Exo Crack Pairing Oneshots

The Cute, y, and Twisted - AFF Recommendations

(NEW) The Difference Between A Bad Boy and A Thug

Author: confetto
Pairing: ChanSoo (Chanyeol/D.O.)
Genre: Slight Angst, Humor
Rating: NC-17 (Language, Abuse, )

Kyungsoo refuses to accept that he is in an abusive relationship with "bad boy" Jongin until a self proclaimed "thug" named Park Chanyeol comes along. Epiphanies are had.

So yeah. I love crack pairings and as soon as I knew Chanyeol was a "thug" in this fic, I was totally hooked. The abusive relationship seemed a little cliché, but it's not because the author actually gives the abuser or bad guy Jongin some context (although I'm a little upset by this depiction of Kai...sobs, noo Kai can't be bad!). Anyways, this is truly a well-balanced fic. Although I think it's really Chanyeol's character that stole the show. He's completely endearing and hilarious as a "thug". Another brownie point to the author because the was good. It wasn't full of , which is something I find common in fics and I hate it. 

I was skeptical at first. I'm a faithful KaiSoo shipper, but this story was awesome. It was like angst, which when done well is one of my favorite genres, mixed with the weirdest offbeat humor I've read in a long time. Awkward Chanyeol is one of my three (yes, three) Exo biases, and "thug" Chanyeol did not disappoint in the "weirdness" category.

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Chapter 3: She's actually removed her works from here but don't fret! They're on livejournal
Chapter 5: wheres the kaisoo haha
Chapter 1: This is a goooood idea! How about Hunhan? Hehehe, I am a Hunhan loyal shipper. Looking forward for your recommendation! :D
Chapter 6: If i want my fic to be recommended how can do so without being biased? I mean don't you review the fic before publishing it?
Chapter 6: Ooo~ I hope we can recommend stories soon. I have so many I can recommend!!!! Can we recommend stories outside of AFF too? I've found a couple extremely good stories on various sites that deserve recognition.
Chapter 1: This is such an awesome IDEA!!!
I hope this works out for you gal's ^^
(Strangely, all the people I read from turn into friends...Therefore I can't recommend any DX)
OH MY GOSH, SIAHNA AND I SHARE THE SAME FAVORITE KPOP GROUPS. I'm really happy about that. Like, really happy and I'm not quite sure why. xD Kthxbai.
chizitolover #8
Chapter 1: waa i will wait for kaisoo:3
minseoked #9
Chapter 5: this story was really good and Chanyeol's character is actually realistic as far as "thugs" go lol. Thanks for the rec! ^^
Chapter 1: Omg when are we able to recommend stories??