The nightmare, the pain and the love

Willing to Love You ~One-Shot~



wo yuan yi bu ai ni’’……was the song humming inside her head. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine and listening to her favorite music while waiting for a certain person. To her, he was life and life was him. She can’t imagine what life would be without him. And she knew she meant the same to him…or at least she hopes it is. This girl was none other than Wu Ying Jie or also known as Gui Gui…a name given to her by her favorite man, the man she’s madly in love with, the man who is her life…the man who is her husband….Aaron Yan. Gui can’t help but frown in frustration, after all today is a special day and the person who she wanted to celebrate it with isn’t home yet. Yes, today is their first year anniversary of taking official vows as husband and wife. That day was the most magical and precious one in her life. The vivid images of that day, from walking down the isle to taking the vows and kissing him are still crystal clear in her head. Thinking about them still makes her blush with smile. The past year had been wonderful and the thought of having Aaron beside her for the rest of her life makes life worth living more. However, even reminiscing about the old days couldn’t help Gui from feeling a bit bitter, after all, the person she wanted to celebrate the day with, the one who promised to be home before dinner was still not around while the dinner time passed a long time back.

“ Let him come back, I’ll make sure he doesn’t get anything to eat”…Gui muttered to herself. Why wouldn’t she? She spent hours cooking the dishes which are lying cold on the table, with additional candles and a bottle of champagne to celebrate the occasion.


She thought of calling him, but she knows that he doesn’t like to be disturbed while he’s working, after all he’s an engineer who needs to concentrate while working.


Several times Gui picked up the handphone pressing the speed dial button 2 but cancelling it at the last moment. “what if he’s really busy and got stuck in a meeting or something, I know he’s been coming home quite late recently because of a project which is due soon. But he promised to be home sooner today”…Gui pouted when she thought that to herself but still decided against calling him. She was hungry few hours back, but even that died out as sadness silently took over her. Small drops of tears formed in her eyes but she didn’t want to let them fall that easily. She believed in him, believed in the man whom she loved wholeheartedly, the man who vowed to be faithful to her and cherish her for life. She believed he’ll be home soon. But fate thought otherwise that night.



Loud thumping noise could be heard easily from his heart. He was nervous and agitated. He spent too many hours on it but not as many as to think of an excuse for his behavior. He knew he was guilty, but how is he going to admit to her. He was rushing out of the office now. He got on the life, perspiration clearly visible on his forehead and his heart beat really fast. “How am I going to break the news to her” he thought….a thought which kept him so occupied that he became oblivious to the fact that the lift had reached it’s destination until the lift operator nudged him slightly. Not that he wanted to, but he had no choice, he tried calling Mr. Yan several times, but he seemed too occupied in his thoughts, so he had no other choice. Although it seemed a bit odd to him, after all, he had never seen Mr. Yan who is often known to be cool and composed to be occupied with something which even made perspirations appear on his face. But then again, it was none of his business. After the person got off the lift, he simply went back up to get other people.


Aaron still couldn’t find a suitable excuse for the sin he committed. To him, the sin was unforgivable, but he had to find a suitable way to confess to her. He knew that she would find out eventually, so before she had the chance to, he had to come clean to her. He loved Gui too much and knew she loved him too. But what if this sin angers her too much? These thoughts were killing Aaron from inside as he walked to his car to drive back home. He knew the ride wasn’t going to be good as the fearsome thoughts inside his head were getting worse by every passing second.


Gui I’m sorry, I know I promised to be home early and yet I couldn’t keep that simple promise. I know I promised to cherish you and love you until death do us apart, and I will keep that one even if you stop loving me after tonight. I know we promised each other to keep no secrets but I have faltered on that promise as well, and for that I hope one day you can forgive me”…..some tears fell off from his deep brown eyes as he thought of these thoughts. Tears were prickling his eyes now, blurring his vision as he tried focusing on the road. It seems mother nature was lamenting along with him in the form of heavy rain. This all seems like a déjà vu to him, going back to the time he had asked her to marry him. It was raining that night as well. He can still remember the sparkles in her eyes, her smile and the tears of joy she shed for him. Will she forgive him? Will she love him after what he had done? Will she be willing to forgive and love him? These thoughts were occupying his head when he failed to take notice of the road. All of a sudden there was a blind flash and the last thing he could remember was Gui’s face…. “Gui my love, I’m sorry” was the  last words he spoke before darkness took over.



Gui snapped back from her slight slumber as a loud bang and deafening sound of lightning managed to wake her from her drowse. She looked out for the source of the noise only to find the vase on the table beside the window shattered to small pieces. Somehow, it didn’t feel right, but she shrugged the ominous feeling aside and got up to clean the mess. Just as she got up the phone rang scaring her a bit with the suddenness. She hoped that the phonecall wouldn’t bear any news which could hurt her on this day of celebration. However, what she thought was wrong.

Hello, is this Mrs. Yan speaking?” came out the voice of a woman from the other end. The voice clearly showed urgency.

yes, speaking.”….voiced Gui.  But what she heard after that shook her in her core as she dropped the phone which fell on the ground. By that time tears were rushing out from her eyes as if a dam had broken and the river was flowing with great force. She ran out with all her might and got on the car to quickly drive to the hospital.


She tried to make herself be remain composed, but how could she? Her husband, the love of her life, the one who she had been waiting for hours had an accident. There mere thought of losing him for the rest of her life was giving her unbearable pain.

God no please, not on this day. please let him be ok”…was all she could think of over and over again praying for the safety of her husband. She didn’t want to part with him. Not now, not ever.


As soon she parked the car, she rushed to the reception only to be informed by the receptionist that Mr. Yan was in ER receiving treatment and the extent of his injuries were unknown to her. Her words stabbed Gui like thousands of knives. She quickly ran to the ER area, terrifying thoughts were running through her head as she tried her best to shrug them away. After 10 minutes the doctor came out and saw the anxious looking young woman sitting near the ER door.

“you must be Gui Gui right?” the doctor asked as the young woman nodded her head without verbally saying anything.


Do not worry, he is fine. He just some minor concussions and a broken hand. Otherwise he is fine. Although he seems to be in other pain now as he kept on saying your name during the treatment” the doctor said as he gave a small wink almost invisible. He told her that her husband had already been transferred to a normal ward and she could go see him immediately.


She still couldn’t absorb the shock of the accident, so she simply thanked the doctor and went to the room to see her husband. His safety was her key priority now, so she didn’t think about what the doctor meant by other pain.


As she opened the door, the sight terrified her for a moment. There lies on the bed, the man she loves, full of bandages. That handsome face of his covered in bruises and the hand plastered. Thinking he might be asleep, she slowly walks to him, once again tears were falling from her eyes which she tried to keep away in front of the doctor a while back. Walking to his side, she takes the empty seat near the bed and grasps his other hand entwining it with her own thinking how lucky she is to have this man as her husband and what could she do if she had lost him to fate.



Aaron slowly opened his eyes only to gaze into the small, yet the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen in his life. Eyes which were now red and puffy with tears still falling from them delivering a sight he never wished to see in his lifetime. He knew he was guilty for this, and now is the best time to confess his guilt.


Gui, please don’t cry. I’m okay see. So please don’t cry. Seeing you cry breaks my heart. I’m sorry to make you cry” said Aaron with utmost sincerity in his voice.


Gui quickly wiped off the tears from her face and formed a smile, a smile to relieve her husband from feeling guilt, a smile to relieve herself as her life came back to her again.

I’m so glad you’re okay. Please don’t do this kind of thing to me again. What were you thinking? Do you know how worried I was? So many horrible images came in my mind. But I’m glad you’re okay. Please don’t do this again, I won’t be able to take it” she said almost choking with new sets of tears falling from her eyes.


Aaron kept quiet for a while, and thought he can’t hide the truth anymore. It was now or never to tell her truth. She deserves it. So with a lot of determination, he finally uttered the words which were bottled up inside him and caused him to come to the state he is now.


Gui, I have a confession to make. And after this, if you choose to leave me, I will understand, but I want you to know that I will always love you and I hope you give me another chance and stay with me. I hope you are willing to love me even after this…


The words were like the shattered vase pieces piercing Gui’s heart as each of them came out from his mouth. What is he talking about? What is he going to tell me? Anxiety crept over him again, but she chose to remain calm waiting for the news which could break her any minute.


Aaron continued, “Gui…I…err…lost the lucky charm you gave me on the day I proposed to you. The lucky charm which was the last symbol from your parents” and after he said that, he waited for the blow to come. After all, he very well knew the worth of that brooch. It was a small cute stich brooch with Gui’s name carved on the back of it. it had been the most and the only possession from her deceased parents that she had and she gave it to him. He knew how precious it was as he clearly remembered her telling him that if he ever lost this she would leave him for good and stop loving him. So the fear of losing her love crept inside him eversince he had lost that small brooch. He awaited his fate.


It seemed like forever and with every passing second, Aaron’s fear was getting more intense. Gui Gui showed no emotion to his confession leading him to think she was in a state of shock. He bit his lips to control some possible tears that were asking to come out. And then all of a sudden…


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…….Oh my god!!! Aaron Yan, were you worried about this that much that you got in to an accident over it?” Gui’s reaction which seemingly bemused Aaron. “she must be in great shock to react that way” he thought feeling even more remorse.  


Gui cupped his chin and drew his face closer to hers while looking straight into his eyes. He feared looking at them, but couldn’t take his eyes off those sparkling beautiful eyes either.

Listen Mr. Aaron Yan and listen carefully to what I’m going to tell you now. You are my life, love and my most lucky charm now. Nothing can replace you. I love you and I will always no matter what it is. So losing that brooch will not affect my love for you understand?”


Hearing those words, Aaron couldn’t be more ecstatic, he was forgiven for losing her precious brooch and even shown how much she loves him. He felt like the luckiest person in the world. When Gui was about to let go of his face he quickly grabbed hers and pulled it closer to give her a kiss. A kiss full of passion and undying love.


Gui Gui I’m willing to love you forever, I’m willing to be your lucky charm and protect you for all the sorrows of the world” he said to her looking at her after the kiss.


Aaron Yan, I’m willing to love you for eternity, and you will always be my most lucky charm and most precious in the world” she replied back while she hugged him gently.


And they both said in unison “wo ai ni”….



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eRnah_hanRe07 #1
Chapter 1: ..' waaahhhh..
..' cute story.. :)
NicLuvGuiLun #2
VictoriaCookie #4
Cute :) It made me all jumpy >.<
I really love the guilun forever....
Alzina #6
LOL...thanks so much! i wanted to make it seem a little less obvious and full of suspense...<br />
<br />
i'm working on a new one after that i'll write more GuiLun...<br />
thanks a lot for reading ^^
Cuute~~!! >.< I read this over and over again b/c it was so awesome!! The suspense when it was all stormy and the atmosphere soo intense~ I was actually scared for Aaron! D:<br />
Driving in the rain is a scary thought to me now.. xD lolol<br />
Like everyone said, you SHOULD write more fics, your stories will be a big hit! ^-^<br />
Alzina #8
@ AsianChitChat: thanks a lot for reading it!! i will post more stories in the future ^^
AsianChitChat #9
I love guilun and i love this one shot. hope you will write more about them in the future.