~ Chapter 1 ~

Elite Affairs

Song To Listen To : One 4 You - AJax


~The Bank Club~


YooSung threw his keys to the vallet parker and strolled into the club. Everyone was pointing and staring at him while whispering, but he was use to this kind of treatment, and continued on walking into the club.

"Guess who's finally here guys" ChulYong said while sitting at one of the booths and holding a beer in one hand, his other around a girl.

"About time you got here" ChanHee said while bumping shoulders with YooSung. YooSung ploped down on one of the arm chairs and loosened his tie.

"You look like you need a beer bro" Seungri said and tossed a beer to YooSung. YooSung caught the beer and twisted the cap open and took a long sip of the cooling drink.

"God... That dinner party went on forever. Those grandpas just wouldn't shut up" YooSung groaned and leaned back in the chair and covered his eyes with his arm. A girl in a skimpy black dress slide into YooSung's lap

"You finally came oppa, do you know how long I waited for you?" she said with a pout.

"Sorry babe I had something to do" YooSung said with his signature smile.

~The Kim's Limo~


"JaeHwa.... JAEHWA! Are even listening to me!?" Mr. Kim yelled at his son from across the limo.

"You are gonna drive me insane do you know that?!?"

Mrs. Kim intterupted Mr.Kim's rant on JaeHwa "More like you're driving him insane. Now leave my little baby alone. "

"Lit..little baby? This is why he is so rude, you spoil him to much!" Mr. Kim stuttered out.

"I do NOT spoil him to much" Mrs. Kim said defensively

"Just look at that boy........"

"Will you just shut up already?!?!" JaeHwa yelled out, he had enough of the arguing.

"See!! Look at that kid" Mr. Kim frantically pointed at JaeHwa.

"It's your fault he did that! Your's the one that started this arugment"

'Not again...' JaeHwa thought and leaned back in his sit and turned up the volume on his iphone to tune out his bickering parents.
The limo pulled up in front of a large resturant with huge glass windows, surrounded by the paparazzi.  His car door opened and the face of his personal body guard, JaeJoong, came into view gesturing him to come out.
'Here we go' JaeHwa said with a sigh, before stepping out of the car and into the swarm of paparrazzis and flashing lights.


~Park Resident~


"PARK JONGHAE!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" JongHae's older sister, MiHae screamed while storming through the hallway soaking wet. A group of maids ran behind her wipping the water, dripping from her clothes, off the floor. JongHae stood, hidden behind a tall plant, with his hands covering his mouth to keep him from brusting out laughing. He peered around the tree to look at his frantic sister when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"And what are you up to young man?" Mr. Park asked his son. JongHae slowly turned to look at his father.

"Heehee. Nothing I was just admiring this wonderful plant heheh" JongHae turned so his back was to his father and started to act like he was interested in the plant.

"Daddy!! Look at what JongHae did to me!!" MiHae gestured to her clothes. She ran to Mr.Park and clinged onto his arm.

"JongHae? What did you do to your sister?" Mr. Park questioned with wide eyes, still staring at his soaked daugther.

"He put a bucket of water on my door so when I opened it the water got dumped on me!" MiHae said before her brother could say a thing. Mr.Park gave his son a look saying 'Why did you do that?'.

"She took my laptop without my permission. So I was getting even" He said while mumbling the last part.

"Why did you take your brother's laptop? Where's yours?"

"Heheh. About that I was gonna tell you daddy, I broke my laptop." MiHae said while stepping to stand next to her brother.

"You broke your laptop again??" MiHae nodded her head while staring at the ground.

"What am I gonna do with you kids??" Mr. Park shook his head and walked away.


~SCR Cruiseship~


"Hello, Nice to meet you" JungHwa said with a bow for the inth time that night. He was currently on a cruiseship for a ball. He had be walking around the huge ballroom for the past hour and a half, greeting and exchanging small talk with almost everyone he passed by, not that he wanted to of course. But being the son of the Supreme Justice and being the good-boy he is, he had to play the part even if he didn't want to.

"JungHwa, come meet the Choi's" His father Mr. Yang gestured him to come.

"This is Mr. Choi of Choi Corporations, and his wife, and daughter."

"Hello, Nice to meet you Mr. Choi, Mrs. Choi, and ......"

"I'm JaeIn, Choi JaeIn"

"Of course, nice to you, Miss JaeIn" JungHwa bowed and kissed JaeIn's right hand. He stood up and flashed his charming smile. SeoHee blushed and covered her face with her hands.

"See I told you the kids would get along" Mr. Yang said with a smile. JungHwa turned to his father with a questioning face, he opened his mouth to speak but before he could Mr. Yang spoke first.

"Why don't we set up a date for the two familys to offically meet?" JungHwa's eyes widen in realization, his father was trying to set up an arranged marriage for him.

"Dad don't you think think it's to early for JungHwa to get married?" JungHwa's older sister, JungHee showed up out of nowhere.

"Unni's right dad, JungHwa is still to young to get married." JungHwa's second oldest sister, HyeJung also showed up.

"This is between adults JungHee and HyeJung. Why don't you take your brother and JaeIn-shi here somewhere else and have a chat" Mr. Yang said with a forced smile that said 'if you don't get out of here right now you are gonna get it later when we get home'.

"Fine, let's go HyeJung, JungHwa, and JaeIn-shi" JungHee said JaeIn's name with grited teeth, not wanting that girl anywhere near her brother.

10/13/2012 --- Sorry for taking so long to write the first chapter, it took me forever to think of different situations for each character. The girl's chapter will be up soon, I hope. So please give me ideas okay?? Anyways COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT EVERYONE!! It gives me motivation! :)

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Chapter 7: Hey Hey! Alright you're back and in business! lolz
Can't wait to see what you've cooked up.
Like I said b4 this is such a cool idea.

Man in the last year of HS for me, we had a water fight in home room, crazy guys with super soakers and chaos. What a time!
Now though, no one can bring stuff like that into schools. big time. We had a blast then. My HR teach was awesome.
Chapter 7: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ♥
Chapter 7: yey, you're back!!!! cant wait for the story to start! :)
Chapter 7: Wow! I am happy to see that you are going to continue with the story! It is such a good concept. I'm not sure how the whole co author thing works really but I wish you good luck in your final year of high school!!
Chapter 7: Glad that you're continuing with the story!! :D
Chapter 5: Are you on a haiatus?
Chapter 5: Love it so much!! :DDDDDD
and it fits the story so perfectly!! :D
Chapter 5: Cool poster and background. Now you have an official looking background I like the font they used on it. Heehee my character looks sly in his picture don't you think? :D
I like it.
Chapter 5: The poster looks amazing~~
The background too!!!
Love the colors picked for it. :D
Chapter 5: The poster ish nice~ I like the color! Hope you update soon~ so till next time!