The Bird Incident


“We’re 2NE1~” CL generally found the husky voice pleasing to hear (as it was that of a friend’s); yet at 4:52 A.M., any noise before your alarm clock was set to ring was never appreciated. “Yah! Where’s that Lee Chaerin?” Shifting at the call of her name, the girl opened her eyes slightly to see her bedroom lights flickering on and off, on and off. She rolled and groaned, covering her head with her pillow.

“Go away, T-o-p,” the leader mockingly spelled his stage name out. The man chuckled with that deep voice of his, sitting on the bed next to her and rubbing her back.

“Chaerin-ah, Teddy sent me personally to wake you,” he protested, pressing his fingers into her spine. She turned over, groggy and annoyed, giving him a strong glare.

“Teddy can my ,” CL spat in English, making Top roar with laughter. She giggled along with him before adding, “Besides I don’t have problems with waking up and getting out of bed. You should get Minzy or Bom. They’re practically dead in the morning.”  

Standing, Choi Seunghyun grumbled, “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” His signature smirk danced across his face as he sauntered out of her room. “Oh, and the runt is here. Dunno if you knew or not, but…” ‘Runt’ was Big Bang’s nickname for Cheondung.

CL sat up, remembering the night before, and sighing. Aish, runt is right, she thought. But he’s so cute and… well, no, I mean, he’s, uh, he’s a runt and nothing else. “Were you going to kiss me, Chaerin-ah?” She mocked in a low voice. “No chance in hell, you little bastard.”


She rubbed her forehead. Stupid boy just gave her a headache! She grunted as she stretched in bed, staggering out of her room to another unpleasant surprise. “CL-erella~” Kwon Jiyong cheered tackling her and lifting her up off the ground.


“Yah, idiot, put me down,” Chaerin hissed while the older boy giggled.


“Ne, Chaerin is scared of heights,” Thunder, from out of nowhere, stated. He looked proud with a slight grin on his face, and he appeared especially proud in CL’s eyes.


“Shut up!” CL shouted again, yet her angry shouts quickly turned into yelps and cries to put her down as G-Dragon lifted her over his head and onto his shoulders. When did he get so strong?


“Please!” She yelped amongst the people around her, laughing as Jiyong bounced her. Suddenly she was on someone else’s shoulders, someone even taller. More shouting occurred and CL felt her head begin to spin. Another pair of hands had grabbed her, and in fear of being raised any higher, she wrapped her legs around whatever she could.


It happened to be Cheondung’s face.


“Kya!” They both screamed while everyone around them fretting to help their awkward situation. She dug her fingers into his hair to hold on, while the well-mannered boy avoided grabbing her and instead latched on to her thighs to help steady them.


Screw every other embarrassing moment of their lives. The bird incident for CL; the trip in the cafeteria for Cheondung. It didn’t matter. This was the epitome of them all.


“Get me down!” CL cried, eye’s tightly shut.


“We’re trying!” Top replied, a hint of smugness in his voice. Thunder was about to say something but decided against it; who knows how Chaerin would react, feeling his lips move. He also feared opening his eyes.


“What the…” Minzy mumbled when she poked her head out of her room. Seeing the sight, she laughed and hoped that perhaps they would get stuck in that position, turning into a tourist attraction. Yes, Gong Minji would become a billionaire, living off the embarrassment of her friends.  


After a couple minute struggle, the combined effort of all parties (except Minzy, of course) had successful and safely separated the two. No one had ever seen faces more red, as if they were about to explode.


Before any one could say anymore, CL fled to the bathroom and locked herself in, sitting on the floor and cradling her head in her hands. Damn it, Cheondung. Just damn it.




On the opposite side of the door, G-Dragon and Top received their reprimands from Dara, while on the couch, Taeyang was comforting Cheondung about the incident, yet continually asking the scent of her crotch. He stated it smelled like strawberries.


Taeyang then asked what it tasted like. He received the most disapproving glare anyone had ever seen, which shut him up from asking anymore inappropriate questions, such as, “Did you see it?” and “Were fangs protruding from it?” or even “Why didn’t you stick your finger in it?”.


“You guys ought to apologize,” Dara added at the end, almost fully dressed and ready to leave. “Bommie, go check up on CL, will ya’?” She turned to the boys again and pinched their noses each. “Shame!”


“I should say sorry as well,” Thunder voiced, yet his volume was minimal. He stood up and paced around the room, cheeks still a bubblegum shade and eyes still glossy, as if her were ready to cry.


“Wha-? You don’t have to do any such thing! You didn’t do anything wrong!” His noona protested, rubbing his head.


“No, it’s fine. I mean, s-she looked so traumatized and what not, and I feel like it’s my fault,” he mumbled, staring down at his feet.


“Aigoo, he’s so cute,” Top cooed, causing a small ‘but-I’m-a-man’ whimper to escape Cheondung’s throat. His hyung grabbed his chin and looked him eyes, leaning in some when…


“YAH! Don’t touch him like that, ert!” Chaerin hissed at Seunghyun, causing him to flinch and let go. When Thunder turned to see her, he couldn’t mask his happiness, a large grin covering his face, and his eyes now sparkling. Free from Top’s hold, he bowed at a 90-degree angle.


“Forgive me, Chaerin-ah,” Cheondung begged, giving her all the respect she could. She pressed her lips together and avoided muttering anything. What was she supposed to say?


“Uh, yeah, us too!” Jiyong added, grabbing Seunghyun’s hand and bowing with him, more in the style as if they had just finished a performance. CL glared at them with annoyance and glanced again at Cheondung endearingly.


“Whatever,” she finally scoffed, running her hand through her hair.


“Sweet!” G-Dragon yelled happily, throwing an arm around CL’s shoulder and checking his phone. “Seungri says we need to hurry up and get to the YG building. It’s already six.”


“Let me just throw on my sweats,” she sighed, retreating again to her bedroom and switching clothes at the speed of light. When she re-emerged, she nodded at everyone, keeping her head down and avoiding Thunder’s gaze.




After a two hour long practice, the girls sat down whilst their back-up dancers received critique, Cheondung waiting for them in the corner, a bottle and towel in hand. Their trainer shouted, “I hope it’s not cake in that bottle there, boy!” He simply laughed nervously and stared at his knees.


“Ah, thanks Dungie,” Sandara managed to gasp out as she was panting, gratefully snatching the items from his grasp, despite they were for CL. The leader didn’t make much of it; however, Thunder couldn’t help but feel a little disappointment that it had not gone to her.


“Punk! How dare you not get your other noona some water,” Bom jokingly remarked, digging through her wallet for some paper money.


“Ne, you owe us,” Minzy winked at her unnie. Chaerin just grunted out of annoyance, wiping the sweat off her forehead.


“Don’t worry about it, Bom,” she added quickly. “I’ll go get us water.” CL reached for her wallet, yet this time, Cheondung stopped her, gently grabbing her wrist.


“I’ll go,” he argued, his eyes intense. “I’ll pay too. You guys are right; I shouldn’t have thought just about Dara.”


“No, I’ve got it,” CL persisted, shrugging off Thunder’s hands as it made her flush a little. Last time, his hands were on her thighs. And his face was in her crotch.


“Please, let me.”


“Sheesh, just both of you go, why don’t you?” Dara suggested.


“That’s just stupid,” CL barked. “I’ll be fine by myself.”


“But…” Cheondung began.


“Well, since you two can’t come up with a conclusion, I vote you both to go,” Dara interrupted.


“Yeah, me too,” Minzy huffed. “I’m soooo thirsty!”


“And can you get me a little snack from the snack machine?” Bom asked.


“Aish, fine! Just shut up, pabo,” Lee Chaerin growled. She grabbed Thunder’s hand and dragged him out of the dance room. Once they were in the hallway, she him, practically throwing his hand out of hers. “Don’t do that again! I can handle getting water for my group okay. It’s what us leader’s do! Go ask Seungho,” she hissed with a harsh tone. Cheondung bit his lip out of embarrassment.


“I’m sor-”


“Stop that too! Stop saying you’re sorry!” CL cut him short. She huffed, scratching her head and looking at the wall beside them. “Just… what can I do to get you to stop it?”


Cheondung had a complex expression on his face while he thought about it and finally spewed, “Let me repay you. Maybe lunch… at Jinyang Lake! I mean, I’ve never been, and I’ve heard its nice and whatnot, and…”


“But that’s so far away…” she protested. Great. Here was Cheondung, practically asking her on a date. Why her? Just, why?


“I know,” he replied. “Just this once. To make it up to you.”


She rubbed her head. “Fine. But you get to start by going and getting the water.” She handed him the money and ran back into the dancing room. She tried staring at the floor so that no one could see her succumbing to a smile. 

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Chapter 3: Woooooh, I like where this is going!
I really like Chaerin's thoughts and Thunder's personality!
haha, Minzy is the best tho. that maknae is the best.
I'll be waiting for this one, thank you author.
blackwonderer #2
will u update this story? this is such a cute one to read
Chapter 3: omg please update it's been so long I love this!!
Chapter 3: Aren't you coming back? Please don't delete this!!!
charlot #5
Chapter 3: what can i say?
update already!

pretty please...?
Chapter 3: please update...!
skythunderShipper #7
Chapter 3: please update :D <3
Chapter 3: This story is really cute ^^
Please update author-nim :D
I wanna know what happens next with B2ST :3
Fighting~ ^^
NimNim96 #9
Update please!!
Cute, cute CUTE!!!! I've never shipped these two before, but now you've changed my mind. They match each other perfectly ^^ Adorable~ Do update, can't wait to read more~