Goodbye Minho :,(

My Worst Enemy, My Most Lover

Mr. Lee spoke on the phone while sitting on the bed. “Yes, I understand.” He said with narrowed eyes looking down to the carpet and sighing. “When will he be getting here?” He asked slightly confused and nodded after a while standing up.

                “What’s wrong?” Mrs. Choi asked while he shook his head. “The director will be there tomorrow morning.” He said grabbing his suitcase while Mrs. Choi gasped. “Why so early?” She asked confused. He shook his head and shrugged.

                “I don’t know…but it must’ve been something urgent.” He said. Mrs. Choi sat down on the bed and sighed sadly staring at a picture frame of Yuri and Minho when they were still kids.

                Minho and Yuri sat in the hotel room with 2 separate beds. Minho sighed and winced at the pain. Yuri lay on the bed with a wet towel and some medicine by the bed. She slowly opened her eyes after a while of sleep and slowly sat up feeling her head.

“Go back to sleep.” He said to her. She stared at him. He stared at himself in the mirror and felt his bruises on his face and sighed.

                “Choi Minho.” She said quietly sitting up and sniffing. He looked at her and awkwardly and stood tall. “What?” He said taking his sweater off. She sniffed and crossed her arm glancing back at her purse on the counter beside her bed. “Thanks for…getting my purse back.” She said scratching her head and looking down.

                “Wow, this is a dream come true.” He said laughing. “Kwon Yuri is saying ‘thanks’ to me.” He said chuckling then rubbed his chin and smiled. Yuri smiled and shook her head.

                “Wow, this must be a dream come true.” Yuri mocked laughing. “Choi Minho helped bring my purse back and took care of me while I was sick.” She said with a light and tired smile. He looked down and smiled sweetly. She slowly got out of the bed and sighed walking towards him.

“Here let me help you with your scars.” She said smiling. He looked at her weirdly and backed away quickly. “No! That’s the last thing I’ll want you to do.” He said chuckling. She stopped walking and grabbed the First-Aid Kit smiling.

                Mr. Kwon stood at the door of the house with the door open. He had a sad expression and was also dressed in his pajamas. “Well, we don’t want you guys to leave yet…but I won’t stop you if it’s urgent.” He said. Mr. Choi shook his head.

                “We don’t want to leave either, but there was a last minute call.” He said shaking his head. Mrs. Choi and Mrs. Kwon hugged each other good bye.

                “Please let my Minho know that we left and for him to come home as soon as he gets back.” She said worriedly. Mrs. Kwon nodded then they left.

                Minho sat on the bed with Yuri standing in front of him. She had some ointments on a cotton ball, rubbing his bruises and cuts on his lips.

“Hey, what made you so afraid to travel by yourself out in the city?” He asked her. She slowly stopped and sighed deeply. “Don’t breathe in my face!” He yelled scrunching his nose making her laugh.

                “What happened earlier is a perfect example why I don’t know my place in this city.” She said lightly opening a band aid while he remained silent. “My parents don’t go out with me so the only person I know that can protect me is Taeyeon.”

                “Protect you?” He said opening his eyes and looking at her face so closely. He looked at her long eyelashes and nicely trimmed eyebrows. He looked at her whole face and gulped slowly taking his eyes off her face quickly and looked down.

                In the morning, there was a knock at the door making Mrs. Kwon quickly run to open it. “You guys are back!” She yelled excitedly watching Yuri shake her head.

                “Mom, never do that again.” She said while walking straight to her bedroom with an irritated sigh. Minho watched as she walked up the stairs and chuckled.

                “Are you guys ok?” She asked with a hand to her chest and a worried look while Minho walked inside and nodded. His face was slightly healed with little bits of band aids to cover his wounds. “Yes Mrs. Kwon, we’re fine.” He said chuckling while she kept a perplexed expression on her face staring at Minho’s wounds. “Where are my parents-“

“Choi Minho?” Mr. Kwon said walking down the stairs. He quickly looked up. “Yes Mr. Kwon?” He asked standing tall while Yuri’s dad approached him fixing his tie.

                Yuri landed on her bed throwing her high heels on the ground and lay on her bed. She wrapped herself in her blankets and laid her head on her comfortable pillows closing her eyes and slightly relaxing her whole body. She opened her eyes and thought about last night and how Minho helped her. She sat up and walked to sit at her desk. She opened her diary and wrote:

Choi Min Ho…isn’t as bad as I thought. <3

She reread what she wrote and smiled standing up and stretched her arms. She heard the front door close and quickly looked towards her door, breaking her stretch.

                Minho carried his bags and walked outside the house. He slowly looked back at Yuri’s room window and slightly smiled with a sigh then headed towards his car and threw his bags in. Yuri hid from the window while he looked up to her room.

“Where is he going?” She thought worriedly looking to the ground with a concerned expression. She watched as Minho drove off and then slowly walked towards her bedroom door. She stood at her door and straightened her clothing and then took a deep breath. “Let’s not make this awkward.” She thought to herself trying to break a smile.

                “Mom.” She said walking down the stairs and looking around while her father appeared from the corner. “You’re back.” He said smiling with a chuckle. Yuri scoffed and shook her head.

                “Surprised?” She said chuckling, sitting down on the couch. Her father smiled and drank his coffee. Yuri slowly looked around and crossed her arms. “Um…where’s Mr. and Mrs. Choi?” She asked confused.

                “There was an urgent call last night when you and Minho were gone.” She said drinking some juice. “So they left last night already.” She said. Minho slowly nodded with a confused face.

                “They wanted Minho to leave as soon as possible when he got here.” Her father added. Yuri looked to the ground making her parents chuckled.

                “What’s with the face?” Her mother asked with a confused, yet happy smile. “You guys never got along so I didn’t think you would think much of it.” She said. Yuri looked up and laughed sarcastically.

                “I don’t care.” She said fixing her hair. “It just feels…awkward now that the house is so quiet again.” She said smiling and getting up. “Mom and dad, I’m going to go shower and then go out with Taeyeon unnie ok?” She said then her parents nodded and smiled. Yuri ran up her stairs and closed the door to her bedroom sitting on her bed with a sad sigh. She took a glance at her phone.

                Minho was driving in the car with a sigh as his phone rang. He put on his earpiece and slightly coughed. “Hello?” He answered with a clear tone in his voice.

                                                                                                                                Is it her?? Or someone else??

                                                                                                Emotions building up… is this love?? Stay updated!

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[jessicathao-minyul fic] updated again!! Please come check it out!! :D


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FallenSOne_ #1
Chapter 1: PDF please author shi =)
Shawol11 #2
Chapter 85: This is so good!!
Chapter 85: Noooo.... So sad ㅠㅠ
I loved this fanfic... At least it ended cutely :)
Good Job :D
Chapter 85: this is a great fic.
i finished this fic in one go without sleeping. until 2pm ^^ hehe. its so nice and cute.
miraftr #5
Just finished this story, and it was greeaaatt. I love it:)
Chapter 85: Just finished this was so cute and sweet, loved it
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 85: Awwww this story is so sweet and cute!!!
JumBiscuits #8
This fiction is very amzing ! But Can I translate it into Vietnamese ?