To be mortal


I will update this later but i was inspired by the Once upon A Time series curse thing and Rick Riordan.  Note that since they are reincarnations most will will be white not to be racist.


"Help us lord Apollo!" the servants cried as their Oracle was convulsing on the floor.  Apollo appeard as the mortals exited from the room to fitch a doctor.  

"This has never happened before," he mumbled to himself.  The Oracle suddenly grabbed by his toga and looked at him in the eyes as she made a creepy hollow sound...

'All will be lost by a fallen's curse

Eight shall rise and be put to test...

She pulled him closer and whispered in his ears.  His face grew darker with concern.  He gently laid her down and looked up at the sky.  He noticed the dark clouds were slowly approaching.  He quickly ran to his chariot and flew to the sky.  He looked back for a second and noticed the dark cloud gaining onto him.  He shook his reign on his horses to go faster but the dark clouds started to circle around him and shadowed him in darkness.  He tried to ride through it but something caught his wheel.  He and horses screamed as the darkness pulled them towards earth....


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