Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain

Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain
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Ryeowook smiled dreamily as he lay sprawled on his bed, eyes fixated on his laptop.
"What are you so engrossed in that you forget to cook dinner?"
Eunhyuk. He looks slightly bemused. It's not that late anyway, why's--oh. It's 8 already.
"You're watching our show again." Eunhyuk whispered apprehensively, "It's okay, you continue. I'll just call takeout for the rest." With that, he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.
Yes, our show. We'd first watched it together a couple of years back. Back when both of us were the most ignored members of Super Junior, when more people thought that Eunhyuk was ugly. And it struck too many chords.
Unattractive. Check. Talented but overlooked. Check. Sweet, sensitive, shy. Check.
It didn't stop there. She was not a girly girl. Check. Genuine and kind. Check. Beautiful. Check.
Throw in the fact that she saw him as a reliable older brother and therefore he was stuck in the friendzone. They were in the same company, with him being the new kid on the block. And because she clicked so well with guys, she had too many close guy friends to count, which made him jealous.

It wasn't that Ryeowook wanted to be idealistic or dreamy- he was, in fact, acutely aware that it was, after all, a show. A construct of the scriptwriter, a figment of his imagination. Yet he knew not people who were in similar situations, much less those who had been successful. The closest would have been Eunhyuk, but he too, wasn't successful. Not yet at least. In their show, they had ended up together, though not before twists and turns. And he could literally see himself as the main guy, with the similarities abound. It gave Ryeowook hope, that perhaps, one day, maybe, just maybe.

Besides hope though, their show had given him something else. The fuurinkaazaninrai attitude towards relationships.

As swift as the wind.

Ryeowook ran up to the SNSD girls when they entered the dressing room, having come back from their goodbye stage for "The Boys". Sooyoung greeted him with a bright smile and twinkling eyes, with Hyoyeon latched on her arm.
"Sooyoung, we need to talk." he blurted, face perfectly serious. In return, he gained a slight frown and lightly knitted brows from her.
"Can it wait-"
"No, I need to talk to you now." Ryeowook insisted immediately, he needed to say it before he chickened out
"Is anything wrong, Wookie oppa, you're not like this normally." Her voice softened, now concerned.
"Just go, it must be something important." Hyoyeon cut in, unlatching herself and pushing her gently towards Ryeowook.
He swore he saw a hint of a knowing smile play on Hyoyeon's lips as he led Sooyoung outside.
"Sooyoung, I love-" Ryeowook shut his eyes and bit his lip, trying to muster the courage to finish his sentence. As swift as the wind Ryeowook, it'll be over in no time, no big deal, the worst that can happen is she rejects you, which is totally expected anyway. There's nothing to be afraid of, just do it! Sooyoung looked at him expectantly, oblivious to his obvious internal struggle.
"-to treat you out to dinner tonight!" he finished, highly embarrassed. Oh, you're such a coward, how difficult is it to say that you don't just like her as a friend!
"Wookie oppa! You're terrible!" Sooyoung protested, only to get a blank look for a response. "You didn't want to say it inside because you didn't want to treat Hyoyeon!"
"No, it's not that!"
"Then what is it?"
"Well... Then what do you want?"
"I'll forgive you if you treat Hyoyeon too!"
"Well, okay!" There goes whatever semblance of alone time that I could possibly get out of this arrangement! This is great, why are you such a coward Ryeowook?
And Sooyoung bounds back inside the dressing room, seemingly to tell Hyoyeon about the treat that she's getting out of me only because Ryeowook is a coward.
"She says that she'll come, so prepare to pick up the bill!" Sooyoung chimed before heading back inside a second time. Eunhyuk pops his head ou

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 1: SOOWOOK I love the two from their respective groups.. and they are nice to pair up apparently.. thanks for the story^^
This is indeed an unconventional pairing. But i love those types! Who wants to always follow the norm right? Plus sooyoung and hyoyeon just happen to be the only 2 i like in snsd ^^
Chapter 1: AWWWW!!!

OMG.... This was so adorable and hilarious and just... ashaishdfkhdfkhjaksdfjklsajdf;kajdfiaiseouapio

You know, I've never seen a really close bond between Eunhyuk and Ryeowook, so that was really nice.

I was laughing so hard by the end of "As fierce as the fire." XD

So cute! Although I am confused about the "our show" thing... They recorded this or something?

But anyways, ^^ Great job!
SooJunior #5
Chapter 1: SooWook !! Amazing !!
Libraangle #6
Chapter 1: thanks
SoooWoook :'>