Another day

L.O./\.E Game




Another day of school, another day of stopping bullying, another day of watching those four lovebirds. Isn't those two couples cute? But today, it's different. The girls wanted to hang out together and we boys weren't invited.'s now officially BOYS DAY OUT!

Every year, we would have this day that we won't be together. Just hanging out with our same gender and having a heart to heart talk. to invade BaekHo and Ren's privacy.



''Yah, hyung! Where shall we go today?'' Ren asked.

''Mall?'' MinHyun asked. 

''Golf?'' The older hyung asked.

''Buffet?'' BaekHo asked.

''Well..I really wanna go to the mall, need some new clothes. '' I said and the others agreed.

''That's it then,'' Aron said, ''the mall it is.''


The mall was packed. Stuffy, sweaty,  you name it.  [Author's note : Let's cut this short shall we? ]  We got ourselves some new clothes. Ren got new glasses, the diva -ish kind. Min Hyun got some new pair of sneakers, Aron hyung got himself another golf set. BaekHo got himself more food. I brought some comics and snacks for tonight.


Yes...tonight! I will finally invade BaekHo and Ren's privacy. Maybe Aron hyung's too. He had been pretty busy with a *ahem* girl *ahem* lately.

''Yah JR hyung! Why are you smirking like that? '' BaekHo asked.

''No particular reason, now let's get ready. We got a whole night to waste.'' I said and patted his head.


The afternoon went by pretty fast. We're having some spagetti tonight. Aron hyung's special American style spagetti. Taste like any old type of spagetti though. BaekHo is chowing down his *cough* third *cough* plate now. ''Hey hey hey hey! KANG BAEK HO! Don't eat so much , the others would want to have a taste of my wonderful spagetti you know? '' Aron scolded.

These guys, I really wonder how old they mentally are. I shooked my head. ''Kim JR! Don't shake your head like that! It's going to fall off one day! '' MinHyun umma nagged. ''Choi Min Ki! What are you doing? Stop texting Mi Kyung when you're eating, it's not good for your digestive system. And Kang BaekHo! Stop eating so fast, would you?! '' Aish this guy..won't he stop nagging?



We gathered around in a circle, with a bottle placed in the middle. No , we are not playing Spin the bottle with the kissy kissy stuff, no! That is so wrong. I mean, no way would I wanna kiss the other members on the lips but know what I mean don't you?

The bottle landed on Aron. ''Aron there.. any girl you like now?'' Min Hyun asked.

Aron kept quite for a while. '' T-there is, she's from 5-W.'' he blushed.

''You meant Ha Neul? The new kid? She's pretty..'' BaekHo said.

''DUDE!'' MinHyun slapped BaekHo's head. ''You have Ga Eun, remember?''

''Ga Eun is number one in my heart always~'' BaekHo smiled.

Aron spun the bottle and it landed on Ren.

''/Smirks/ Ren, have you ever had any 'fantasies' of you and Mi Kyung? '' he wiggled his eyebrows.

''Yah! Aron hyung!'' Min Hyun hit Aron's shoulder. But I'm pretty sure Min Hyun wanted to know too.

Ren's face turned red.

''OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!'' All the guys teased. I can't help but to chuckle too. BaekHo was laughing hysterically. Aron was congratulating Ren that he finally became like a man , Min Hyun was ..being Min Hyun. Shaking his head but smirking too.

''STOP STOP STOP STOP. Let's stop this disgusting thoughts before we get out of hand. '' MinHyun glared. ''Now Ren, spin the bottle.''

Ren spun it and it landed on me.

''JR hyung, what do you think about Ji Rin and Ji Sub?'' Our laughter died down quickly.

Ever since Ji Rin and Ji Sub came, I had noticed that Mi Kyung always had these weird letters in the locker. I once read one saying : '' Don't you dare touch Ren.'' Min Hyun and I had been suspecting it was them. BaekHo always saw Ji Rin glaring at Mi Kyung, Ga Eun was concerned too.

I breathed in deeply. And breathed out.

''I have a feeling that Mi Kyung might be in danger. I mean, all these threats and such , I am sure it's Ji Rin's handwriting. Ji Sub scares me a little, he seems like those types of erts that hangs around dark areas. ''

The members all nod in agreement.

''Do you think that Ji Rin will attack Mi Kyung?'' Min Hyun asked.

''I'm not sure. Ji Rin seems like those queenka type but I heard she payed her way up there. No one likes her.'' I replied.

''What do you think about Ga Eun? She could also be another target for Ji Rin. She's close to us and Mi Kyung. '' BaekHo said.

Ren was quiet the whole time, Aron couldn't say much but suggested that we should be with them always.

''I don't know guys, I really don't know. Those two are really selfish, they would do anything to get what they want. I-i just don't know.'' I said. I was messed up. It isn't like me. Why am I feeling like this? That Ji Rin is making me pissed off , big time. She should watch out herself. This isn't the start yet. I gotta think about it more..I'm sorry Ren, I really am.

We all hung our head in depression, it isn't like us. We are concerned about Mi Kyung, that crazy of Ji Rin is just too cunning. It isn't good if we boys hit girls..we are left with no choice. We have to call AS.





Whoo! Finally over with one chapter. DUN DUN DUN /epic sound effects/

School started a month ago, I need to adjust to my new school. I'm socially awkward but I made some new friends. BTW,  My class has 4 girls and 22 boys  .________.


Happy Chinese New Year to those chinese people. And happy holidays to those who's having holidays. Have a nice weekend!


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Hey guys, I'm sorry to say this but my life is a . I can't update today. I promise if I get to update, I'll update two chapters alright? Sorry! *bows*


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Chapter 12: 'Smile For Me'... I love it! Please update soon! The other story was nice too~ Update all three (including this) soon!!
kikka6807 #2
Chapter 12: Imma check both if them out
They sound great!!! XD
kipi9899 #3
kikka6807 #4
NOW UPDaTE SOON! (or else)
take ur time (not)
Chapter 8: Update soon Author-nim~ I'm addicted to the story ^^
April_RenNuest12 #6
Chapter 8: Loll Baekho and Ga Eun are so cute :D She likes him back though...RIGHT??!!
kipi9899 #7
Chapter 8: BaekEun are never full. Your mistake there. LooooL
kipi9899 #8
Chapter 7: No aaron today? Okay... XD
robot_pop #9
Chapter 7: Nice pics!
April_RenNuest12 #10