chapter 2 : First meeting (part 2)

I Feel For You More than A Friend...

Eunjung is an only child. his father was working as a technician in a factory & her mother had a little flowershop in Busan. They had a

perfect life until her father was involved in a car accident and died.

her mother couldn't stand to live there with his memories so she sold their little shop and house and decided to move to Seol to start a

new life there. Eunjung wasn't happy with this but she didn't say anything about it because she didn't want to make her mother sad so

she agreed.

It was now 3 weeks from the day they moved to Seol. they moved to a little house with 2 little bedrooms and with the rest amount of

money Her mother rent a little store and make it a lovable flowershop. their lifestyle wasn't like before and they didn't have money as

much as before and on the other hand her mother wanted her to go to a good school. Eunjung was against it because she thought it's

the waist of money in their situation but her mother persuaded her finally. so she decided to find a part time job after school in order

to help her mother without her knowing because she knew she won't let her.

today is her first day in school.


Eunjung's POV:


I woke up and checked the clock, I had 2 hours until the school time. I got up from my bed, made it tidy & head to bathroom to take a

shower. while taking shower I was thinking of my father, remembering the sweet memories made me cry. I've missed him very much, I

thought of Busan, my friends! I wonder how the life would be at here. after taking shower I went to kitchen and find my mother

preparing breakfast. I backhugged her and kissed her cheek: " Morning..."

"oh, you're awake! Good morning little princess"

" Mom I'm not little!!!!" I nagged.

" ok, ok Junggie let go of me and sit, I'm bringing your breakfast"

"thanks" and I landed another kiss on her cheek.

" Eunjung do you want me to come along  with you? "

" it's ok mom I can go by my self, It's not far & I want to know surrounding besides you need to open the shop "

" I'm proud of you" she smiled to me.

" thaks mom and you know that you're the best mother in the world? " I smiled back.

" k, eat before being late for school "

after eating breakfast I grab my bag :" bye, see you later "

" wait, you've forgot sth " and she handed me some money.

" mom It's too much you will need some!!!"

" It's ok, I'll earn some from seeling flowers so don't worry, have a nice day!Bye "

I huged her " Bye"


on the school way


It's boring walking alone to school, if we were in Busan I would go with my friends!

can I be able make good friends here!!! I sighed.

I was in my own world that I didn't notice I'm going the wrong way when I lift my head I didn't know where I am !!!!

while walking and trying to find the way I sensed some one is chasing me! I stoped that person stoped too. I walked faster, the

footsteps became faster too! I start running with all of my power , I was so frighten that it made me so confused and unfortunately I

went in a narrow alley and I was so damn unlucky because it was IMPASSE !!! ' what should I do?, god help me!, Is he a ra****?'

I was breathless and slowly turned my head toward the person who was chasing me. He was a tall and muscular. I was so f***ing

frightened: " wwhwho are you? ", " wwhat do you want from me? "

" give me your bag "

" w why???"

"GIVE ME YOUR BAG" he shouted.

I gave it to him, I couldn't think properly 'what does he want?' suddenly I got it... " Please don't take my wallet I really need that money,

my mom has earned it difficultly, pleaseeee" my voice was shaking and my eyes got watery.

he took my wallet and tossed my bag back: "robbing is much harder" then he turned a way and start running.

I ran after him and took his hand:" nooooooooo... please don't! pleaseeee"

He push me away hurshly I landed on my knees hardly, my right knee start bleeding but it wasn't important. I got up and ran after him

again and grip his sleeves :" please I just have that, I need that money " but he loosen my grip with one hand: " shut up!!!"

" what are you doing? " I heared a boy shouting! I and the rubber turned our head to the voice's direction.

" take that back to her "

" who the h*** are you for telling me that?"

he came near us and tried to take the wallet back but the robber put it in his pocket and punched him hard.

" ouch..."   I was shocked and didn't know what to do!

the stranger boy ( my savior) got up and punched him back! they got in to a fight but the rubber was much bigger and much stronger

than that boy. 'I should help him or he may die' , I looked at around to find sth, there was a trashcan at the corner. I got my bag from

the floor and grab that trashcan and threw it on the robber's head and he landed on his knees ahd his hands on his head.

I was stunned there! My savior instantly took my wallet from his pocket and grab my hand and we start running as fast as we could.




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yasminajung #1
Chapter 3: update soon please...
Chapter 3: this is cute..please please update soon
Suzyhts #3
Chapter 3: Ugh. Im waiting for your updaye SOOO BAD.I wish you can update the fic weekly
1120 streak #4
Chapter 3: Yes another Taecjung ff Hyomin became friends with Eunjung and hope Jiyeon too. Hehehe
Chapter 3: I like ur story line...really nice n I like the fact that both taec sbd eunjung is in high school....but I hope u be a little careful with ur spellings....hahaha...n please update...:)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 2: PLease update soon!!
i like your story.. ^-^
eunyeonporeber #7
Chapter 3: Finally you update again!
I hope you can update weekly :)
Chapter 3: Wah, finally you update chingu,,
◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
Chapter 3: taecjung is cute and y couple thanks!!
Chapter 2: Please insert a deep romance in this story...

Coz actually I really want see eunjung on drama with taecyeon TT but now I just can hope it can be real hohoho...

So with this story I want you make it so real he.. thank you... n I curious about chansung ^^