
My Little Love

A/N This posters credits: bixii_ from :: EXOTIC GROUNDS ::
And I swear that the story sounded much better in my head. xD Well, I'll re-write it when I'm not too lazy which means after a year or two. xD



-Is she really going to stay here?
–What do you want us to do, leave her outside?
-No, but we could take her to the police, her parents must be looking for her.
– No! They'll just send her to an orphanage!
-But we can’t keep her! – Onew said angrily. Everyone in the room looked at him accusingly, and a loud cry was heard after the shouts. He sighed and ruffed his hair nervously as he watched Key slightly shaking the baby in his arms as the other three cooing something and making strange faces at the child.
SHINee just finished promoting their new mini-album Sherlock and now they can take at least a week break before they start working on their new project. After the last interview today, they were all happy that they can go home and sleep for a day or two, but when they  got out of the van in front of the building was waiting a surprise.
In a small basket with a blanket was wrapped a little baby. The boys looked at him curiously for a moment, and then turned to their manager who said that he would do everything possible to find the child's parents, but in the meantime it will have to stay in the dorm with the boys. Key immediately screamed with joy and gently lifted the child, then went up to the dorm with Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin walking close behind him. Onew looked incredulously at their manager who just shrugged and drove off.
Now, several days later, the manager had told them that they need to decide what to do with the child because apparently he couldn’t find anything about her. Key categorically said Juliet – that’s the name that Jonghyun and he decided to give her - will stay with them and he would adopt her if he has to. The other three agreed with him and Onew was the only one who didn’t think it was a good idea at all.
-I can’t believe you did it. - Onew looked disbelief in the document that Key gave him. Kim Juliette was officially the daughter of Kim Kibum and SHINee’s new family member. - Key, do you realize that you really just adopted this child? - Angrily shouted the leader.
-Hey, 'this child' has a name! – Jonghyun snapped at him and helped Key to calm Julie because she couldn’t stop crying because of Onew’s scream.
-I can’t believe it. – Onew shook his head and went into his room.
It wasn’t that he has something against children it’s just that the leader couldn’t understand how they will be able to take care of a baby, which apparently was not more than two months old, and will work at the same time. They can’t take Juliet everywhere with them. It was difficult at Hello Baby because Yoogeun cried when he was left alone, and what would happen with a newborn baby. In addition she was a girl, what would they do when she grow up, she can’t live in a small apartment with five boys. And diapers and food, God, where would this child sleep, they don’t have a swing. And also-
-Hyung, can I come in? - He heard Key’s voice outside the room.
-Yes. – said Onew and crossed his legs on the bed, making little space for Kibum to sit.
-Hyung, look, I know I didn’t give a lot of thought about everything and that I probably shouldn’t do all of this but ... - Key took a deep breath. - I really want to keep this child. I… I talked to Jonghyun and he said he would help me to take care of her; you don’t have to worry about anything, really. I just really want her, and Jjong does, too.
Onew sighed.
-Kibum, all of this is just happening really fast. We know almost nothing about babies and we are all guys, how will this girl live with us here when she grows up? And what would you say to her if she starts asking you about her real parents or why doesn’t she have a mother?
-I'm sorry, hyung. - Key's eyes began to tear and Onew quickly hugged him. – I… really… I really think that there's a lot of time until then, and I'll think of what to say. And when she grows up she’ll go to school and hang out with friends, we’ll make her own room - I can move in Jjong’s room and mine will be for her.  And his mother can explain to us what to do with changing diapers and what foods we can give her, and everything else. - He wiped his eyes and pulled away from the hug. - Please, hyung, I can handle it.
And the next thing that Onew said was the biggest mistake of his life.
-Okay, she can stay.
SHINee’s dorm was filled with laugh and games in the past months. Contrary to Onew’s expectations the boys were doing very well taking care of the baby. Looks like the fans were right saying that if one of them have a child it will be the most spoiled child in the world. Julie had grown a lot, she had already learned to walk and together with Taemin she always sneaked into the kitchen to steal the hidden candy. Minho often walked around with her on his shoulders or tossed her into the air. Jonghyun, like a typical father, spoiled his little princess with gifts, games, and everything a person can think of. And Key stalked anyone who dared to make his girl cry, like a bear guarding their young. Onew on the other hand just couldn’t get close to the child. If he was less than five meters away from her she immediately began to cry and kick.
Not that he minded staying away from her. After so many years past from Hello Baby until now, he was still little scared that something bad could happen if he touches her.
-Hey, Hyung, what will you give to Julie for her birthday? - Asked Taemin while they were eating dinner. Onew looked up from his food and looked at the maknae. He really didn’t thought about what to give to the child.
-I... I don’t  know. - He said confused.
-YAH! Hyung, if my baby has a gift less, I'll beat you with a pan! - Key threatened while the others just laughed.
The rest of the dinner, the leader said nothing. He was sunk deep in thoughts wondering what to buy for the little girl. True, he wasn’t  close to her, but he always watched her and knew what she likes. The problem was that the others would have bombarded her with every single thing that one year old girls could want.
-UWAAAAAA! - Strong thunder  followed by loud cry could be heard. Key and Jonghyun  rocketed out of their chairs to the room where their  daughter was, followed by Minho and Taemin. Onew followed them quietly and stood by the door watching his four friends trying to convince Julie to calm down, but she just wouldn’t stop crying.
-Sht, Julie, calm down. - Jonghyun said gently as he shook the girl slightly.
-Give her to me. - Key said and the other boy carefully gave the girl to Kibum. Now in his hands, Julie noticed Onew and stretched her little arms to him.
-I think she wants Onew hyung. - Said wonderingly Taemin and Key sighed while going to the leader.
-Let's try, she might stop crying.
-Kibum, I can’t - - Onew began but was interrupted by another thunder and Julie cried harder.
-Please hyung; hold her only for a while. If she doesn’t stop crying I will get her. – Jonghyun said helping the leader to hold the girl.
Once in his hands, Julie buried her head in his shoulder, her small hands wrapped around his neck. She stopped crying and now only soft snores could be heard. Everyone in the room were shocked. The thunders didn’t stop but Julie was no longer crying. She was very calm in Onew’s arms.
And he tightened his arms around the little girl, closing his eyes inhaling her scent and suddenly all concerns vanished from his head and the only thing he could think of was the little girl which he was holding and how she fits perfectly in his hands.
From that day on Julie couldn’t stay away from Onew. Several times they locked themselves in the bathroom because Key was too jealous and worried that his girl might love Onew more than him.
The leader on the other hand was strangely attached to Julie. The little girl imported joy in his life which he had not even felt on stage. Every time he hugged her, his heart would burst with happiness and the smile never left his face.
-Kibum will put her to bed? – Onew asked the head of the girl who was sleeping peacefully in his lap. Key nodded and stood up taking Julie after Onew gentle kissed her forehead
-Hyung, tomorrow is Julie’s birthday, I can’t wait! – Taemin happily jumped on the couch next to Onew who only smiled.
-Me too, Minnie.
Tonight Onew couldn’t sleep. He thought only of how much he was fond of Juliet in the last few days. He was scared of the fact that a few days ago he could barely stay in one room with the girl, and now they can’t be separate. But the biggest problem was that he felt something for her that he was not supposed to feel.
But... maybe it’s that what fathers feel to their daughters. The fell the need to protect them from everything and doesn’t exempt them from their arms.
-Oh, God, she's so cute! - a loud squeal woke Onew. He slowly got up and rubbed his eyes while walking to the living room. There he was greeted by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
Julie was wearing a pink dress and had a sweet ribbon on her head. As soon as she saw Onew she ran to him and embraced his feet; he picked her up and held her close to him.
-Happy birthday, my little love. - He said smiling, and she kissed him on the cheek. Key squealed from the charming scene before him and quickly took the camera from Jonghyun’s hands.
For the remainder of the morning Key made Jonghyun and Minho to go buy a cake and decorations and Onew to clean the dorm while he cooks. Taemin was in Julie's room playing with the little girl.
Afternoon SHINee's apartment began to fill with their friends. Julie was very happy with all the gifts she received. Everyone was charmed by the sweet girl who never stopped smiling. The SuJu oppas were strange as always  but surprisingly for everyone Julie actually enjoyed their silly acts very much.
After a few hours all guests had left. Minho, Jonghyun, Key and Taemin began to clean the dorm while Onew said that he still have to give Julie her gift and brought her to his room.
The little girl happily jumped on the bed, and he looked at her with a gentle smile.
-Julie. - He said quietly and the girl immediately stopped jumping and looked at him with her big eyes. Onew sat on the bed and Julie immediately sat comfortable on his lap. He chuckled and pulled out a white flower from his pocket. The girl smiled sweetly as he put it gently in her hair.
-My little love, I-
-Jinki oppa
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Chapter 1: Hi! First of all, thank you for entering the contest!

I feel like this fic felt sort of unfinished...I clicked the "next" button expecting more but I guess this is the end? Another thing is that you didn't pair anyone with Onew, which was the point of the contest, although I guess I could have made that clearer. I think if you used quotation marks instead of dashes, it would be easier to read as well.

I liked the idea of Onew having trouble being a parent! I think it would have been great to see all of that extended, so that we could see how Onew starts to wish he could be around Juliet, or how he tries to get closer to her as a father because he really wants to be a good parent.

I think you're well on your way to becoming a good writer!
Aww, so cute ^^
I love the ending, really cute, awww *fainting*
gabimoli #3
It's really strange seeing Onew being loved (or should I say liked) by a kid :D
the story is so cute and sweet! you did a really great job! *o*
KaneMochi #4
Chapter 1: OMG!! Why does that baby's name had to be Julie XD
Everytime onew call that name..I was like *is he calling me o.O*
lol anyway, it is very beautiful X)
thanks for the fic! XD