
You Fell in Love... With Our Maid?!?!


     Angel's POV


“ Hey babe, you've been working to hard. You need to take a rest or you'll get sick again.” Chunji walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, giving me a back hug. “ I prefer not having me girlfriend in bed, dying.”


“ I'm fine oppa.” I smiled, tiredly.


It has been a few months since the incident with my family and since HaJoon left and I've been working even harder. I had to work harder in school, work as a nanny/maid, and also I had joined the school's volleyball team. So I've been working nonstop, which I really didn't mind.


“ No, you're pale and tired.” Chunji took the spatula from my hand, sliding both his hands in my hands, making me stop what I was doing. “ Come relax. I'll have L. Joe or JiKyougn can cook. You've been working nonstop.” He kissed your cheek, grinning. “ Plus we haven't had US time in for ever. No movie nights, no romantic dinners, no amusement park fun, nothing.”


I felt myself being pooled away, but was to tired to fight back as Chunji dragged me into the living-room. He sat you down on the coach and smiled. “ We're going to watch a movie while someone else cooks. Don't move.”


With that Chunji ran off, upstairs. I sighed, exhaustively. I sat for a moment then heard the front door open. Out of curiosity I got to my feet and walked to the front door to see Mr. Park and a cute and pretty Japanese girl(You).


“ Oh Angel!” Mr. Park grinned, picking me up in a hug. “ Sorry I've been gone so long and making you work harder. I know you've been busy and such, but I got some great ne-”


“ Angel! Aish that girl does NOT listen!” I turned my head, hearing Chunji calling for me.


“ Oppa! Door!” I shouted back, and literally in a second Chunji ran in.


“ Aish, what part of 'Don't Move' don't you get?” He glared, placing his hands on his hips.


“ The 'Don't' part.” I grinned and looked at Mr. Park and then at you. “ Ah, who is she?”


“ Oh this? This is my Best Friend's Daughter!” He grinned, sweeping his arm in front of you. “ She'll be the new maid!”


“ Konnichiwa, Nami Kaori to moshimasu.” You smiled, bowing.


“ Why is she speaking Japanese?” Chunji looked at Mr. Park and then you then back at Mr. Park. “ And new maid?”


“ Well, she's from Japan! Duh~” Mr. Park rolled his eyes, playfully. “ And yese! New maid! My precious Angel has been working so hard lately that I felt bad and wanted to help my new daughter!” He pulled me into a hug, swaying me lightly, causing me to giggle.


“ Yah! Let go of my girlfriend you old ert!” Chunji yanked me out of his grip and hugged me protectively to him. “ She is mine!”


Mr. Park chuckled and started to explain what happen to you in Japanese. I smiled, getting out of Chunji's grip.


“Konnichiwa, Nami Kaori!” I bowed 90 degrees. “ Turner Angela to moshimasu. Anata ni oai dekite ureshii desu!” I stood straight smiling. (What Angel says: Hello, Nami Kaori. My name is Turner Angela. It's a pleasure to meet you.)


“ Mwo? Angel, you speak Japanese?” Chunji asked surprised.


“Hai!” I grinned, holding up 3 fingers. “ I learned it for three years and stayed in Japan for a year for studies.”


“ Ah! Noona!” I turned around to see Changjo running down the stairs and towards us. “ Noona! L. Joe hyung is trying to kill me again!!”


“ Changjo! Get back here!” L. Joe shouted, running down the stairs after him.


Changjo hid behind me causing L. Joe to stop in his tracks. L. Joe stared at me for a moment and looked away.


“ Changjo, what did you do this time?” I looked at him.


“ Well, I, uh....” He cleared his throat. “ I borrowed some stuff-”


“ He took my stuff and was blackmailing me!” L. Joe glared at Changjo.


“ Yah! Only because you-... Who's the girl?” Changjo pointed at you, causing everyone to stare.


“ Oh! That's Nami Kaori.” I grinned at her. “ She's from Japan.”


“Hai!” You bowed a little and looked at them, smiling. “Um, I-It's a p-pleasure to meet you? Please call me Kaori.”


“ She doesn't speak much Korean.” I explained. “ She's our new maid.”


L.Joe stared at her for a moment and looked away, blushing.


Turner-san.” You grabbed my hand. “Who are they?”


I smiled. “ You can call me Angel. That guy is my boyfriend Chunji.”


Ah! He's so cute! You two make a cute couple!” You giggled, causing you to blush.


“You think so?” I smiled as you shook your head yes. “ Thank you. Well the tall guy is Changjo, my cousin's JiKyoung's boyfriend. Lastly the blonde hair boy is L. Joe.”


They're all so cute!” You smiled. “ You've been working here for how long? Has any of these guy been asking you out beside your boyfriend?”


Changjo has and I found out L. Joe, Niel, and Ricky liked me later from Chunji. Why?”


“ Well, I can see why! You're so pretty and cute and nice!” You grinned pinching my cheeks gently. “ So jealous!”


“ Really? I think your way cuter and prettier!” I grinned hugging her. “ She is so cute!”


Chunji chuckled and looked at Mr. Park. “ I think they're getting along just fine.”


“ Well, of course! My precious daughters are to nice not to get along with anyone!” Mr. Park hugged both me and you. “ They are so cute together!”


“ Yah! What did I say about touching my girlfriend?!” Chunji yanked me and you away from him, causing Mr. Park to fall on the ground. “ Stupid old man.”


Aw! Your boyfriend is so over protective! So cute!” You smiled at me, causing me to blush. “I guess he gets jealous easily.”


“ Hai.” I grinned and took you hand. “ Well since it lunch time you can help me cook. OK?”


“ Sure! Sounds fun!” You smiled and let me take you to the kitchen.


L.Joe watched the two leave, sighing.


What is this feeling? I feel jealous of Chunji, but there's something about that new girl that makes me feel tingly. L. Joe sighed and walked back up to his room.





Hello my lovely readers! Here' chapter one! This is just to introduce Nami Kaori pretty much. keke hope you like it and Subscribe and comment please!

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Chapter 4: Omg! I really supa love your story!!!!! Update sooooon!!! ^^
JB1608 #2
Chapter 4: YOU GOT MY HOPES UP! i WAS SO EXCITED UNTIL I SAW, "NOT AN UPDATE!" LOL, its all good but you still have that concussion aw are you okay!!!??????? *evil me*: Oh your gonna be fine!....WHERES THAT UPDATE!?
*Good ME*: Oh poor daesung YOu just rest and take your time....okay?
*Evil me*: that! Work your a+ss off! I want that CHAPTER! IF I WAS YOUR EDITOR/PUBLISHER YOU'D BE FIRED!
*GOOD ME*: No no no! you just rest while I'll clean your room Italy, Don't listen to evil me....Evil me is just...irritated...
*Evil Me*: You Good-ME!
"I GOT A NEW STORY IDEA" grins evilly...
YOU: "OH GOD!" Puts hand over face while I start to type insanely and laughs evilly "MOOOAHAAAHAHAHAA!"
YOU: "I can't deal with this right now..." You flop down on your bed.
JB1608 #3
Chapter 3: lol honestly its because of your (Fall in love with...) stories that insprired me to write; "whose a good baby?" which is basically about chango acting like a baby lol! I hope your as proud as yourself as i am!...does that make sense?..proud as i am...*thinking outludly to myself...* nah, its good. post/send
Chapter 4: hope you get better soon
Chapter 2: update soon!! i'm excited >.<
PandaLover703 #6
Chapter 2: Aigoo =.= so many couples haha but great job coming back to the story haha update soon ;P
Chapter 1: oh dear, can you update again and again.. Hehe .. I really Love your story, and i mean it.. SARANGHAE ^^
kitkat4ever98 #8
OMG!!!!!! so cute XD
CandyToo #9
Omg!! :D so cute~ L.Joe is gonna fall in love with Naomi Kaori... :) update soon...