
Fire & Water

The first few paragraphs are from the last chapter, just encase someone skipped it because of the M rating. I included the important part here.




   Once Donghae had safely shut the bathroom door, Heechul waded over to his vanity and touched the side of the mirror. He didn’t bother to cover his upper body as the mirror flared to life, wanting Wookie to take a look at his every growing stomach. There were many questions Heechul needed to ask the fertility god. Maybe Ryeowook could help him control his powers?

   “Hey Wookie, I’m so glad you called. I feel all swollen and I think…,” Heechul began, his eyes focused down on his swollen belly and not on the image on the mirror.

    “Heechul-ah!” a woman’s voice gasped, pulling Heechul’s gaze towards the mirror and sending a surge of fear through his veins.

    “Mother?” Heechul panicked, his eyes going wide as he focused on the mirror. A woman with long blonde hair and cat like eyes, that mirrored his own, was staring at him in utter shock.

   “Honey, are pregnant?”

   “Uhhh…,” Heechul stammered, knowing well that his mother could see everything and there was no use lying about it. “Yes.”

    “Honey, how did this happen?” Heechul’s mother asked, regaining some of her composure. “Did Mewook’s son do this to you?”

    “No, Ryeowook didn’t do this. Well, not exactly....,” Heechul answered as he tried to figure out how to explain his condition to his mother. “It was kind of an accident.”

    “How long have you been this way?” The temptation goddess questioned, her voice full of concern. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

     “About three months,”

   “Three? But, you look so far along.”

   “Ryeowook said it’s because I’m a full god and not a demigod. My body has accelerated the process.”

    “Ryeowook is still in your real?”

    “No,” Heechul shook his head, knowing his mother was fishing for information. “Because of what dad did, Wookie has left me alone in this condition. Did you know I could die giving birth without a fertility god to help me?”

    “Your father went after those filthy fertility gods to prevent this very thing from happening.” Heechul’s mother spat, clearly angry at her son for lying to her so long. “Who’s the father, Heechul-ah?”

     “How dare you call Wookie and his family filth! At least they’re not murderers like mine are.”

     “He’s your father and the future ruler of all realms, I suggest you do not speak of him in such a way.” Heechul’s mother scolded her son. “Who’s the father, Heechul-ah?”

     “It’s none of your business.” Heechul refused to answered, mentally praying for Donghae to stay in the bathroom. If his mother saw him, it would all be over.

    “I’m your mother and that’s my grandchild, so it is my business.” The Goddess argued. “Heechul-ah, please don’t’ be difficult. If I have to get your father involved…,”

    “NO!” Heechul interrupted, “Don’t tell, Appa.”

    “Then tell me how this happened,”

    “Fine, but I need to use the bathroom first.” Heechul conceded, “I’ve been having to pee a lot lately.”

    “Yes, being pregnant does that to you. When I was carrying you, I practically lived in the bathroom.” His Mother smiled as she reminisced, “Go ahead, Chul-ah. I’ll wait.”

     Bowing politely to his mother’s image, Heechul sloshed his way into the adjoining bathroom. When he stepped inside, Heechul found Donghae leaning against the wall near the bathtub dressed in a crimson robe that was a bit too small for him. He looked confused.

   “I heard a woman’s voice.” Donghae whispered, “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to come out.”

    “My mother called, not Wookie.” Heechul explained, “She knows I’m pregnant.”

     “What are you going to do?” Donghae gaped, instantly becoming nervous.

     “I’m going to use the bathroom mirror to call Hannie and then I’m going to try and get my mother to believe he’s the

father.” Heechul explained, stepping in front of the bathroom sink and touching the mirror.

    Donghae watched as the mirror’s surface rippled and after a few seconds changed into a view of HanGeng standing in his room dressed in a pair of grey sleep pants. The wind god’s upper body was bare, his huge black wings folded behind him and his blonde hair messy. He looked as if he’d been woken up.

    “Hannie, I need you.”

    “I thought you were spending the night with that fish.” HanGeng answered, running his hand through his sleep tousled hair. “Why do you need me?”

     “I was with Donghae-ah, but my mother called. She knows about Chulhae.”

     “Did she see the chosen one?”

   “No, Hae was in the bathroom.” Heechul explained, “Look, I can’t be too long. Mother thinks I’m peeing right now. What I need you to do is, come to my room with some food. Act like you just stepped out to get me something. That way Mother will think we’re living together. Then, we’ll explain to her how the baby is yours, understand?”

   “Alright,” HanGeng nodded, “I’ll be right there. Be careful, princess.”

   “Princess?” Donghae repeated as HanGeng’s image disappeared and the mirror became a reflective surface once again.

    “Don’t ask,” Heechul shook his head. “He’s been calling me that ever since we dated.”


     “He was my prince charming,” Heechul shrugged, “When we got together twenty-six years ago, I thought I’d been rescued.”

     “Twenty-six years?”

    “Demigods age slower than humans. You’ll stop aging soon.” Heechul explained. “If you live in the godly realms, your life will last much longer. Though, you’re not immortal, like me. You’ll age and die one day. I won’t.”

     “Will you live forever, Heechul-ah?” Donghae questioned as Heechul stepped closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

    “No, I can be killed by injury or sickness, just like you can. My body is strong, but not invincible.” Heechul answered, “Now, stay here while I try to convince my mother I’m not giving birth to a prophecy.”


    “Wait,” Donghae stated, taking Heechul’s hand and pulling him closer. “I love you, Heechul-ah. Be careful.”

    “I love you too." Heechul whispered. "But, I’m scared, Hae-ah.”

    “Me too,” Donghae agreed, wrapping his arms around Heechul and capturing his lips in a deep kiss.

    Heechul’s overly sensitive body instantly reacted to the meaningful kiss. His skin began to glow brightly once more, his irises flamed a bright orange and the scent of chocolate smoke filled the air. A warm wind filled the tiny bathroom, lifting Heechul bright, red hair up and causing a spark to shoot between them.

    “What was that?” Donghae gasped as they parted and the wind died. “My lips are tingling.”

    “Mine too,” Heechul whispered, touching his lips. “I think we need to talk to Sungmin about this.”

     “Why, Sungmin?”

     “He’s a love god,” Heechul smirked as he heard Hankyung enter the outer room and call his name. “Wait here, I’ll be back soon.”

     “Love?” Donghae repeated in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

    “We might have just done something very serious.” Heechul answered, suddenly looking nervous. “I’ll explain it later.”

     Watching helplessly as Heechul left the room, Donghae had to suppress the urge to follow the fire god. His head was filled with confusion and his body felt warm and happy. Something had happened just now and it made Heechul nervous, which in turn, frightened him.

    Inching closer to the bathroom door, Donghae cracked it open a fraction and peaked out into the room. He could see Heechul standing in front of the vanity with HanGeng next to him. Heechul’s skin was still glowing from the kiss. The mirror in front of them was filled with the image of a beautiful blonde woman with eyes that resembled Heechul’s greatly. She was young looking, maybe her late twenties. She looked more like Heechul’s sister than his mother.

    “Are you well, Honey?” Heechul’s mother questioned, “You were in the bathroom a long time.”

    “I suddenly felt sick,” Heechul lied, “Sorry Hannie, I don’t want the grapes any longer.”

     “It’s alright, princess.” HanGeng smiled, setting the bowl of fruit he was holding on the vanity.

    “So, I assume that you are the one who impregnated my child.” Heechul’s mother accused, sounding angry.

    “Yes, Ma’am.” HanGeng bowed, “It wasn’t planned, but..,”

    “He’s a man, of course it was planned.”

    “I was accidentally affected by one of Ryeowook’s children. When we slept together, I didn’t know the fertility ritual had begun. I’m sorry, Mother.”

   “At least it wasn’t with that horrid water god you’ve been looking after all these years. How you could hide him like that from your own father is beyond me.”

    “Because father wanted to kill an innocent child.” Heechul argued, “I would not stand by and let that happen.”

    “A child that would one day kill him.”

    “He was still a child.”

    “Heechul-ah, I don’t want to have this argument again.” The older woman smiled, “Can I ask you something?”


    “You’re glowing extra brightly and your lips are ruby red.” Heechul’s mother observed, “Hold up you hand, dear.”


    “I’m curious about something.”

    “Fine,” Heechul sighed, holding up his left hand as he used the right to hold the bed sheet around his waist. “I don’t see why…, OH!”

    “I knew it,” Heechul’s mother smiled at her son. “You’ve bonded with your soul mate. You were married, Heechul-ah.”

    “I was…,” Heechul stammered, looking at the intricate designs that had been tattooed into his hand. There were bright red flames trailing over his palm that disappeared into deep blue waves at his wrist. Rose petals dotted his fingers on the bottom side and water droplets decorated the tops. The back of his hand had two characters etched into it in bright red and aqua blue, Hee Hae.

    “Those colors..,” Heechul’s mother began as Heechul hid his hand behind him before she could read it. “They represent you and your partner for eternity.”

    “Like yours and father’s hands,” Heechul nodded as his mother held up her hand to reveal rose petals and flames.

    “Fire and Temptation,” The Goddess nodded, “Your hand had flames for your fire, petals for your tempting beauty and scent and the rest represents your mate. But, I only saw blue. Shouldn’t HanGeng’s symbols be feathers and clouds?”

     “Uhhh…,” Heechul swallowed, not sure how to answer her. “You see…,”

     “I’m a wind god, so…,” HanGeng began, trying to come up with an explanation for all the waves and the blue on Heechul’s hand.

     “OW!” Heechul exclaimed, startling everyone as he grabbed his stomach and collapsed onto the water covered floor. “Something’s wrong. Mother, I have to go…, OW!”

    “I’ll get Leeteuk Hyung,” HanGeng panicked as he touched the mirror and the image of Heechul’s mother faded away to be replaced by just regular glass.

    “Heechul,” Donghae called out, rushing from the bathroom to his lover’s side. “Are you ok?”

    “I’m fine.” Heechul clarified with a soft smile. “I was faking. I needed an excuse to hang up on her.”

     “Get off the floor then.” HanGeng chuckled, reaching out to take Heechul’s left had. As soon as the wind god’s hand touched Heechul’s skin, he was scorched by a hot flame. “OW! Why did you do that?”

    “I didn’t mean to,” Heechul apologized.

    “Let me try,” Donghae offered, taking Heechul’s hand and helping the older up.

     “Why wasn’t he burned?”

    “Because I belong to him, not you.” Heechul offered, pointing to Donghae’s left hand.

    “My hand…,” Donghae whispered, observing the same intricate tattoo that had appeared on Heechul’s skin, now adorned his own. “What is this?”

    “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know this would happen.”

   “So, you really are married, princess.” Geng stated, sounding sad. “I thought that only happened between full gods?”

    “I am a full god, Hannie.” Heechul answered, “But, Donghae-ah’s not. I don’t understand how this happened.”

    “What happened?” Donghae asked, “Please explain this to me.”

    “When two gods are destined to unite, their magic comes together and forms an eternal bond.” Heechul explained, “Mother and Father have been bonded together for thousands of years and will stay that way until one of them dies. It’s a survival mechanism and a way of strengthening the godly realm. If a pair is bonded, then no one else is allowed to mate with them, but their partner. No one can even touch them in certain ways without consequences. I think that’s why Geng was burned when he touched my hand.”

    “But, Ryeowook and Yesung are a couple and they don’t’ have this.” Donghae reasoned, pointing to his hand.

    “They’re demigods. It doesn’t work that way with them. Their bond is emotional only.” Heechul answered, “It’s the human blood in them. It takes away part of their powers and makes them weaker. They can’t channel enough power to truly attach themselves.”

    “But, I’m a demigod too. How did I do this with you?”

    “That’s what I need to find out. We have to see Sungmin. Maybe he’ll know. This is his realm of knowledge, not mine.”

    “Why don’t you sleep and talk to him in the morning.” HanGeng suggested, as he used his control over the air to evaporate the sea water pooled on the floor. “It’s late. He’s probably sleeping.”

    “No, it can’t wait. I need answers.” Heechul declared, moving to his dresser and pulling open one of the drawers. “I also need to speak with Leeteuk hyung. Mother isn’t stupid. She’s bound to figure things out soon.”

    “Do you think she knows Hae’s the father?” Geng questioned nervously.

    “The symbols on my hand are water elements. She knows.” Heechul answered, “And that means father will know soon. We need to call a meeting. There’s no hiding anymore. I have to prepare for an attack.”

    “Your father would attack his own son?” Donghae gaped, “He’d try and kill you?”

     “Yes, he would.” Heechul stated flatly, “He’d kill me because I’m carrying a threat to his power and then he’d kill you. My father isn’t playing around. He wants to rule over all the realms and he will stop at nothing to achieve that; even if it means murdering his only son.”










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I did some editing to the last chapter poseted. If you're reading it now refresh the page. The end is different.


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Jaenlea #1
Chapter 27: It was an amazing story with a happily ever after. Thank you author-nim
Voidedfairytale #2
Chapter 27: Hahahahaha! I was skeptical yet heartbroken when u killed off Heechul but I know you wouldnt make us bleed to death from sadness *winks* I still ship sichul. And up to this point maybe hanchul too. And yes. You made me like heehae too now! Hahahahahahahaha!
Voidedfairytale #3
Chapter 14: Omg!!!!! Chulhae!!!! *faints*
Tracy1440 #4
Wysmom #5
Chapter 27: Wow. Your story is amazing. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for that. I loved it.
Wysmom #6
Chapter 1: Wow. I never thought I would llike a hehae but I'm very intrigued. :-*
Chapter 8: Oh hell no, you better back up hangeng!!!! I ship you and heechul, but this is donghae and heechul's moment! xD
novaliana70 #8
Chapter 27: I can't find the word about this.. it's to great story. I try hard to understand why you paired them. tickling~ hahaha 'cus I never read fanfict that they to be couple^^ but I love the way of story. please make other story with Eunhae^^ I love them (Eunhae) and it's easy to find sense of them kkkk♥♥♥♥
thx author-nim*bow*
suju94 #9
i've read this story a long time ago, but it's still one of my fav and i'm going to reread it soon. Eunhae is "real" but i love HeeHae very much too, so if you'll write another story with them it will be awesome!!