The Issue

Baby, Good Night

For the readers of my other stories I'm sorry that here I am writing a whole different thing but I promise I'm practically done with this and I'll be working on my other stories shortly! School has been getting in the way as well as my social life, lol, but I promise I'm not giving up!!!


For boys and girls being best friends from childhood usually meant one of two things. They were either going to realize their true love at some point in their high school or college years, or learn that they just want to stay friends and date other people. Cha Sun Woo had this problem when he entered high school and had to face it for the entirety of his three years there. His best friend, who happened to be a girl, confessed to him halfway through their junior year of high school. Normally it wouldn’t be too much of an issue as long as Sun Woo just said he had not felt the same way and that he just wanted to be friends, but that wasn’t the issue that was addressed here.

The issue was that this girl, Choi Eun Jae was his soon-to-be wife once high school ended. It was a secret fact made by the two parents back when they were kids when they had first met and became friends. You know the normal kindergarten ‘He pushed me but by the end of the day we’re best friends’. They were compatible with each other at a young age and the parents soon became friends as well which caused the pact to be made. It wasn’t announced until around his first year of high school when his parents told him of this arranged marriage and when her parents told her the same thing. At first it was completely opposite, Sun Woo liked Eun Jae and wanted to be a part of her life thinking since they were best friends that it would work out, but Eun Jae proved to be completely disapproving and voiced it almost every day after she got herself a boyfriend in her first year of high school. Sun Woo was heartbroken, their parents furious but no one stopped her from having that relationship but kept her well informed that she was going to marry Cha Sun Woo whether she liked it or not.

Which she did after her boyfriend cheated on her and left her sitting on a corner of a street at night after dumping her bluntly and rudely; she only had one person to turn to—the one person she denied having feelings for. But feelings change over time and the once willing Sun Woo turned into the neglecting Baro after he made new friends in High School.

Eun Jae didn’t notice his changes; she didn’t notice how he never paid much attention to her because she now realized she loved him but not the him he had become.

“She’s following us again, what do we do?” Chansik, also known as Gongchan, muttered looking behind to see Eun Jae following close behind their group.

“Let’s try to lose her.” Jung Hwan, better known as Sandeul, jumped in and glanced at Eun Jae as well with a smirk on his lips. “I know a short-cut, follow me.” He waved his hand secretly to the other members before breaking into a sprint to lose the poor girl behind them.

Baro laughed at how she couldn’t keep up and the other members just ran as fast as they could, jumped over the small fence and headed straight for their leader’s house, Jinyoung’s small apartment.

“Geez, when is she going to get the picture?” Gongchan sighed and landed right on the couch already reaching for the remote to the TV.

“I don’t know, just last year she was trying her best to stay away from me.” Baro muttered, looking out the window before closing the curtains to make sure she didn’t know where to look. “She thinks I still like her and I have a feeling my parents are going to start making me like her again.” He sighed but still kept a worried look on his face. “I don’t want to have an arranged marriage with her, we were best friends but now she is just a lost puppy trying to find someone to love her back.”

“Didn’t you really like her though?” CNU asked while he sat next to Gongchan on the couch and watched whatever they had .

“Yeah but feelings change and people grow up.” Baro immediately responded and held no regrets in his words. “She needs to stop following me around and find someone else.”

“Then what about the marriage? Isn’t that happening right when you graduate next year?” Jinyoung jumped into the conversation with some small snacks for everyone, mainly for Sandeul and Gongchan.

“Screw it once I’m an adult I can do what I want and I don’t need to listen to my parents.” Baro interjected and shoved Jinyoung’s concern right out the window. “I don’t need a relationship right now, I’m perfectly happy with you guys.”

“Says the player of the group.” Sandeul muttered but stayed quiet after Baro threw his slipper at Sandeul’s face. Sandeul showed a look of disgust before throwing it back and dodged another item being thrown at him.

“Well it’s all up to you on what you want your life to be like.” CNU ended the argument then and there and continued to watch TV in hopes that the other boys would get the picture and settle down as well.

There was no way Baro was going to change how he felt about his once ‘best friend’. He had feelings for her back when she was innocent and sweet, back when she was that best friend he could rely on, but once she started dating that Hyun Soo she changed completely and forgot about him entirely. It was during that year that Sun Woo had met the group that is now called B1A4. It used to be called All four one, shortened to A4 since they all had A blood types, but Baro came in and ruined it by adding in a B blood type to the group. They all had nicknames, besides Jinyoung, so Sun Woo changed his name to Baro and kept it as such since then. They even go as far as telling the teachers to call them by their nicknames.

He met true friends that year, friends that wouldn’t leave him for a relationship or because something difficult came in their way—like an arranged marriage—they stuck to him no matter what and he always wanted to keep it that way.


A year has passed since then and Baro still continued to ignore Eun Jae at any given moment. He dated one girl at some point during the summer before Senior year but it didn’t last long when he noticed how much of a clingy girl she could be. He wanted to find a girl to like for once that was just as innocent and sweet as the girl he once liked—the girl who changed into who she is today.

It was then that he met the girl of his dreams—the girl who was just as innocent and sweet as he wanted and shy as well. He saw her while he was walking to Jinyoung’s apartment after school one day and she was just chatting with a friend while walking the opposite direction of him. He stopped in his tracks just to look at her before she disappeared down the street.

He sprinted all the way to Jinyoung’s house just to yell, “I found her!”

“Found who?” Jinyoung asked surprised to see Baro out of breath and clinging to the wall next to his front door.

“The girl I’ve been looking for, the girl who is my perfect type, my ideal girl!” Baro exclaimed and went straight for the couch to rest his tired legs. “I saw her walking and she was perfect in every way even her voice was sweet like honey when she spoke.” He sighed heavily and glanced at the amused looking Jinyoung.

“Yeah, and did you get her number? Name?” Jinyoung asked moving Baro over so he could sit on the couch as well. It wouldn’t be too much longer until the other members show up since Baro has shown Jinyoung that school had ended.

This time Baro sighed in a more depressing way, “No.” He muttered and looked away from Jinyoung, embarrassed that he, the player of B1A4, didn’t even have the courage to go up to her.

“Well now what.” Jinyoung proceeded wondering if Baro had something else up his sleeve, but was interrupted by the door opening revealing Gongchan and Sandeul. It wasn’t going to be too much longer before the whole group was here.

“I don’t know.” Baro truthfully answered which caused the other two to grow interested in what they had missed and why Baro had not been with them after school got out.

Once Baro and Jinyoung explained the story the first comment to come out of Sandeul’s mouth was, “Oh please if you date her and screw up again we are NOT sneaking into her house just for you.”

Gongchan nodded in agreement, “You said she was the one too but then you screwed that relationship up badly.”

“Hey! She was clingy and wanted all of my attention all of the time. I can’t be like that with girls or else it gets annoying and boring. I know this is the right girl I can just tell by the way she looks and acted in the few seconds I saw her. I’m not joking this time guys, I need your help.”

  “Sure sure.” Sandeul laughed but from the looks in his eyes, from the looks in all their eyes they were all on his side like always.

“Just you wait, when I go out with her it’ll be like the best date in the world.” Baro smiled and got comfortable in his spot on the couch and remained giddy the whole rest of the day.


His phone was ringing over and over without stop. He knew he had to pick it up but he had nothing but bad feelings about it and kept it on silent instead. His parents have been wanting to speak to him but he has been refusing to see them. Lately he’d be at Jinyoung’s house with CNU when he should be at school with Sandeul and Gongchan. He didn’t want to see Eun Jae, but he wanted to see the angel that had appeared before him that one fated day. He found out her name after a week of research and held on to her angelic name every single moment he could. Kim Minji, Kim Minji, Kim Minji! He didn’t want to forget the name of the girl he fell in love with. During his second semester of his senior year he had one class with her and that was all he needed.

He knew he had to go to school the next day, he knew he just had to speak with her and ask her out before it was too late, before her innocence gets taken away by some snub who would not treat her right—not like he was much better.

It was known that he was the player of the group, the boy who dates girls for a week or so and break up with them, the one who was just not committed to anything. Eun Jae still stayed firm and continued to travel around him and by him whenever she could always mentioning the arranged marriage and how he could not run forever. “Where did the old Eun Jae go?!” Baro would think to himself every time he would escape her grasp and run away from her to any safe zone possible. He liked her and he’ll admit that he still had some feelings for her but they were old feelings, feelings that should just disappear.

It was the next day now, the day where Baro was going to do what he had been planning to do for so long. Go up and ask Minji on a date for this Saturday night.

The time was right and the date was set. Her friends left early to go to lunch and Baro had his chance as he walked up to her in the one class they shared together. “Uh, Minji, can I ask you something?” He asked shyly and looked at her as seriously as he could.

She looked at him with those beautiful deep brown eyes and smiled, “What is it Sun Woo?”

Oh the way she said his name was enough to cause a spark fly through his body, “I was wondering if you were free this Saturday night?” He asked with enough confidence to show courage, but enough shyness to display emotion.

She giggled and grabbed her last book. “Really? Why are you asking?” She looked so beautiful when she laughed, she looked so perfect with the way her eyes shaped when she smiled.

“I wanted to take you out on a date, if that is possible and alright with you.” Baro continued with the same way of speech adding in a little more confidence and showed his perfect smile revealing his over-sized two front teeth.

“This Saturday night? Hmmm.” She faked a thinking motion and giggled once more. “I believe I’m absolutely free, where would you want to meet up?” Her smile was like a drug to him that he never wanted to stop doing.

“I can pick you up from your house, I-uh,” He hesitated for a second and said the one thing he should of not said, “I have a car so just give me your address and I’ll drop on by and pick you up. Your phone number would be helpful too.” He did an imaginary fist pump when she bent down and wrote down her information on a piece of paper, but he couldn’t help but feel stupid for lying about having a car. How was he supposed to pick her up in his imaginary car? The only car he knew someone had was Jinyoung’s and his was brand new there was no way he was going to let Baro drive it for the night.

But he had to try, he had to do anything and everything possible to make Saturday night the most perfect night in the world.

“Sounds like a date, I can’t wait.” She smiled once more and handed in the information before bowing slightly and leaving the classroom where now only Baro stood with a huge smile on his face and the feel of victory just flowing from him.

Now here comes the hard part…


“Please please oh please!” Baro even went down on both of his knees and pleaded to the leader, to the only member who happened to own a car.

“No!” Jinyoung argued not wanting anyone to borrow his brand new car. “I happen to know you barely even got your license. I do not trust you.”

“But you know this is a big deal for me and I already promised her a ride and please it would mean so much to me if you do this for me.” Baro continued to plea with only the other members to laugh at how pitiful he looked. They never realized how low Baro would stoop to make the ‘most perfect date’.

“Just let him do it for one night, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” CNU spoke up and took Baro’s side with Baro smiling towards him and turning back to the frowning and arms crossed Jinyoung.


“We’ll just tag along in the background and keep an eye out for him.” Sandeul suggested and Gongchan agreed immediately after commenting that it would be fun to stalk them for the night to see if he could actually do it right.

“Last time you took a girl out on a date you ruined it by being a jerk to her for most of the time.” CNU added which just caused Sandeul and Gongchan to just continue saying that they should tag along.

Jinyoung wavered slightly and uncrossed his arms looking at Baro then the rest of the members. He sighed loudly, “Fine! But I am keeping an eye on you the whole night.” He went as far as pointing towards his eyes and then pointing them towards Baro. “I’m watching you.”

“YES!” Baro jumped up in glee and hugged his leader tightly before finally letting go and turning to face the other three. “Thank you guys so much for being on my side.”

“That’s what friends are for.” Gongchan smiled and nodded to his friend.

“So now let’s make this into the most perfect date ever.” Sandeul proclaimed and motioned for all of the members to come towards him except for Baro. “Shh, we’ll tell you after we sort things out so go wait somewhere else.”

Baro’s frown turned straight into a smirk and he nodded to Sandeul then walked outside to get some fresh air. It was then that his phone decided to ring once more.

Finally getting fed up of the constant ringing he answered the phone call and expected the worst from his family. “Hello?”

“Why have you not been answering your phone?! We have been worried sick over you and you need to come home right now we have some important matters to discuss with you so I hope you are not busy because we expect you home tonight.” His mom instantly cut to the chase and added in, “You’ll be in a big trouble if you don’t.” before hanging up and leaving Baro to just stare at his phone and silently curse his timing.

Knowing it’d take a while for him to get home he left a note on the door of Jinyoung’s apartment saying to call him later tonight about the ‘perfect date’ plans that Sandeul was creating. After that Baro set off for his destination, the one place he had been avoiding for almost a month now.

When he finally reached his front door he didn’t even bother to knock and just opened it up, took his shoes off and headed to the living room. He hoped that this wasn’t going to be too long since he really wanted to get back to his perfect planning but he had a feeling this was not going to be a happy-go-lucky family meeting.

And it wasn’t because there stood Eun Jae and her family in the living room alongside his own family. He gulped loudly and walked in awkwardly with a wave and a silent greeting. He sat down on one of the chairs and waited for the worst to happen.

But what he was expecting wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

“Eun Jae has been saying that you have been ignoring her lately.” Baro’s mom started off the conversation and immediately crossed her arms. “Is she telling the truth?” He could see Eun Jae nodding behind her.

“Senior year is pretty busy, I didn’t want to get behind in my studies.” Baro replied smoothly priding himself for how well he lies to his own parents.

“And why have you not been home if you were studying?” His mom continued and Baro shrugged.

“I was having Jinyoung hyung help me since he is in college and has a wider range of knowledge than me.” Baro continued to lie though some of it was true, he would go to Jinyoung when he was having a problem.

“Well—“ His mom looked defeated for a second but came back strong, “You still need to spend more time with Eun Jae, or have you forgotten that she will be your wife in less than a year?” He shuttered at the thought of graduating and having to marry miss ‘I’m so clingy!’ even though he was just best friends with her not too many years back. Apparently high school really does change people into their real self.

“I know.” He replied not wanting to anger his family. If he kept a low profile of him getting away after high school they would never know until it was too late.

“Good, so I propose you two go out on a date this Saturday night.” His mom cheerfully proclaimed and if Baro were drinking something he would have spit it out there and then but instead his eyes just widened and he had absolutely nothing to say.

“B-But I’m busy Saturday night.” He tried to respond with any excuse but nothing came to mind.

“Well then you have all night, how about a later time?” His mom continued, Baro stole a glance at the rest of the members in the room and noticed everyone really serious and Eun Jae with a smile plastered on her lips in a way of saying ‘There is no way out of this one.’

How was he supposed to go out on a date with both Minji AND Eun Jae in one night without getting caught? There was no way he was going to cancel on Minji but there seemed to be no way to reschedule Eun Jae either.

After finally agreeing, only because he was threated greatly that if something were to go wrong with any part of this date then he would not be allowed to do anything until he was safely secured in his marriage. Baro had a feeling he was about to ask his friends for a HUGE favor.


“Two dates in one night?! You have got to be kidding me!” Sandeul shouted at the top of his lungs when he heard the news from Baro. “How are we going to pull this off and still give you enough time for a whole second date?”

“I know it’s almost impossible but you have to help me here, please I’m begging you guys I’ll only ask of this once I swear.” Baro once again on his hands and knees except this time to the rest of the group and not just Jinyoung—he has never felt so pride-less in his life.

“Just this once.” Jinyoung confirmed that he was going to help which caused the other members to immediately agree with it and go straight back to planning. They were about to make this date the best ever—and avoid Eun Jae at all costs.

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update soooooooooooon author-nim
your stories are awesome!!!
Please update soon .. :D Hwaiting ..
jennifer1801 #3
Keep updating tnx