Mystery Guest

Family Outing Suprise

Hello im back with a second chapter hope you enjoy and i might have a poll to figure out who will be the couple


Seungri's point of view 

    "Jiyoung hyung who do you think it will be." is said trying to guess on my own. "I don't really know but i do know that SNSD KARA and BEG are in Japan right now" Jiyoung hyung said. "How do you know." I wondering if he had looked up their schedules.   

"I follow Nicole on Twitter and she tweeted about seohyun being in Japan and BEG sunbae-nims being there too.

"Really i didn't know you followed Nicole on Twitter." i said suprised.  "Yea we have been following each other on twitter for a couple weeks now." hes said nonchallantly.        [Daesung enters]

"Hey What are you guys talking about?" he asked with a funny look on his face. "Nothing just trying to figure out who might be the guest." "I think i know who it is." he said immediately. "Who!" i said wondering what idea he had come up with. "The guest is probably one of the wonder girls we are always paired with them anyway." He said confidently" I slapped myself mentally, "Hyung, don't you remember the wonder girls are on tour right now." I said. "Oh yea I forgot" he said, while Jiyoung hyung shook his head.

[G-Dragon POV]

"Anyway we should clean up before she gets here." I said while i was waiting for seungri and daesung to finish. "Yes okay" they both said.  

[After they finish cleaning]

"Jiyoung go get the others and come outside." Jaesuk hyung said to me. "Ok hyung." I said slightly excited thinking it was time for the guest to arrive. " Daesung, Seungri, Taeyang, TOP, Jaesuk hyung said come outside. I yelled in to the house. "Ok we're coming" Daesung and Seungri said from the kitchen. TOP and Taeyang soon followed. "What did you want us to do are we having another game?" Daesung asked excitedly hoping to get back into the good graces of s because of the earllier game.  

"No." Jaesuk hyung said. "The guest is arriving"


[a van drives up and the door opens]

"Todays guest for Big Bang is.... KARA NICOLE!!!!!!" Jaesuk hyung shouted i guess he is excited to see a girl besides the writer noonas and cordi noonas. Nicole stepped out of the car in a cheerful way and immediatley greeted Jaesuk hyung and Daesung who ran up to her and started doing the dance. 

[Nicole's POV] 

I'm so nervous I've never met all of Big Bang in person i only met Daesung oppa on Family Outing and I know Seungri oppa through Hara there also is that time G-Dragon shii interviewed us and i taught him the dance but that was with all the members. The car stopped i guess I have to get out now. I could here Jaesuk oppa from inside the van. I stepped out and Daesung oppa ran over to me and started dong the dance when the PD-nim started playing Mr. "Nicole!!!" I heard Jaesuk and Daesung say and I bowed.

"Hi Jaesuk oppa Daesung oppa its nice to see you again!" I said happy to see them again. "Hi Seungri oppa and Hara told me to say hi to you to." i said casually. Hi Nicole and I will text Hara as soon as we finish filming." "Hello G-Dragon shii Taeyang shii and TOP shii." I said as i bowed deeply since i am not as close with them. They all greeted me just as formally.

It was kind of awkward but im pretty sure we will get close soon

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asmira #1
Chapter 4: I hope you can continue this story..
i voted for you to rewrite if you can. but i don't mind if you write a whole new story of GCOLE too. BUT I REALLY wish you can do a story on them....
loveunexpectedly #3
well, for me you can write a new story or try to rewrite this one.. It's up to you dear, what you find easier to do then go for it..<br />
as long as it's a g-cole story I will happily read it XD
My absolute female k-pop idol bias and my absolute idol group bias?!? Together in one fic?! OMG, I can just die now and be happy forever :D<br />
<br />
I don't know who to root for- Taeyang, GD, TOP, Seungri, or Daesung?!? I LOVE THEM ALL!
shimmering_lilac #5
Hhhmmm... actually I can totally picture Nicole with any of the Big Bang members~ <br />
Heheh but I'll be rootin' for G-Dragon!!! <3
loveunexpectedly #6
G-Cole all the way heks XD
Kamila-Dalmate #7
sorry i havent updated in a while i got hit with a bad virus and i just got back to school today lots of make up work
loveunexpectedly #8
YEssss.. KARABANG STORY ! there aren't many out there.. and like others already said.. I hope it's a G-Cole one..