How is So good about Him?!

What Is So Good about Him?!






Kangin left his bedroom and went straight to the living room, where he found Leeteuk was crying on

the couch and a tissue box on his lap. Kangin ran to him and asked him worriedly.


" Teukie, what's the matter?".


Leeteuk pointed at the T.V's screen. "it's *sobs*'s just the series *sobs* ".


Kangin sighed. " you scared me". He said wiping leeteuk's tears with his fingertips before pulling the 

latter's head to his chest.


"urgh teukie..c''s the millionth time you watch it".  Kangin said when he felt Leeteuk was still

sobbing into his chest. His right hand was rubbing the other's back and the other hand was caressing

his hair.


Leeteuk lifted his eyes to look at kangin still in the other's chest. "but it's so good".


" yeah, Ku Hye Sun is a good actress".


"Not only her, Lee Min Ho too", Leeteuk mumbled and kangin could swear that Leeteuk was smiling

right now.


"what? What is good about him?!!".  Kangin raised his eyebrow and looked at the T.V.


Leeteuk released himself from kangin's embrace. " what is so good about him?!..Everything..his curly

hair, his smile, he's attractive, funny and a really good actor…Perfect..look".


" huh?". Kangin looked at the T.v suspiciously.


-" what is the thing u hate in me like this?...i'm handsome, tall, smart and

come you hate Goo Jun Pyo?!..are you stupid?!!".


Kangin shake his upper lip wrathfully when he saw Leeteuk grinned widely.


-" I hate everything about you…I hate your look, your walk, your stupid curly hair.. I Hate



Kangin grinned like a fool. "I don't think so teukie, he looks like a jerk..even Jan Di hates all of that

about him".


"c'mon kangin, it's just the script…you know that she'll marry him at the end".


" exactly, because of that script, the poor jan di had to marry him at the end".  He said as he really

started to believe what he was saying.


"who are you tricking kangin?..if she had hated him, she wouldn't have dated him..right?".  Leeteuk

smiled in victory when he felt his boyfriend doesn't have a proper answer.


"Erm....YAH!....It's Not my ing problem whether she like him or not…will we spend the whole night

talking about him?".  Leeteuk laughed his unique laugher at how kangin can be so childish 

sometimesAnd kangin hugged Leeteuk tightly as a child that hugs his toy to not let anyone share it

with him. He gritted his teeth and mumbled. "he's attractive..funny..perfect". kangin looked at Leeteuk

that was almost sleeping in his arm. ' Aish teukie, what is so good about him?!..what does he have

and I don't?".


"YAH!.. Geum Jan Di…stop.. I'm talking to you".


Kangin looked at the t.v as Lee min ho was shouting "Aish! Shut up stupid".

He sighed and lifted his sleepy boyfriend up to their room.


* * * * * * *



"kangin-aah, I'm back…where are you?". Leeteuk called as soon as he stepped in the dorm. Then, he

heard…  (00:12 - 00:52)



Almost paradise
Your love for me is brighter than the morning
I feel like I have everything in the world
In my life
You came to me like a dream in the midst of hard times
If only I could love you forever
I hold your hand and shout out to the world
I swear on the sky
You’ll be my only love, forever
Our dream shines on like lights in the night sky, paradise


He looked at the T.v, that was already on, but it wasn't the series' time and it was displaying

something else. But his surprise didn't last long. His jaw dropped when he saw Kangin entered the

living room, surrounding by three of his dongsaengs ( Yesung, Sungmin and Ryeowook". They were

wearing a high school's uniform and putting lollipops in their mouths. But wait… Did kangin curl his

hair?!!!!!!!, but why?!!..and why are they walking like that?..actually they weren't walking..they were

swaying..did they want to look boys over flowers? be honest, they weren't like them From

near or from afar.


Leeteuk kept staring at them in disbelief as sungmin stopped the CD player, they exchanging the

glances and went out of the living room. But they didn't forget to smirk or wink to Leeteuk before

going. Leeteuk narrowed his eyes as he saw kangin putting his hands in his pocket and an arrogant

expression draw on his face.


"kangin, what's wrong?".

" you didn't like it, right?..but what could I do..i had to pick out the shortest members to make myself

look taller."

"what are you talking about? And why did you curl your hair???!". Actually, the curly hair was Horrible

on him.


"I wanted to looked like that min ho". Kangin lowed his voice and looked at the ground.

Leeteuk sighed and approached kangin. "and who asked you to be like him?".

Kangin looked at Leeteuk. " you said he's perfect".

"kangin listen, I was talking about him as an actor..yes, I admit it I said he's handsome, attractive,

funny-". He cut his words off when he saw kangin's face went red, so he add quickly. "but as a

spectator ..that's it.. I love you kangin..only you..and I love you as the way you're".  and kangin grinned

widely, but he pouted again. "but I wanted to be perfect to fit you".

"aah kangin, nobody's perfect..expect on the t.v..god is the only one who's perfect".

"you're my god, then". Kangin said and grinned widely.

"Aish! Stop it kangin". Leeteuk his arm making kangin chucked before hugging him.


Kangin rested his chin on leeteuk's shoulder and smiled. He opened his eyes, that was facing the t.v's

screen, to find min ho's Ad was about to start. He raised his eyebrow when he saw lee min ho was

smiling in somehow kangin felt min ho was laughing at him. Kangin stuck out his tongue and turned

theT.v off. 




Hey guys!...umm?...I dunno whether it was ok or not...but I just wanted to write something since I was 

Completely bored of studying *deep sigh*...anyway, tell me what do u think...bad or ok...let me know..

all the comments r accepted...Thanks for ur subscriptions...see ya   

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Chapter 1: kangin is cutee
Chapter 1: Hahaha, Leeteuk was watching Boys Over Flowers!!!
^^ : )
Chapter 1: This was nice ^^ Kangin is soo cute trying to be perfect for Leeteuk ^///^ But they both are perfect already <3

I enjoyed this very much!!!!!
Chapter 1: That is so cute!!! I love it so much!!