Phone calls, pictures and dancing


After brunch Eunhyuk and I went to change into practice clothes. Kibum and Kyuhyun asked if they could watch. Oppa said they could and the four of us went to the attic. Every year Eunhyuk and I work on a new dance to perform at Christmas. Right now we are putting the finishing touches on it. We had almost gotten it to where we wanted when my phone started to ring.

“Hello” I answered. “Hey Sen, dance practice?” “How could you ever tell Geng oppa” I said, “how’s work?” “Tiring” he said “we all wish we could be there” “yeah me too…” “So we saw this video yesterday…” he started, “this amazing dancer in a train station.” “No way, how, who?” He chuckled “who do you think? Heechul sent it yesterday.” “Oppa is dead…” “Oh come on Sen, you were great! Did you cut your hair again?” “Yup” “Woohyuk couldn’t have been too thrilled?” “Nope, though he doesn’t really care anymore it’s mostly an act. He’s making me wear a dress to dinner” “In which I’m sure you’ll look just fine, I’ve got to go shortly can you pass the phone around?” “Sure thing, Merry Christmas!” Eunhyuk wanted to get back to practice so I passed the phone off to Kyuhyun. When we were happy with the dance I ran off to shower quickly so I could help work on dinner.



Dinner was almost done and I had yet to get changed. I was helping Ryeowook with a sauce when I was pulled from the kitchen by Heechul and Sungmin, who brought me to my room telling me to get dressed. Woohyuk oppa did a good job picking out the dress it was a deep shade of midnight blue and came down to just below my knees. When I was done I opened the door for the two oppas who came in. “I’ve got one rule” I said before they could start. “Absolutely no make up please.” In which they just nodded. Heechul looked at me “Don’t worry. We weren’t planning on it, because you don’t need it.”  “Aw thanks Chullie oppa.” Sungmin pulled out my desk chair and told me to sit. I did and Heechul started on my hair while Sungmin went to find a necklace and bracelet that would go with the dress.

Kibum and Kyuhyun showed up in my room right after the other two had finished helping me. I stood up and turned around. “So how do I look?” I asked the four. “Perfect” they said. Heechul pulled out his phone “Someone is gonna wish that he was here to see you tonight.” I shook my head “Chullie oppa no pictures please.” “Nope” he said, “too bad, we are taking lots of pictures tonight. This might be one of the only times we get to see you in a dress.” “Fine, whatever. Dinner should be ready. Shall we head down?” “We shall!” Kibum and Kyuhyun said as they each hooked one of my arms with their own which left me giggling on our way down the stairs.

We walked into the dining room and all the chatter immediately stopped. I looked around, everyone was staring. I didn’t like it when people stared at me especially that many people. I immediately hid behind Kibum and asked “what?” Tablo and Eunhyuk came over to give me a hug “Nothing sis, you look beautiful.” Woohyuk came over too “See, why can’t you wear more dresses?”

I groaned “Partly because I don’t like all the attention, I don’t like it when people stare, and what I normally wear works just fine. Those are my reasons among a couple others.” “Family picture!” Heechul shouted. We arranged ourselves in age order; Woohyuk, Tablo, Eunhyuk and me. Once the picture was taken I said “Let’s eat” and everyone found their place around the table.

After dinner and once the dishes were done I started heading back to my room to change again. Kangta stopped me, I looked at him. “Dance” he said. I shook my head “not in this dress.” “I know for a fact that you know formal dances too” he said as he brought me back to the living room where there was already music playing. I gave in and danced with a few of the guys for a couple of songs before I managed to slip away to go change. I came back downstairs in baggy shorts a hoodie and my favorite hat. “Why!?” everyone asked. I laughed “Because I can’t exactly do the dance that Eunhyuk and I worked on in that dress.” Everyone laughed too and went to go change into more comfortable clothes.

I sat down on one of the couches with Eunhyuk’s laptop and started adding some of the new mixes my friend and I worked on, onto his playlist. While I was doing that my phone started to ring. “Hello?” I answered. “Merry Christmas Sen!” “Merry Christmas Siwon oppa! How are things going?” “Alright I guess, though Mimi is having a hard time with being stuck here and not being there.” “He’s not the only one” I said, “I was really looking forward to seeing and hanging out with everyone during the holiday break, especially him.” “We know”

I stood up from my spot on the couch “Well if everyone knows then why hasn’t he called yet? Or even a text?” I didn’t know it but I was shaking. “I think he’s worried that you’re mad at him for not being there.” “ch who gave him that idea? I may be a bit upset that the three of you couldn’t be here with us and that I don’t get to spend Christmas with him but I have no reason to be mad at him. I miss him…” I couldn’t say anymore because Heechul took the phone from me. He left the room with a scary look on his face. That can’t be good…Eunhyuk jumped out of nowhere “You ready?” “Yup” I said with a bright smile. Everyone had come down and we proceeded with the nights activities.


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minhojong #1
love this story. lol you make kibum and kyuhyun sound like twins or something!
Subscribed because Eunhyuk and Tablo were in here!
Alright, first off I'm sorry I've been MIA on this fic. I do have the next chap. pretty much ready to go but I'm contemplating tinkering with the end of the chap. before posting it. Will try to post it tomorrow. Also thank you for liking this story! ^^