rules + how to join

❝ GOSSAMER ❞ -- an aff-based roleplay ; newly opened.


001 . subscribe to this thread.

002 . one account per person.

003 . no bashing allowed here.

004 . no adding of anyone outside rp.

005 . y time in pm only.

006 . yuri or is limited.

007 . ooc in brackets.

008 . be active 4 times a week.

009 . enjoy roleplaying here.

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001 . read the rules please.

002 . check the masterlist.

003 . comment below using 

             this format : 'i'd like to

                have this thread as __'

      with the password.

004 . password : stop girl 

005 . wait for admin's approval

006 . get your account in 72 hours.

007 . add the code we give you.

008 . comment here using

          this format to let us 

                  know "i'm here to claim

   my thread as __"

009 . add everyone here.

010 . enjoy roleplaying here.








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Chapter 1: ohai dur.
im yoonaaa is here to claim her thread. (x
or something like that. otl
Chapter 1: i'd like to have this thread as woollim girls jiae aka infinite's little sister ;~;
holy crap. stop girl in the name of loooooove~ st-to-to-top girl in the name of looooove~ ♥ /shot.
Chorus #3
Chapter 2: i'd like to have this thread as girls' generation's yoona, so stop girl!
Chapter 1: i'd like to have this thread as bap's zelo. ouo
stop girl ♥ in the name of love.
Chapter 1: i'd like to have this thread as infinite's woohyun
stop girl
in the name of loveeeeee lol sorry orz
Chapter 2: i'd like to have this thread as exo m's luhan.
stop girl!
Chapter 2: i'd like to have this thread
as ehksho`s kai. ♥
stop girl!
aprileun #8
i'd like to have this thread as exo's sehun.
stop girl! c:
sulli is here, ____.
Chapter 2: i'd like to have this thread as inpinite's myungsoo
stop girl!
reply via pm please. c;
i can be a male admin if you need one! ;w;