Chapter 6

My Angel


Liane's POV

After the costume fitting of the boys, She send them to their rehearsal room..She put the costumes in their respective places and headed to the lobby where hee young is waiting for her.



Hi unnie! min ho oppa let me do the job that you are offering, i just want to know if when will i start??

Hmm.. do you want to start today???

Of course!! but i haven't pack my things yet. i mean i already packed it but haven't got the chance to put it in the car..

hee young ah, why do u sound so excited??

do i??? hee young chuckled..

yes you are.. don't worry about your things... maybe i'm going to discuss you some details about your work. and i'lll give you a tour on young saeng's house.

so he's name is young saeng??

Ye. Heo Young saeng.

Isn't he the one who should tour me around the house??

He does have a rehearsal today and it'll be finish late.

oh i see... so where should we meet??

do you know where dsp media located??


ok then, meet me in 1 hour on the dsp lobby...

Uhmm unnie... can you make it 2 hours??


well im going to go back to my house to get my things. at least some of my stufs..

Arasso. just call me when you arrive at the lobby.. bye...

end of flashback

Lee Hee Young! liane called..

Unnie.. so this is DSP MEDIA, hmm.. i think i'll be spending sometime here with you...

Ye, and i'm really looking forward to work with you.. liane smiled. Let's go. i'll discuss everything while were on the way to young saeng's apartment.

The two girls left the lobby with their arms intertwined.

(On the car)

As i said before, you're job will start by waking him up.. he's kinda a heavy sleeper like hyun joong so you should be persistent on waking him up...

Hyun Joong??? 

Ye, he's the leader of their group. You'll meet him soon with the rest of the members.. As i was saying, just be persistent. but before you wake him up, be sure that his breakfast is ready.

what does he eat during breakfast??

hmm anything, but he loves bread with peanut butter jelly on it. if he doesn't have a schedule, let him do whatever he wants. but he just usually stays in the house, watch some dvd or lay down in his bed for the whole day... 

if he has a schedule, you'll tag along with him everywhere.. don't let sweat ruin his make up before the performance. help him with the scripts if necessary, always carry a bottle of water with you..make sure that he'll finish his food on time. you must know that time management is a must in this kind of job..

do i have a day off too???

well,, it'll depend on his schedule. basically, he can control your time since you are his PA.

do they perform overseas???


do i have to tag along with him too???

hmm... we haven't talk about it. all your expenses will be shouldered to him. so it depends to him if he'll tag along with you overseas. just feel free to ask him if you have any question.

here we are.....

Heo Young Saeng's Apartment

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Liane tour Hee young to the whole house.....

Living Room
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Dining Area
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Heo Young Saeng's Room
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Lee Hee Young's Room
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WOW!! Unie, are you sure that it is a GUY who lives here?? Hee young asked


Everything here is well organized. if i'm going to compare this in my brother's apartment in LA, there will be a turn of 180 degrees...

Young Saeng is the most organize one in the group, he wants everything to be in proper places. and besides there is an ahjumma who maintain this place as clean as possible.

where is she??

she comes when he's not around. 

does she have a key too???

Ye. and this is your keys... Liane handed over the keys to hee young...

Well, I'm going to leave you here, i need to get back to the studio.

Wae? are you gong to leave me alone here?? can i come with you instead??

Just get yourself familiarize in this house, make yourself comfortable.. liane look at her watch.. Young saeng will be here in two hours. so put your things in your room... then prepare his dinner later..I'll drop by tomorrow to give you young saeng's schedule.

okay.. take care unnie.....see you tomorrow....

Liane leave the house. Hee Young looked around, "This guy sure has a taste..." she said to herself.....


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mako336647 #1
Chapter 23: Awwwww your story is so sweet and so sad at the same time. Can't help myself crying specially on the 'capsule' thing. That was so romatic. *sigh*

Very nice story. Keep up the good work author-nim. : )
ouch!!~~ that was really sad..i cried much at the end of story... i thought before finishing this story there would be really a miracle to happen even i know its too impossible..coz it will make the story not realistic.. but im just hoping it..coz i dont want young saengie to be hurt..but anyway its really nice i love made me really cried so much... especially at the last statement of young saengie..<br />
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your a good nice story!!~~ love it..:)) just keep it up..
youngsaengprincess #3
thanks meggie!! ^^,
First Comment~ lolzz<br />
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PS: all reader~ u must read this story~ Youngsaeng oppa so cute in here ^^ lolz