

A/N sorry the grammar mistakes xD

Truth was..I was actually trying to make this something like the MV of Gain's For You Not To Know,

but i guess i failed.. LOL
Anyways, hope you still enjoy this short fic :)








Eunhyuk was inside his car that was parked near the Flower Shop Hyoyeon owned.


It had almost been a year since the girl moved out of his house, but only just a few months ago when he finally realized that what he did was the biggest mistake of his life.


He was so wrong when he thought he didn't love her anymore, and that he loved someone else.


He still loved her. That was why he went there almost everyday for the past months. But after all he had done, he didn't have the courage to face her. Not yet.


He was contented to just have a glimpse of her.


But in every passing days, he missed her even more. He missed seeing her smiled for him. He missed her hugs, and how her every touch gives him comfort. He missed being with her.


And in each passing days he went there and just stayed inside the car because he was a coward to face her, he thought he was just wasting his chances of getting her back.


Yes, he wanted her back so bad!









"I'm sorry," standing at the door, Eunhyuk said while watching Hyoyeon packed her things up.


The petite, blonde girl just shook her head slowly. She got up and went to the closet to get more of her clothes out, then shoved them inside her bag. "We both fell out of love. It's not your fault, so dont be sorry," she said, still not looking at him.


He sighed.


Of course it was his fault. Everything was his fault!


He cheated on her countless of times, but she was so nice to forgive him every time he apologized. How many chances had she given him already?


She had always tried to understand him whenever he made mistakes.


But she was only just a girl. A girl who could also easily get hurt when the boyfriend cheated on her.And it made her felt so insecure, she told him that. She told him how she felt, and all he did was to promise her to never do it again.


But promises were really meant to be broken.


The same thing happened over and over again, so she also learned not to expect much.


Slowly, she got tired of all of it. But she still stayed beside him, and tried to endure a little more. She hoped that maybe he could still change.


Then that day, he got home and told her that he found someone else he thought he learned to love more than her.


Yes she was hurt, but it wasn't the same as before. She was even surprised of herself that she didn't break down and cry on him.


She just took a deep breath and gave him a bittersweet smile before she decided it was time for her to move out of their house, his house. And that she should start moving on with her life.





After she made sure that everything was inside her bag, she got up and looked at him. "I guess this is goodbye."


He walked toward her and pulled her into a hug.


"I really did love you," he whispered in her ear.


She smiled bitterly, and tried to hold her tears, "I know," she whispered back as she patted his back.


"Let me help you with your bags." he let go of her and carried her things to the car.


She followed him. "Thanks," she said after he put her bags inside the car trunk, "and goodbye, Oppa,"Then she got

inside of her car.


He smiled bitterly. He liked it everytime she called him Oppa. It just sounded good when that word came from her.


He stepped aside when she started the engine.


He watched her drove away from his place. And out of his life.








After almost half an hour of waiting, he finally saw her walking toward the shop with a basket full of flowers that were almost blocking her view.


Eunhyuk got out of his car and walked towards her. "Hyoyeon-ah," he called.


She was about to push the door using her body when she heard her name being called, so she stopped and looked at the person. "E-Eunhyuk ..ssi?" she said awkwardly.


He secretly bit his lips when she said his name formally. It made him felt like a stranger to her, and that somehow hurt him.


But he didn't really have any rights to complain, did he? It was all his fault anyway.


"Your shop?" he knew it was her shop, of course, but she didn't need to know that.


She nodded slowly and smiled at him.


He thought she had gotten even more beautiful now that she was just only a couple of meters away from him.


"Let me help you," he was about to go nearer and get the flowers from her when she shook her head.


"It's okay, I can handle this." she said, still smiling. "Come in," she pushed the door and opened it wide so he could go inside.


He went in and scanned the place before he looked back at her as she put the basket she was holding beside the other baskets full of different kinds of flowers on the table. She then talked to a younger girl at the counter for a moment before the latter went in the room. Then Hyoyeon looked back at him.


"Please, have a seat first," she said to him, and gestured on the table at the corner. Then she busied herself behind the counter.


After a few minutes, and together with the young girl from earlier, Hyoyeon went towards him. She occupied the chair in front of him while the younger girl put a slice of chocolate cake in front of him, and two cups of tea on the table.


"Thanks, Seohyun-ah," Hyoyeon smiled. The younger girl smiled back and slightly bowed at him before she excused herself.


After the girl left, there was a moment of silence between them.


Hyoyeon took a sip from her cup of tea, then put it down on the table again. "So," she started, breaking the silence between them. "What brings you here?" she smiled.


He sighed, then looked at her. "I-I was wrong." he said. It was seldom for him to admit that he was wrong, but he threw his pride deep in the ocean for the girl in front of him. Hyoyeon knew how big his pride was but she chose to keep quiet and waited for him to say whatever he needed to say at that moment. "I thought I loved her, but I was wrong." He sighed again. "I broke up with her," he added, his voice was low.


Hyoyeon reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze.


"I broke up with her because," he paused. He took her tiny hand and held them tight. "I realized that you're the one I truly love.

." Hyoyeon froze as was clearly suprised by his confession. He sighed. "I was a real jerk, I know. But, please, Hyoyeon-ah, can you give me another chance? Just one last chance. I promise I wont disappoint you this time. I promise I wont hurt you again. Just please, give me another chance to prove to you that I've changed."


He held her hand even tighter. After Hyoyeon recovered from the shock, she slowly pulled her hand back.


"I'm sorry to hear that, Oppa, I truly am." she said, looking down. "But I have moved on already. And you need to move on too."





Just then, the door opened and a good-looking guy came in and went towards Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk.


"Hey there," the guy greeted.


Hyoyeon looked up to see the person, then smiled when she recognized him. "Doojoon-ah~" she said as she got up to give the guy a hug.


Eunhyuk noticed the sparkle in her eyes. Those sparkle he saw whenever she looked at him before, when we were still together.


And that day, he saw them again. Only he wasn't the reason that her eyes sparkles anymore. It was the guy beside her, and Eunhyuk couldn't help but felt jealous.


"Oh, by the way, this is Eunhyuk, my ex-fiancé." Hyoyeon introduced him to the guy.


Doojoon looked at Eunhyuk and smiled as he offered his hand for a shake. Eunhyuk took it and shook their hands. "I'm Doojoon, Hyoyeon's boyfriend."



He was too late.



Eunhyuk just nodded his head. "I'm sorry, but I need to go back to the office now," he said as he got up. Hyoyeon just nodded.


Eunhyuk started to walk, but looked back to the couple when he was already at the door, "Please, take good care of her. She's a good girl."


Doojoon nodded and put his arms around Hyoyeon's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll do that."


Eunhyuk nodded weakly, then went out with a heart full of regrets.




A/N : i'm going crazy!!

so i made changes again! i made Eunhyuk oppa as the main character since i think more readers will like it if i make it a HyoHyuk fic

I love ALL HYOYEON COUPLE but i want to try DooHyo too, so i included him in this fic.. xD
i hope you like it!


please subscribe and comment <3

kamsahamnida!! :)

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Chapter 1: It's sad but cause I am doohyo shipper soooo.. Thehee. More doohyo shipper please. ^^
nessa-sshi #2
She's better off with Doojoon.. *coughs* doohyo biased *coughs* BROHOHO :3
Chapter 1: Sad-ending, but even it's hurt, thats truly hyuk's fault, hope he'll find his girl
penny0922 #4
Chapter 1: Sad for eunhyuk but yeah he was wrong at first, he got to regret. And great hyoyeon found another good man!
Ps: my otp is hyohyuk♡
sugarsong #5
Chapter 1: I'm sorry that i misunderstood which said it's hyohyuk fanfic but end with doohyo. Really sorry bcourse i prefer hyohyuk the most.
Chapter 1: i prefer doohyo than hyohyuk, truthfully.. heee.. nice story btw..
undermyuniverse #7
Chapter 1: Wooooohoooooooo~