8th Chappy :3

Between The Lines

First of all i would like to ask.. did any of you guys celebrate Key's b-day? I did. I went all over my town with my whole body tattooed with his name xD

No, my parents do not know i did that ;PP What am i to do? I'm a hardcore Locket <3

Anyways.. our Key's 22!! (Or 21 in every other contry :PP)


Continue with the story.. enjoy ~~ !


KEY (part 2)

  That first week, I read the book so often that I memorized the words; I knew the layout of the pictures on the pages. I dreamed that I was being chased by Minho or forced by Captain Tae Joon (A/N See what i did there ;]) to walk the plank. Each week, I'd bring the book vack to the library, because that was the school policy. I'd have to wait until it was returned to the shelf a day later, giving someone else a chance to read it. But what other ninth grader cares about fairy tale books? Let alone guys. the book was always waiting for me, so I could check it out again and reconfirm my position as Public Loser Number One.

  My mother worried. Why was a boy likr me, who could easily read thousand-page adult novels, obsessed with a children's book?

  I knew the answer to that, not that I was about to admit it to anyone.Prince Oliver understood me better than anyone in the world.

    Today, I decide as I wake up and stare at the ceiling, is going to be different. First thing, I am going to return the book o the library. In my English journal, I'll write down that I've been reading The Hunger Games for my outside reading requirement (like 98% of the ninth grade), and I'll explain why I am Team Peeta instead of Team Gale. I'll tell Dongwoon that we should go to the Rocky Horror marathon at the cheap theater this weekend. Then in Earth Science I'll finally get enough courage to go talk to Leeteuk, my vegan lab partner who insists on feeding tofu crumbles to the class Venus flytrap, and who probably will save the whales before he turns twenty-one.

  Yes, today is the day everything is going to change. I get up and take a towel and get dressed, but the fairly tale is sitting on my nightstand where I left it before I went to bed. This must be what and addict feels like, I think, trying to fight the pull of one last, quick read. My fingers itch toward the binding, and finally, with a sigh of regret, I just grab the book and open it, hungrily reading the story. But this time, something feels wrong. It is like an itch between my eyebrows, a wrinkle in my mind. Frowning, I scan through the dialogue, ehich is all the way it should be. I glance at the illustration: the prince sitting on a throne, his dog waiting beside him.

     " Kibum!" my mother yells. "I told you twice already... we're going to be late!"

      I stare at the page, my eyes narrowed. What is that's off? "Just let me finish-"

    " You've read that book a thousand times - you know how it ends. Now means now!"

  I flip throuh the book to the final page. When I see it, I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. Just to the left of Princess Jessica's glittering gown, drawn into the sand, is a grid. Sort of like a bingo chart. Or a chessboard.

    "How strange," I say softly."That was never here before."

   " KIM KIBUM!!"

  When my mother uses my full name, it means she's really angry. I close the book and tuck it into my backpack, then hurry downstairs to scarf down breakfast before i am dropped of at schook.

  My mother is already rinsing her coffee cup as I grab a slice of toast and butter it. "Mom," I ask,"have you ever read a book and had it.....change?"

  She looks over her shoulder. "Well,sure. The first time i read Gone with the Wind and Rhett walked out on Scarlett, I was fifteen and thought all that unquited love was wildly romantic. The second time I read it, last summer, I thought she was silly and he was a selfish pig."

    " That's not what I mean... That's you changing - not the book." I take a bite of the toast and wash it dwn with orange juice."Imagine that you've read a story a hundred times and it always takes place on a ship. And then one day, you read it, and it's set in the Wild West instead."

  "That's ridiculous," my mother replies. "Books don't change in front of your eyes."

      "Mine did," I say.



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SOrry for the short update.. i was busy talking to ma boyfie :PP COMMENT AND SUBBIE PLEASSEEE !!


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Chapter 9: ^^~ Did you get to see SHINee in the end? And if so, how was it? Sorry...I'm curious because I want to see them live >.<
Chapter 10: OMG ajf;ajhfjahlfjhdlfahlfj KYAAAAA!!! This is awesome finally some interaction XD
Chapter 10: *eyes
*eff-in' display-keyboard-thingie... -.-'
Chapter 10: Uaaaa... it changed in front of his eyey!
Help him and get him out of there, Key, so both of you can have your happily ever after :3
I really really really really really hope that you'll update again tonight ^-^
This is one awesome story. :) I can't wait until the update! ^^
Chapter 9: Awh, okay. Just a tidbit for the future though. No more green please! >_< it hurts my eyes! Sorry to say, cuz I love green.. it hurts me.
jongkeyonsicalove #7
@-Viony- Thank you :D Yeah i went crazy when i heard they were coming over here :PP Wait, SMTown in Paris ? Shinee was in there, right? O.o
Chapter 9: ... They've never been in my country, but luckyly I at least got to see Super Junior at SS4 in Paris :3
I really want to see SHINee live though...
Chapter 9: Oh my god! I wish you so much luck! I really hope you get to see them, that would be so awesome!w
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