oddly deep.

Guess she went through a major puberty upgrade. I calmly walked towards the light switch, and turned it on.
I froze right on that spot as I saw a guy standing right infront of me. His light brown hair that shimmered, even though it was still dark,
and his dark brown eyes that locked onto mine with.. fear? He gasped, and ran as fast as he could.

"Hey! Wait!" I hollered. I stomped my foot angrily. I just wanted to get his name. He was quite charming..
but he stared at me in horror. As if I was a monster. Tch. My hair doesn't look that bad. 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = 

I meaninglessly stared outside the window, looking at A.B.HS that was across from us. "Hey buddy, what'cha doin'?" Eunmi twirled
around my desk, and stared outside the window, too. "I'm looking for someone, okay. None of your business. Back off, please."
She frowned and sat on my desk. "Come on~ don't tell me you found a cute guy."  

I rolled my eyes, feeling sickness from her flirtatious mood. "Look. Just--" My eyes widened as I saw the guy from yesterday. I squished my face onto the window, and scratched the glass, making it eerily screech. "I-I found him!" I grinned.  I opened the window, 
was prepared to jump off (and carelessly break my bones), but Eunmi grabbed my wrist. "Woah, just send the dude a letter!"

"I don't know his name, that's the problem!" I slapped both of my hands onto my cheeks. She checked outside the window for 
about a minute, then shook her head. "His name is Myungsoo and he has a ph--" I embraced her and whispered, "Thank you!" 
After pulling out of the hug, I rummaged through my backpack to find my pen & paper, at last, I found it.






- few months later -

"I want ramen noodles!" Woohyun whined. "Shut up. I got caught already, so why don't you try?" He rubbed his chin and
grinned. "I'd be a pimp over there. Then again, I heard all the girls over there a crazy, so no thanks."

"Come on--" 
"Sorry for the rude interruption to all classes but we need Kim Myungsoo, to the office, now. I repeat, Kim Myungsoo, office, now.
Thank you. Continue onto your activities."  I gulped. "Hope I'm not in trouble." 
"Don't worry, he's just tryna scare all of your pubic hair away. I bet he just needs something from ya. Good luck man!" 

"Here. We received a letter that was written for you, from one of the students in A.G.HS." I nodded, and slowly opened the letter,
curiosity engulfing my whole body.  

Dear Myungsoo,



I want you to know that I have instantly fell in love with you. Hehe. I couldn't help it. You were quite charming.
Anyways.. how come you stared at me with such horrified eyes? Was it because I had no makeup? Well, don't worry!
Your my target, and I'll make you mine, just watch!~

Rin, a.k.a, the girl you saw yesterday.

I ripped the letter, and turned towards the trash can near the door..I was frightened so much.
Because she was right there.
And at this moment, at the age of 18, I knew my life is going to be screwed, by a girl who's 35% obsessed with me so far.


guise. first chapter. woot for me typing this late at night. sorry if there's mistakes. 
was the chapter long enough? and yes i understand it's boring so far. it's the beginning okay, leave me alone. ;AAA;

I don't like silent readers.
You guys make me cry in a corner.
Come on.
I promise I reply to comments. ;v;



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Chapter 1: Please update!^^
Chapter 1: lol
rin is fawny~!! XD
but cute too!! ^^
and i have a feeling that this love story is going to be funny and cute XD
update soon~!!