Chapter 1

Forever and Always

Chapter I

A slender pale hand daintily removed the sheets from the owner’s slender body. The body, belonging to a 17-year-old, sat up on the edge of a messy bed. She turned to look at the other, male, occupant, his lower half covered by rumpled sheets while his upper chiseled chest remained bared to the world, especially her lust-filled eyes.

She breathed in deeply, controlling her instincts to pounce on the vulnerable body. They had been at it all night already. But oh God was he awesome in bed. She could already feel the heat rush to her abdomen.

She released a quiet moan and shook her head free of the dirty thoughts that started to plague her mind. She got up on her feet and headed to the shower. There wasn’t much time. She needed to leave before he woke up. She needed to. Good thing she always kept an extra set of clothes in her bag.

“Heya Mahi!” said a 17-year-old beautiful boy to the already mentioned girl. “Another guy, huh?”

She looked up from her desk, startled; her dark-brown curls swaying around her oval face. “Wha---How d’you know?”

Taemin sat on her desk and rested his legs on another in front of him as he stared down at the ebony-eyed girl in disappointment. “I know you, Mahi. I also know you said you’ll control that addiction of yours. What happened to trying hard? Aren’t you attending your sessions?”

Her silence didn’t make him feel better. He remained calm and collected in front of her. He didn’t want to hurt her. After all, he was her only friend. All the other boys wanted to her while the girls only hated her.

Mahi was the of the school; the girl who slept with almost every guy she met. She had a drop-dead body – a body every girl vied for, hoped for. An hour-glass figure, tall with long slender legs, a toned stomach, slender arms with long fingers that’d be perfect to play piano with and a good set of, as the boys loved to call it, “t**s”.

Whenever she entered the school no boy could take their eyes off her, not even Taemin when he first joined SM High. Taemin had been all starry-eyed when he witnessed the beauty that was Mahi, but knew better than to hit on a girl only for her looks. He also witnessed the rumours and lewd remarks the students made behind her back. He pitied her then, but she didn’t invade his mind much when he had himself to worry about. He was close to the bottom of the food chain since he was the new guy. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if he himself hadn’t been blessed with good looks….and a good set of skills. As soon as everyone witnessed the Dancing God that was Taemin, he exploded into popularity. Even though both Mahi and Taemin were the two most popular students in SM High, they didn’t encounter each other until they were grouped together for their Science project.

He remembered the time they spent on the project perfectly. She had tried to come on to him when they were at her place. And he had let her. No matter how much he tried, he could never deny the physical attraction he felt towards her. Days of trying to control his urge to ravage her body had rendered him helpless, and her move on him on their 7th day together broke that control. All he could say was that she was an animal in bed. Domineering, loud, skillful; nothing like her quiet self he had witnessed up until then. But everything went downhill when he woke up to her sobs the next morning.

He panicked when he noticed the red scratches on her arm. Had she done that to herself? She tried to brush it off once he woke, obviously caught off by his concern. He was scared he had hurt her in some way. He wasn’t some jerk who slept with any girl he came by and NOT care about her. They had become friends of sorts. Not close, but not distant either. Plus, she looked so alone in the crowd of boys at school; he knew exactly what that felt like. So he pestered her that morning until she gave in in anger, telling him that he could never understand, that he’d just call her a freak and join the bandwagon of haters at school.

But she told him anyway. She told him of her addiction to , her urges that never left her alone, that ruined her very being, her life. It ruined her and made her the that she was. The she believed herself to be. She told him because he was different; because he was the one boy in school who didn’t stare at her chest or her . Or may be she was just sick and tired of being so alone, of hiding this dark horrible secret. May be she was looking for a shoulder to cry on, or a little bit of sympathy – she didn’t know.

It wasn’t her fault, Taemin told her. She wasn’t a . She was like any other normal person with problems. And he promised that he’ll be there for her. He didn’t know why and he said it so out of the blue that it shocked her. Why would he say that? He didn’t know, but he knew that this wasn’t an empty promise, and he thought may be Mahi knew that too.

She didn’t dare touch him after that. She didn’t want to ruin the friendship that had started to blossom between them. She had accepted his suggestion of going for sessions, after much nagging and convincing on his part, of course. She started going for those therapeutic sessions, and the days succeeding that were the hardest days of her life.

But he was always there with her.


A/N: Wow...this is so cliche my stomach hurts. Well, please wait for more cliche chapters!

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Ugh...Hit by writer's block! But I have a surprise for you readers. :P


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