Running for my life

Mirror Mirror (Altered Version)


Rays of golden light lit up my room, waking me from my slumber. I yawned and stretched, temporarily forgetting about my troubles. I stayed in bed, day-dreaming for a while since it was the weekend. Suddenly, every detail from last night came back to me. I groaned, wishing that I never knew. But then again… If I didn’t I might be dead soon. A small, bitter smile appeared on my face as I remembered my determination from last night, how I would try and survive.  It seemed as most of my determination had leaked away from me and went off for a holiday. But what was left of it seemed to give me a bit more energy than I needed. I heard Hyeri downstairs making breakfast. Thank goodness I took drama, otherwise I probably be caught soon. I walked down the stairs like I always do, stumbling a little from my sleepiness, trying to cover up my nervousness and hoping Hyeri wouldn't be able to find out what happened last night. Hyeri looked up and smiled cheerfully. I smiled back as normal, although I was scared that she’ll notice it was a fake smile. She handed me a plate of scrambled eggs. I ate it, knowing that Hyeri couldn’t have completed the solution yet. Between mouthfuls, I asked her about the movies. We managed to talk a little while, before she went upstairs to sleep again. I washed my plate and went back upstairs to change. I looked in the mirror. I didn’t know what to do. Run away? But she’ll probably report me to the police… File in a missing person… I felt my heart sink as I also remembered something else. In a week, it’s going to be my birthday. I would turn 17. I made my decision. I was going to run away and but leave a note telling her about how I knew everything and how I would tell the police if she tried to track me down. I actually didn't really have the guts to do it, and wanted a normal life, but just in case, I would say that. I didn’t know where to go but… I shook my head and started to pack a few vital things for tomorrow.

‘Unnie! I’m going out with some friends! I’ll be back soon!’ I yelled from the front door. Hyeri appeared at the stairs and nodded. ‘Just be back by 6, ok?’ I faked a smile at her, letting her know it’ll be fine. She disappeared. It was spring but it was a tad chilly. I glad I was wearing my hoodie. I walked around, trying to figure out where I was going to stay. I was about to walk pass the forest but I found myself standing on the pathway, staring at the cluster of trees in front of me. Maybe I could live in a tent in there… I thought but soon scratched it out. No, there was a mansion in there somewhere with 7 guys living there. What if they find me? I continued walking.

By the time I got back, it was 5:30 pm. I opened the door quietly. I snuck upstairs. The house was silent. I crept up the stairs and suddenly stopped. I heard shouts of success coming from Hyeri’s lab. She was doing something in the lab; could she have already finished the solution? I gulped and went back downstairs, trying to pretend I heard nothing as Hyeri emerged from her room. I gave her another faked smile. She smiled back. ‘Come on, are you hungry? I'll make you some dinner.’ I just shook my head. ‘No, it’s alright unnie. I already ate when I was out with my friends.’ I lied through my teeth. Hyeri nodded understandingly. ‘I also have to go out; we’re running low on food, again. I’ll be back in and hour.’ She headed out the door. I watched her go and raced up the stairs as soon as she left. I took a bobbin pin from my hair and picked the lock. I went into the room I snatched up the diary and hastily flipped to the latest entry again.

5th of September, 2012:


____ won’t know what hit her…

I’ll try and get the necklace off tonight… After then, I’ll give her the poison like Mum and Dad.   

I yelped in surprise. So soon! I had to get away now. I rushed into my room and wrote a fast note of how I knew everything and how I would tell the police if she came after me. I then stuffed a shirt and tracksuit pants, my school uniform and all my school things into one bag. I left the note on the fridge. I didn’t really have the guts to tell the police, but I would if I had to. I ran in the streets trying to get as far away as I could from my house. Whenever I saw a car approaching, I would duck behind some bushes, afraid that the owner of the car would be my sister. I ran blindly about, and managed to end up in the woods. I mentally slapped myself. How the hell did I end up in here? But I had nowhere else to go so I walked around. Suddenly, I heard something moving around in the bushes and saw a shadow run past me. I grew afraid and started to run for my life. Unfortunately, as I was running and glancing back, I managed to run straight into a branch, knocking me unconscious. 

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Sorry I haven't been updating Nfld a while.... Lol, I'm not very good with lovey dovey stuff....


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jungkookmyluv #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim! New comment of a new reader here in 2015! Authornim can you please update this year? Cause i saw all the comment of the other readers here are like 1 year ago or even 2 years i was wondering if you can update this year?'s okay if not , just take your time...but promise that you will update soon okay?...because you just made a such an amazing story here! And i want to read more and i know the other readers wants too...♥
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 16: omg you said the story might be coming to an end soon but u left it as a cliffhanger
please update I really want to know what is going to happen ^^
lucky9606 #3
Please update soon
the suspense is killing me
ahaha the suspense tht builds up... XDDD dude when do u write ur chappies? i like, never see u plan or anything.. oh wait.. sometimes.. anyway who is she gonna end up with?? and who will be the... cough b******* cough? u no wat i mean ;D
Chapter 15: uwahhh.. dun dun dun! *^*
marjv98 #6
New reader here! I really love this story! It's sooo interesting! Please update!!!
annabelleshlee #7
Hmmm... Are we allowed to advertise others' stories?
Chapter 10: Love this story, so witty & cute. Hwaiting ^^
silverhelle #9
Oooooo nice story! This deserves more subbies :(
dudukuma #10
wow!!update soon~~~