Omake Four

おまけ - Omake




Hyukjae always thought at his sixteen years old that squealing and follow some person just because was famous was lost time, it was like that, until one day while passing near a music-store he listened him.

Hyukjae stopped at the beautiful voice and smiled unknowingly for himself; he looked at his watch and hurried up to school; he didn’t want any problem for being late.

The followed days were half annoying-half depressing for him, why? Because he wanted to listen that beautiful voice again, but the problem wasn’t that, the problem was that he didn’t know who the owner of that voice was.

The bell indicating the classes were over ringed and Hyukjae heard some girls squealing over a singer because he was handsome, he rolled his eyes and kept walking, he –like other days –were to visit the music store with the hope the salesman could play again that song.

It was more than three weeks and he didn’t listen the song again, Hyukjae sighed walking to school in the morning like always, suddenly a girl passed next to him with his earphones at max volume and Hyukjae widened his eyes, running behind the girl, when she turned to face the boy, she lifted and eyebrow putting aside one earphone.

Hyukjae was flustered but asked signaling the earphones.

“Mm, well, you know…” when he saw the girl was getting irritated, he sighed “forget it” but when she started to walk, he grabbed her softly by the arm, and biting his lower lip and shyly finally asked.

“What is the name of that song” the girl watched him confused and then smiled giggling.

“Oh, this?” she asked amused but seconds later in hyper mode answered “this is the song of oppa, he is the best singer, omo! I can’t believe a boy would ask for him, omo! gya~!” and Hyukjae watched her clueless, but remain in his place until the girl calmed down after more than ten minutes.

“So…?” Hyukjae trailed off and the girl then nodded like remembering something “Oh, yeah… the song is called seven years of love” Hyukjae nodded and then both walked to classes after the ringing bell, it was a shame that Hyukjae forgot the name because it was in english.

The next day, Hyukjae wanted to find out the name of the singer and not the song, he waited and waited for the girl to appear but she didn’t, then he sighed and entered to school.

One day, he was buying in the supermarket a lot of things that his mom asked him for, and suddenly he song started to been played, Hyukjae ran to the customer’s attention and asked for the title and singer; amazing as can be, someone at his side chuckled and asked.

“Do you like this lame song?” and Hyukjae nodded, but frown.

“This isn’t a lame song, it’s a great song full of emotions and the voice suits perfectly” the person lifted his eyebrow and took his dark glasses away, watching carefully Hyukjae.

“Do you want to know the name of the singer?” Hyukjae nodded fervently and the person smirked.

“Oh, so you don’t know him yet but you really like the song?” and Hyukjae nodded again happy. The person smiled thin at him, handing a paper to him, Hyukjae took it just because his hands reach for the thing, but when the person walked away, he ran to catch him and say.

“What is this? I mean, I can’t get this” the person smile more and replied.

“Is a ticket for a concert of that singer, go there and you will finally know him” Hyukjae watched suspicious the person but then he nodded a bit.

“I will really know about him by just going to that concert?” the person nodded smiling now wide.

“You will get a surprise”


Hyukjae gave the ticket to the person in front of the big gate that lead to the main stage where it will be the performance, not so minutes later, when the entire place was full, the lights were off and the music started, first it was a voice he didn’t knew singing, later it was another voice and finally, the voiced Hyukjae longed to hear, it seemed the song were called ‘The one I love’

Hyukjae was amazed at the handsome singer but he felt uncomfortable between all the squealing girls calling the band “Oppa!” even so he stayed all the concert, in the end, the man that –Hyukjae was sure –was the singer of the song he liked, step ahead of the other.

“This is the last song, enjoy it”

Hyukjae wanted to cry, this was… so painful and beautiful, the feeling the singer put on that song were so real, like if he was hurt to remember the memory and the soft voice that was melting his heart send Hyukjae to an alternative universe while listening that song… that voice.

He didn’t even notice when it ended up or when the stage went empty, he just jumped when he felt some poke on his shoulder and he set his gaze to the person next to him he was familiar to him, and then he widened his eyes.

“You!” Hyukjae shouted and the person smirked.

“Yeah, so you finally know me” and Hyukjae said.

“You are the one who give the ticket to me, thank you!!” and he bowed, watching all the empty place “Well, I guess I need to go now, thank you again” he just stepped once to the exit when he felt a soft grip on his wrist and he turned to the person a bit alarmed.

“Tsk! You are more dense of what I thought, stupid” Hyukjae pouted and offended asked.

“What did you say?” the person took out his glasses and Hyukjae blinked, the he remembered the time at the supermarket and how the same person took his glasses and then… Hyukjae widened his eyes.

“Oh, so now you get it?” Hyukjae nodded absent minded and suddenly he felt a soft peck on his cheek.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Cho Kyuhyun, the singer you like the most” Hyukjae was for say ‘you aren’t’ but the smile on the other’s face was so childish, so sincere and so charming that he just nodded.

“Lee Hyukjae”

Kyhyun smiled more and offer his hand to Hyukjae, the latter thought for shaking them but Kyuhyun took it in his and intertwined their fingers.

“It’s cold outside” was all Kyuhyun say, Hyukjae didn’t even knew how he ended up on his house, saying ‘until later’ to the singer and jumping to his bed once he was alone, watching his mobile, suddenly it started to sound and Hyukjae checked it, it was a message.

“Let’s be friends, Hyuk” Hyukjae smiled and took the cell-phone to his chest, so that’s why Kyuhyun took his phone earlier, to grabbed his number and steal his, he smiled silly at the thought.

When he was for reply, another text arrived.

“And… let’s meet again not later, but now” Hyukjae stood and walked to his window, watching the street, and there, with a big smile, singing ‘The one I love’ was Kyuhyun. 



I guess this more than funny is sweet, I hope you liked it ^^

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heyitstheduff #1
Chapter 16: I swear, I've read this but I dunno what happened but I couldnt drop any comment for quiet a time and now I can! Yeay!

Sometimes you're really cruel...having this posted after a long while:( but welcome back ginaaa!!! I hope you can update your other stories too! Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 16: this is sad....TT.TT

Thanks for the update...^^
Chapter 16: :( .... why you separated them...
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 15: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love it :D !!!!!!!!!!!
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 15: Soooooo cute!! Hahaha~ really love it!>< kyu is really sweeeeeeeet!^^
Chapter 15: waaaaaah!!!!
you really write about it...
hyukkie is a perfect wife material.. lol..

Chapter 15: OMG I loved it <333 I wished this could actually be their daily life, just like this <33
Hahaha, Hyuk reaction when he realized Kyu took the picture xD
Chapter 13: So sneaky Kyu and you know how to take advantage on Hyuk.
As always, Kyu and his evil side yet for Hyuk only!
grrrr >//<
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 13: Yeah~ you posted it somewhere else~ but, gosh! Too hot! Way too hot~ lol

I'm underage for god's sake lol
Chapter 13: OMG kyuhyun!