Closing down + roleplay republic

Chocolate ℳЇℕ✝ ¦ « “Sweet and tangy. Just like chocolate mint ice-cream” » closed

I think i'm going to close the roleplay down .-.

i think we've run our course since we're definitely not a new roleplay, only about 5 people come on daily and everyone apart from those five are inactive.
Don't get me wrong, i do want to keep this here it's just that i don't think there's any point since no-ones joining >.<
And also because my sleeping patterns are getting messed up and it's affecting my everyday life such as school and the like.
Thank you to those that still come on everyday, you've been awesome and i salute ya but yeah.


There's a possibilty that i might delete this and just move this to roleplay republic but under a different name and whatever.
so i've got the two options just below even though i'm pretty sure that onle the five still coming on here will vote.

Either way, the roleplay will be closing down.


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Tao is back!!!!!!!~
But I'm pretty sure that was moe than 3weeks.....i think >.>
CM_Baekhyun #2
hey baekhyun is deactivating , i'm sorry i wasn't very active though~ it was nice to be here ^^
Im going on hiatus for three weeks.....i have to catch up in my wayyyyyy behind...See you in a few weeks *waves*
Chapter 10: Umma, I can help you if you need a co-author and I can say in my stories to people to come here~
Chapter 4: :o didn't add me to the singles list!
Chapter 10: I'll make some advertisement on my other RPs ^.^
《 ailee is here. 》
→will add people when I get on my laptop.
Did you know [Luhan] of [exo-m] like chocolate mint ice cream?