On to Korea

The contest

Jiyong has entered a contest on YouTube for a chance to meet the group Bang. All of the members are totally inspiring to all the fans with all their talents. The one that everyone envies is the leader known as T.O.P. or Choi Seunghyun. When the aspiring rapper saw the contest online he just had to do it. He just had to get T.O.P.'s attention. He did such a great job he ended up being one of the four who won a trip to Korea.

There is also a reason Jiyong has entered the contest. He of course is a huge fan of the group "Bang" but he only entered the competition to get the attention of his first love and that is Seunghyun. They practically grew up together and they were always together. Seunghyun was over weight at the time and Jiyong didn't care. He loved hugging his hyung and having sleep overs. Their parents saw nothing wrong with it and saw it as brotherly love. 

His parents would always praise them and say how great kids they were. Jiyong ever since he was a toddler would always hold on to his hyungs hand. Seunghyun was always sweet and would take the smaller hand in his and gently run is thumb across the youngers hand. Jiyong was his world and vice versa. When they were in elementary school they didn't know what they were. They just figured that they were just good friends but one day at Jiyong's fifth grade graduation Seunghyun was present and so was his family. 

Jiyong every now and then would sing but never in front of his hyung. He was simply too shy to sing in front of him but today Jiyong had no choice. The music started and the stage dimmed Jiyong stepped into the bright stage lights and started to sing. Seunghyun's was in love at that moment and he pushed himself to the edge of the seat. 

When the song ended Seunghyun stood and cheered with the others in the room and for a brief second they both made eye contact. Jiyong of course blushed and looked in another direction. 

After that day they were still the same but slightly different. They were afraid to say anything about how they were feeling about each other so instead they just tested the waters. A hand hold a hug a snuggle and a couple of glances. They both knew that they were in love and Seunghyun was going to make sure that he would tell the younger his feelings but it was too late. 

Jiyong's father was relocated and they had to move immediately. So that only left a week for his family to pack and for Jiyong to say goodbye possibly forever to the one that he loves. 

When the younger told his hyung of the bad news they both broke down into tears and held each other in an embrace. Seunghyun was so hurt he didn't tell Jiyong and Jiyong didn't want to tell him either. For the rest of the week they hung out a lot had sleep overs to where they are tangled in limbs almost every night. Then finally the day came and Seunghyun was left waving at the person that he truly loved and will never see again...so he thought...


Since then Jiyong has been in the states since he was 11 he never knew what really happened in Korea until recently. Friends around his college campus started loving the Kpop scene and especially the group Bang because of their worldly beats and vibes. Jiyong almost fell out of his chair when he saw the rapper for the first time. 

He even turned the TV to face him more totally blocking the view of the other students. That is when he saw him...his love...his Tabi. He knew that there was no chance of him winning but he had to try. The other talent the younger had was rapping and he was always known around campus for his raps. So within 24hrs he uploaded the video and got 2nd place with in 48 hours and then he found out that he was on of the people who will be sent to Korea. 

Jiyong nearly flipped bricks when he found out from the official email. His friends congratulated him and his parents were proud that he has won the competition. Now the aspiring rapper is on his way to Korea the flight is long but it has been five hours already from LAX and Jiyong is a pro. He still has family in Korea so he has no problem traveling. 

The younger finally falls asleep in his first class digs and gets excited of meeting his first love again. He figures that he will not remember him because they have both changed drastically. All Jiyong wants to do it see that he is okay. To be able to possibly feel his touch again just through a hand shake. That's all he wants that's all that will keep him happy for a life time. 


Jiyong finally arrives in Korea and is greeted by an official YG represent. "Hello you must be Jiyong shi?" 

Jiyong responds back in Korean "Ne thank you for choosing me it is an honor to be here" 

"No problem. Let's wait for the others and we will get going to the hotel. By the way I'm Go Ma Ri but just call me Marry" 

"Ne Mary" 

Jiyong waits with the lady and they eventually see the other three emerging from the Europe flight. "Okay everyone I will show you to your hotel and we will check in and I will assign your rooms. You will all meet Bang tomorrow!" All of them cheer with excitement and follow the represent. 

The drive to the hotel is kind of long but it is fun because Seoul at night is always beautiful. The rest of the guest as tired and they are sleep. Jiyong looks over at the others and smiles at how peacefully and happy they are to be there. They pull up to the hotel and the hotel keys are already there for them to take to head up to their rooms. 

Jiyong takes his key and heads to his room. It is only on the third floor so the trip was short on the elevator. He waves good bye to the other three and proceeds down the hallway. He opens his door to his suite and is in Awe. He has never had a room to himself and never in Seoul. The room had a gift bag sitting on the bed and Jiyong runs over to look at what inside. 

There was a CD and other autographed items that he can tell that they were recently signed based on the fresh ink. Jiyong pulls out his suite case and pulls out his night wear. He gets into bed and goes to sleep quickly to await his day with Bang. 


Beep beep beep goes the alarm and Jiyong hops out of bed to get ready. To be truthful Jiyong couldn't sleep much because he was so excited for the day. He gets to see his first love and possibly he might remember him. There is a knock at the door and Jiyong runs over to open the door. 

"Hello Jiyong shi are you almost ready?" 

"Ne " Jiyong puts on his last item of clothing and walks to the elevator with the representative and the other three who were waiting in the elevator. Since they all speak different languages They all kept to themselves which was not awkward at all. The first part of the agenda was getting a tour of the YG building and then for the grand finale Bang will come out to greet their fans. 


They arrive at YG and it is everything that Jiyong expected and more .The building was a black theme and it had a supper modern feel. Because of security they were not allowed to take pictures until the fan meeting so their phones were taken away. Which was fine with Jiyong because his phone doesn't work in Korea anyways. 

They all work their way through all of the departments and there were plenty of "ouuu and ahhh" from everyone. Jiyong loved everything in his sight and then he was in awe...they were in Bang's wing of the building. There were pictures from their pre debut to present. Jiyong and the others carefully looked at all of the pictures two of the girls in the group gushed over T.O.P.s pictures and kept saying Oppa. Jiyong took his time at his Tabi's pictures. 

His hyung has changed so much in look but Jiyong never forgets a face. His eyes are still kind and sweet though the media portrays him as a play boy. He doesn't see any of that. The younger touches the picture and places his hand on Seunghyuns. The representative comes over behind Jiyong. 

"Do you like T.O.P the most?" 

Jiyong answers dreamily "Ne..." The lady chuckles "Even men can get the almighty T.O.P" 

Jiyong laughs "I just admire him and his talents. He has come a long way. "

"Oh you are a true fan eh?" 

Jiyong nods "I'm a big fan." 

They both smile and the rep takes the group down to the cafeteria for some lunch. All of them sit down at the table and they have traditional food served to them. The three don't know what to do with the food so Jiyong in English shows them how to eat. He also gave them a brief chopstick tutorial. One of the girls of the group who was French tried flirting with Jiyong but quickly found out that he is not interested. 

Jiyong chuckles at himself from how often he rejects girls. It's not that he is not attracted to them he is just not interested to let in anyone into his heart. Only one person can win his heart. 

Everyone suddenly gasp when they see Taeyang riding his skateboard around the table. Everyone gets excited and cheers as He make a round about the table. He wishes every one a good meal in English and told them that he will see them soon. Jiyong and the other three eat the rest of their lunch and making conversation as they can due to the language barriers. 

Finally the time has come and Representative Go shows up "The time has come everyone!'" 

They all cheer and get up from the table. Jiyong follows behind slowly because his heart started to beat like crazy. They are taken down the long hallway into a large room. Everyone sits and waits around the room in anticipation of what is to come. 

The door slowly opens and the four celebrities walk into the room all together. The girls scream and Jiyong and the other guys cheer and clap. The girls of course run up to the group and start calling them Oppa. They all smile and hug the girls back. Seungri breaks from the crowd and makes his way over to Jiyong who is quietly staring at Seunghyun. 

"Hi there! Welcome!" Jiyong is brought back into his thoughts as he hears the greeting and he bows back "Thank you for having me. I'm a big fan!" Seungri smiles "You are very shy I see...don't be we are very nice" He smiles again and leads Jiyong closer to the group. Jiyong keeps cool and bows to Taeyang and Tae bows back "Nice meeting you man! I saw your video! " Jiyong gets shy and replies "Thank you. I really love your music and it's a honor to meet you." 

"Thanks man!" Taeyang was going to speak more but he was pulled but the French girl and the Canadian he makes an apologetic look at JIyong and Jiyong smiles back and mouths "I understand" Daesung finally comes over and he greets "Hey quiet one! How goes it!" Jiyong shyly smiles "Sorry I'm so quiet..this is a lot to take in" Jiyong chuckles "Ne ne Jiyong shi. Where are you from" Jiyong chuckles back "I'm from L.A I have been there since I was younger. " 

"Well those girls over there want a picture I will talk to you again ne?" Jiyong smiles and nods and the other walks away. Jiyong looks over at the man known as T.O.P. and he tries not to make it obvious but he is staring hard at him. He can't believe that his tabi has lost all of his weight to turn out to be so dashing. His dimples are more prominent and his masculine lines make him so attractive. The older notices Jiyong standing by himself and makes eyes contact. 

Jiyong freaks out and looks down to try not to look caught but he is too late "Hello...I have not met you yet...and your name is?" 

Jiyong looks at the older and tries not to cry " My name is Ji..." 

"Ji? that is a cool name man thanks for entering the contest and we are happy to have you here." 

Jiyong smiles hearing his hyungs deep voice in person. "Thank you...it is an honor. " Jiyong says and holds out his hand for a hand shake. Seunghyun smiles and shakes the youngers hand. 'I'm complete'...

Seunghyun then leaves because the representative brings them all together for a picture and because of scheduling the group will have to leave soon. They all gather for the picture and Jiyong takes a place in the back at the end and the older stands on the other side at the other end. Jiyong can't help but keep staring at his hyung. He loves him so much he can't even explain how much he loves him. But this reunion is about to end soon. 

"Alright everyone please wave goodbye to Bang! " Everyone cheers and bows and Jiyong breaks down. He starts to cry and tears start to stream down his face as he waves bye to the one that he loves and probably will never see again. "Goodbye they all say. " and Jiyong says something different instead of goodbye. "Goodbye Tabi" The other three look at Jiyong like he is silly because they have no idea who Tabi is. Jiyong said it at speaking level but not loud enough for the group to hear. 

The door closes and the French girl comes over with tissues. "Wow you are a true fan Jiyong you even try for them" says the girl in broken English. 

Jiyong takes the tissues and dries his eyes "Thank you for the tissues" The girl smiles and pats his back "No problem Jiyong. Cheer up okay" 

The representative gathers them all together to get ready to leave YG. "Are you all happy that you met Bang!" Everyone cheers "Well we were happy to have met you and thank you for coming to Korea! Let all head back to the hotel ne?" They all cheer and start to head to the YG elevator that leads to the parking garage. 

They come down to see the black van waiting for them. Jiyong looks at the building before getting in the van. 'He doesn't remember me...but a least I got to see him' Jiyong gets into the van and take a place at the back . The tears occasionally fall and the Canadian girl would coo "it's okay and it's alright to the other' 

They all make it to the hotel and they all part ways because the next day they will be on different flight at different times during the day. Luckily Jiyong's flight is not until 3pm so he can sleep in if he wishes. He bows to the other on the elevator before walking down the hallway to his room. He opens the door and walks into the cold hotel room. 

Jiyong is sad but is so happy that he got to see him again. Even though he didn't get close to him he was still happy. The hand shake is what made his day. He holds out his hand and looks at it and smiles. "I got to shake your hand Tabi...I missed your touch..." The younger says to himself. He flips on the TV and changes into some night clothes again. 

He picked up the phone to order some late night food and relaxes to watches reruns of running man. Five minutes later Jiyong gets out of bed and walks to the door for his room service. He opens the door with Won in hand and his jaw drops. "You..you..." Jiyong starts to cry at the person in front of him...and that is Seunghyun. The man is panting and you could tell he was looking for him. "Yongie..?" 

Jiyong smiles and nods with tears flowing down his face "Tabi..." 

They both stare at each other and the older pulls Jiyong into a tight embrace "I never forgot you...never..." Jiyong smiles and cries harder " I have missed you so much..." 

The release their embrace and Jiyong takes a good look at the other and smiles "You have changed a lot Tabi." 

Seunghyun chuckles and scratches his head "Yea I lost a lot of weight to join YG...but Jiyong why did you not say anything at the meeting?" 

"I didn't want to be found out...I just wanted to see you...see how you look and shake your hand. " 

"Still you should have said something Yongie" He takes the younger into another embrace. "You broke my heart when you started to cry...I heard you call me Tabi and that's when I knew for sure it was you..." 

They both sit down on the bed and do like when they were little and just stare at each other lovingly. The older takes Jiyongs hand and he smiles at the other. "I can't believe that you are here Tabi.." Jiyong smiles " I can't believe that you did all that to see me." Seunghyun scoots a little closer to Jiyong and breathes out slowly "Jiyong?" the younger turns his head to the side cutely "Ne Tabi" 

"There was something that I wanted to tell you when we were younger" 

"What is it? " Jiyong squeezes the others hand tightly

"Jiyong I'm in love with you...and I never forgot about you...I remembered you from the first time you walked in the room. I remembered you from your entry video...I figured you didn't remember me...until you called my name..." Jiyong cries as he is telling him this and takes the other into a sweet embrace. The older wraps his arms around the smaller frame and rocks them back and forth. "I love you too Tabi. "

Seunghyun then pulls away and caresses the younger ones hair and then slowly moves in  to place his lips on Jiyongs. The kiss is sweet and they move their lips together in sync. The older keeps brushing his tongue on Jiyongs lips whiles they are kissing and figures that this is Jiyong's first kiss. He then starts to rub the younger back and he got a moan from him. He slowly starts to slip his tongue in the younger's mouth and he tasted his cavern. He angles his face a bit more to kiss deeper and more passionately while the younger in quietly . 

Jiyong loves the feeling of his first kiss and he is glad that he has waited. He wanted his first to be with his hyung and Seunghyun wanted to make sure that he would never forget. After minutes of making out and Jiyong they finally release the kiss. Seunghyun smirks "Yongie...that was your first kiss hmm?" 

Jiyong blushes "Ne..and it was nice" 

"Aww baby I'm glad that you did" 

Seunghyun then leans in to kiss the other again and Jiyong giggles "What is so funny?"

"I have always dreamed of kissing you and this is just perfect everything is perfect. I thought that I would never see you again..." 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "I'm not losing you again..and that flight you have for tomorrow has been canceled." 

Jiyong gets wide eyed "Wha?" 

"I want you all to myself...stay with me..." 

"But school..." Jiyong says softly. 

"Transfer. Be with me Yongie..I will pay for everything. I want you to be with me. I have been away from you for too long. I love you so much you have no idea. " 

Jiyong smiles "I know you do and I love you too..." the younger looks up at the older and steals a quick kiss " My umma and appa are going to flip when they find out I'm transferring." Jiyong grins and Seunghyun takes Jiyong into another hug. "Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much baby." 

Jiyong looks at the other "So what now?" 

Seunghyun takes Jiyongs left hand in his and slips on a ring and grins "The start of our life together." 

Jiyong looks at the ring and smiles "I like the sound of that." 


Yea so a one shot...I hope that you all will like it. This story has been in my head all day. 





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Jyotimeena #1
Chapter 1: awe..so cute. you can make a sequel about how they are doing..
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute omg tabi and yongie are so adorable awww
Chapter 1: too sweeeeet. oh god! they r so cutee hihihi
Onepenny #4
Chapter 1: Thank god, for a moment i thought there wasnt going to be a happy ending!
Chapter 1: I was so sad when I thought he didn't remember jiyong ;;__;; but this was really cute, I love them ♥
Kidiua #6
Chapter 1: So cute! Jiyong crying was so sad!
Chapter 1: So much sweet!!!! Omo it's like you are there when the winner of the contest got in korea.... good one as always....
NyappyShipper #8
Chapter 1: Rings!! Cuute XD I really with this wasnt a oneshot though ╮(╯3╰)╭
LockSTARx #9
hehs so much loveee