Chapter 1--Rain.

Love's Time Lapse

It was all around. In the air, the atmosphere, their presence.

But what?

Love. Pain. Dispair, disappointment, regret. And rain.

The dark coffee brown haired girl whipped her head around before her feet came to a halt in a shallow puddle. The brunette boy breathed heavily, standing before the girl.

"Wae...wae? Why didn't you tell me?" the boy gasps, the cooling effects of the rain blending with his hot tears.

"B-because. I just...I knew it would end this way, a-and it would have came anyways. I didn't want to hurt you." she stammers, her own tears mixing with the rain.

With one foot step, lips were melded against lips.

Sweet and passionate, eager to express their emotions...

To say goodbye.

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Chapter 4: awww was nice!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Oww, i like it ^^