Happy Birthday

Birthday Present

"Donghae..." I was sitting at the couch while listening to music with headphones plugged to my ears and my eyes shut when I suddenly felt someone's head on my lap.

"What do you want, Lee Hyukjae?" I told him, still not opening my eyes. I knew it was him; just his mere presence made me know that it was him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked me.

Mad? Me? It was my birthday and it's already 6PM but I still haven't gotten any greetings from him since this morning. Of course, I wasn't mad.

I opened my eyes.

"Just tell me what you want, then leave." I retorted. Every year, when my birthday would come, he'd call me at exactly 12 midnight and greet me by saying 'Happy Birthdaaaaaaay!!' very loudly; so loud, I'd even have to put a distance between my phone and my ears.

"Come with me." He told me while smiling brightly, making his eye wrinkles show up. So adorable.

No. Not this time. Can't he see that I'm trying my best to show him that I'm mad?

A minute had passed before he suddenly stood up, gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to walk with him.

"Hey, where are we heading to?" I asked him.

"Just follow me." He replied and beamed at me.

We walked for a few minutes before we reached a room. Before going in, he instructed me to close my eyes and made me sit on a chair. After a few seconds, he told me to open my eyes. And I did.

What I saw was a room, filled with blue balloons that were scattered on the floor, and there he was, at the middle, sitting behind a piano, playing 'Happy Birthday' while singing. And it made me cry.

The sight of him singing and playing the piano made me very touched. He was never confident about these talents of his because all his life, he only believed that aside from dancing, he can't do good at anything else. But no, all along, I knew that that wasn't true. And this, this was perfect. He perfectly looked perfect. Everything was perfect.

The song ended then he stood up and walked towards me. He slightly chuckled and wiped my tears.

"You really did think that I forgot about your birthday?"

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