Too Vulnerable

Vulnerable Maknae

"I... need to tell you guys something." Hankyung spoke one day, out of the blue in the Super Junior dorm. All the Super Junior members were gathered together, including Henry and Zhoumi. Even though there was a rather distinct and cracked in Hankyung's voice, they ignored it. After all,what could have caused it?

"Hm? What is it hyung?" Kibum asked quietly and without any noticable curiosity in his tone of voice, playing Starcraft on his laptop with Heechul and Kyuhyun.

"Well..." It seemed that Hankyung was rather quiet and hesitant to speak, seemingly reluctant to say anything.

"Come on, tell us. Don't hide things from us." Leeteuk muttered, a slight smile on his face.

"..." Hankyung's eyes were gently covered by his fine strands of hair, hiding the glistening tears which took place in the corners of his eyes. Hankyung didn't want this, but it was the best option.

"Hankyung, what's going on?" Heechul asked, turning his head away from the screen to view his Chinese boyfriend awkwardly standing up. Hankyung heard that noticable ring in Heechul's voice, there was no way he could lie. There was no way he could forget about what was about to happen. There was no way to keep Heechul by his side. Well, not anymore.

"... I'm leaving Super Junior." Hankyung said, his voice shaking uncontrollably. As he said those words, a silence entered with a shocked expression appearing on the other faces.
"Eh?" They questioned in union, thinking there was something wrong with their hearing. And to tell the truth, Hankyung wished there was something wrong with their hearing. That way, it wouldn't have stung as bad as it did.

"I'm leaving Super Junior, but not temporarily. I'm leaving permanently. I'm going back to China in a couple days. From now on, I am not a Super Junior member." Hankyung spoke once again and even more clearly, hoping time would speed up. But unfortunately, it definitely didn't speed up. Instead, it just slowed down as the intoxicating words slipped off his tongue.

"..." The whole room went quiet once again.

"You can't be serious..." Muttered Kangin.

"This is some kind of joke, right?" Asked Ryeowook in a doubtful tone of voice.

"Stop kidding around." Zhoumi said.

"... I'm serious. Very serious. From now on, I will not be a member of Super Junior. I am going back to China in a couple and debut as a solo act." Hankyung told them.

"So that's the reason you're leaving? To go solo?" Kyuhyun asked in a emotionless tone and expression.

"... No, it's not. Definitely now. The reason I am leaving is because of SM Entertainment, they're the reason I'm leaving. They don't treat you guys that same way they treat me. My health is going down hill, and I'm not allowed to take any rests at all or visit my family. The contract is completely unfair to me, and they discriminate me and my rights simply because I am Chinese. It's been too long, I'm not taking this torture anymore." Hankyung  spoke quickly and carefully, his voice throwing daggers into the other Super Junior member's hearts.

"..." And then, the silence came, along with the fire. They were burning, being chared from the inside out. Tears had now become visible on both Hankyung's face and the other Super Junior member's face.

"Why the hell didn't you tell us?!" Heechul suddenly yelled, his voice screeching with anger.

"... Well-" Hankyung was cut off.

"Hankyung, how the hell could you do this to us?!! How could you?!! Idiot!! We're not blood related, but we're definitely family!! No, even closer than that!! How could you keep this imformation from us?!! You sick bastard!! You're only telling us about this now, after deciding to leave?!! Why didn't you tell us before?!! I mean, we could have done something for God's sake!! We could have helped!! Why did you think you should keep this to yourself?!! Hankyung, we care for you a lot!! We would be willing to do anything to help you!!" Heechul screeched angrily. The other Super Junior members stared in shock. Heechul was easily angry, but never to such an extent.

"... Heechul hyung..." Hankyung whispered, seeing Heechul stand from his former sitting position.

"I hope you don't come back." Heechul muttered with a bitter taste in his mouth. Absolutely bitter. Those words weren't true. In fact, the truth was the exact opposite of it. Everybody knew that, including Hankyung. They could tell by his expression and the tears flowing down his cheeks. And then, in the speed of light, he ran out of the room.

"Wait, Heechul!" Hankyung yelled, running out to chase Heechul. And with that, the dorm was left in silence.

The dorm was in total silence, not a single sound except whimpering, crying and those sorrowful tears once again. Eunhyuk wiped more and more tears away from his eyes, trying to finally see clearly. Another pathetic whimper escaped his lips as he felt his cheeks dampen once again. He couldn't stop crying, it hurt so much. The fact that Hankyung was not going to be in Super Junior anymore was stabbing Eunhyuk in the heart like a sharp and dangerous knife. And so was everyone else.

Eunhyuk's eyes stared around the room once again. Everyone was crying their eyes else. Well, everyone except a certain Cho Kyuhyun that is. His precious maknae boyfriend Kyuhyun simply sat there, his eyes dry and expressionless as ever. Eunhyuk already knew, and so did everyone else, that Kyuhyun was never one to cry. Well, not in front of others anyway. To tell the truth, Eunhyuk had never seen his boyfriend cry. Not once. When they won awards, finished concerts are anything else. Kyuhyun would never shed tears. But this time, Eunhyuk thought that Kyuhyun should have shed tears. After all, Kyuhyun and Hankyung were quite close.

Suddenly, without a word Kyuhyun stood up and approached the door, putting on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Leeteuk asked, almost unable to talk.

"Out." Kyuhyun muttered quietly, closing the door and closing the door behind him with a bang.

"Hyukjae-ah, go see what he's up to." Kangin ordered with a silent voice, Eunhyuk simply gave a silent nod.

"...Okay." Eunhyuk replied in a depressed tone, drying his tears and walking towards the door. Eunhyuk quickly put his shoes on and ran out the door, quickly looking around to see Kyuhyun. But to his surprise, Kyuhyun was nowhere to be found.

Eunhyuk rushed down the flight of stairs of the hotel, looking around. And still, there was no Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk gave a twisted expression, how on Earth could Kyuhyun have disappeared so quickly? Surely Kyuhyun couldn't have gone that far. Eunhyuk walked out the hotel doors, not being noticed by any fans since there were none around (If I ever saw Eunhyuk or any other Super Junior in real life, I'd reconize them in an instant and pretty much die after that~). He looked around, mentally cursing. It was like being sent on a goose chase, Eunhyuk didn't know where to start looking. How on Earth was Eunhyuk supposed to find Kyuhyun without knowing where to start first?

Suddenly, somebody stole his attention. A person slowly walking down the barely lit street in the opposite direction of Eunhyuk, a hoodie pulled over his face. The person was about Kyuhyun's height, wearing the same clothes Kyuhyun was wearing. Well, obviously, that had to be Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk dried his tears once again, wiping them with the sleeve of his shirt. Eunhyuk gave a silent smile, seeing that his boyfriend was right in front of him. But just before Eunhyuk was able to call out Kyuhyun's name, 2 men approached Kyuhyun suddenly, stopping the maknae in his tracks. And by the looks of it, they had some interest in Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk could pretty much see the way the 2 men looked Kyuhyun's body up and down like hungry animals. Eunhyuk glared at them slightly, hoping they'd quickly leave. Eunhyuk walked in closer, wanting to hear what they were saying. He could visibly see Kyuhyun lean back slightly.

"Hello~" The 2 men sang in union.

"..." Kyuhyun stayed silent, simply giving a slight bow to the people in front of him.

"Why aren't you talking?" The taller man asked Kyuhyun with a rather sly tone in his voice.

"..." Kyuhyun shrugged slightly, not bothering to look up.

"Ahh, you were crying before?" The other man asked.

"..." Kyuhyun shook his head. Eunhyuk's eyes widened slightly with that reaction, Kyuhyun was crying before? Eunhyuk knew by Kyuhyun's body posture, Kyuhyun was clearly lying.

"What..." The taller man reached his hand out and touched Kyuhyun's cheek. And for some reason, Kyuhyun didn't react to it. He simply stood, not saying anything or reacting. Eunhyuk grit his teeth slightly.

"Is there something wrong with this kid?" Asked the other man.

"Maybe, but that's not really important is it? Either way, he's going to come with us." The taller man smirked. Eunhyuk decided that it was now that he should go and take Kyuhyun back. With silent steps, Eunhyuk approached Kyuhyun.

"Ne, Kyuhyun-ah. Let's go, we're leaving." Eunhyuk called as he walked up to Kyuhyun and grabbed his hand, pulling him away.

"Yah!" The 2 men called, Eunhyuk turned to glare at them.

"We're leaving." Eunhyuk growled louder, pretty much hissing at the men. Even though Eunhyuk was shorter than the men, he was definitely much scarier than the 2 of them conbined. He saw Kyuhyun's body shake slightly before turning his head back. Eunhyuk's eyes widened in shock, surprised to see visible tear stains on Kyuhyun's cheeks. So, he actually did cry?

"...Hyung..." Kyuhyun's voice was so different than the usual sharp and unafraid tone that was always playing.  His voice right now was somewhat frail and shaking, almost enough to be considered weak. It were as if the whole world was falling apart, as if he were scared and frightened of something. His voice was so quiet, Eunhyuk actually had some trouble hearing his newly found voice. Kyuhyun's eyes were red and strained, visibly watering. Eunhyuk stared for a second.

"You were... crying?" Eunhyuk asked, a little surprised. Kyuhyun turned his head.

"I was not crying. I never cry." Kyuhyun replied, looking away. With those words, the visible tear marks glistened with the moon light.

"Liar-" Eunhyuk was cut off.

"Hyung, I'm as human as you are." Kyuhyun muttered quietly, his eyes suddenly his eyes watered again. And as fast as light, Kyuhyun wiped them away once again.

"So, you actually cry?" Eunhyuk asked.

"..." Kyuhyun stayed silent, wiping his tears. Eunhyuk quickly took his hand and lead him back to the hotel.

A couple days later, Eunhyuk laid in bed with Kyuhyun beside him. Gentle tear stains glistened on his cheek. Eunhyuk gave a weak smile, kissing the unconscious Kyuhyun on the lips. As Eunhyuk kissed the maknae, a slight whimper escaped Kyuhyun's lips. To be honest, Eunhyuk didn't know what that whimper meant. So, Eunhyuk just wrapped his arms around the maknae.

Kyuhyun was vulnerable.

Too vulnerable.

... I can't say I'm really proud of this story... I started off with a different story, but somehow turned into this... do you guys think it was okay?

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privatecookie228 #1
Chapter 1: Poor Heechul....
Kyu should've just cried with them ~
Brings back to the saddest moment foe sj n elf...hikshiks...i miss them together...
michikokasiumi #3
u realy bring back memories...i actualy wondering how hankyung told the member about those problem of his..
Aish TT-TT
Dazzine #4
its a totally good story.I love every side of Kyuhyun.
i think i fell in love with all your kyuhyuk stories ^^
true its really rare to see kyu crying...he is human too...
thank kyuuuu for making this fic eh
It's more than ok. Kyu is as human as the rest and I sometimes like reading about not EvilKyu but BabyKyu.
I think this was extremely nice. Quite beautiful in it's shortness! I was thinking it would finish happier (but how, since Hankyung left D;), but I think this is fine too. Thank you for writing this! Your stories are all lovely, especially this one and your Kyuteuk fics!
michikokasiumi #8
horaaaay... Kyuhyuuuuk XD
Update soon ne... Matteruyo *u*
Sounds good!! Update ASAP!!! XD