
Flight of The Raven


He was late.

As the crisp morning air rushed passed his face; further waking him up, it only helped to remind him that he had slept for far too long.

His lungs burned and for a second he let his thoughts wander to speculate whether he was in shape or not.

A bright darting color brought his attention back to the present and he saw in front of him, his bus, but also a sprinting female heading towards the slowing vehicle.

At her pace and how far she was ahead of him, she would no doubt make the bus.

He, however, would not.

“Wait!” He called out breathlessly, aiming to get her attention. But she continued her dash making it to the bus as it stopped and opened its doors.  She grabbed the rail and held it for a moment seemingly catching her breath before speaking to what he assumed was the bus driver.

She shook her head lightly and turned her gaze to him, beckoning him with her hand to run just a bit faster.

He pumped his legs and pushed himself to close the distance. Finally making it to the small bus stop he failed to slow himself down properly and instead rocketed past the girl onto the bus.

Taemin turned around to greet and thank the unknown female only to watch as the doors closed and she retreated back down the street she had just raced from with a wispy smile.


--------[]End Prologue One[]---------

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poor taemin
I love you woman. <3