The One I Love

I Want You. I Need You. I Love You.


The image of Heechul's sleeping face was just too surreal you would really think twice if
it really, trully existed in this world. For Hankyung, gazing down at his first love, the only
person in the world who could make his heart skip a beat, the only person who had control
over his will, over his emotions was very satisfying considering the fact that he was too
damn tired to do anything else at the moment.  Feeling drained because of the day's activities, he
sat on the edge of the bed, which he shared with Heechul for almost a year now, and skimmed his fingers up and down
Heechul's exposed arm over the sheets that draped his seemingly frail body. But in reality, Heechul was anything but weak,
plus he had a dangerous mouth which everyone feared, even him, but he got used to it now and that was what attracted
Hankyung to him. Heechul responded to his touch, the gentleness of it made Heechul want more,
so he slowly opened his eyes and looked to see who it was. The sight of Hankyung made his heart
hammer against his chest, Heechul was doubting himself, he was half awake, but he was seeing Hankyung in front 
of him and it felt like a dream. Only it wasn't, Heechul wished, prayed, it was real, because he wanted him there,
wanted Hankyung to spoil him, to give him every last bit of his attention. 
"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" Hankyung apologized he knew very well how important
it was for Heechul to get as much sleep as possible, with his tight schedule always hassling
him around. These days, Heechul never gets free time, except on rare occasions when he was at home.
"Not really." The lie rolled off of Heechul's tongue like butter. He lied like an expert, was good at it, got away
with it during the crucial moments of his life, but when it was directed to Hankyung, it felt wrong. Heechul wanted to
tell him everything, yet he couldn't, not without bothering him, he just didn't make it a point to cause trouble for anyone, 
especially Hankyung who has had his fair share of rough times. 
"You look tired. Go back to sleep." If he didn't get out of there soon, his desire would overtake him, and Hankyung feared
that if Heechul knew, if he knew all his fantasies all his dreams, his hopes about him, it would drive him away and Hankyung would end
up loosing him. As he was about to rise and leave, Heechul caught his hand and refused to let go.
"I'll sleep better if you climb into bed with me." Heechul said , his voice low and seductive. When Hangkyung didn't move, he sat up and crawled
toward the edge of the bed, where Hankyung sat frozen motionless. Then he nuzzled the sides of Hankyung's neck. He was surprised when he didn't
try to stop him. "Pls. Hankyung." Heechul pleaded. A thousand of emotions swirled inside of Hankyung, it took every ounce of his willpower
to stop himself from pinning Heechul on top of the bed to finally take what he wanted. He has never wanted another human being the same way he wanted Heechul 
so with his firm grip on control he decided to yeild to his beloved's wish. 
"Okay. I get it. If thats what you want. Then I'll do it." Hankyung slipped into bed with him. Heechul's heart pounded so fast, so loudly, it was clouding his vision, dulling his
senses, awakening a new sense in him he never knew he had all along. His biggest concern was if he could get through the night without touching Hankyung or violating him 
to satisfy the desires he had been living with for so long. They lay there face to face, eyes closed, but none was asleep. 
" Why do you do everything I tell you to do? What's the reason? " Heechul felt himself drift away, nonetheless, he needed to ask him that question,  to clear his mind off of things. It took 
a while for the right words to come to Hankyung. He leaned in closer, and he could feel their bodies pressing together, he could hear the sound of Heechul's heart pounding against his chest.
"Because I know that you're too tired to argue." Because I love you and I want you to be mine. Hankyung almost said. He opened his eyes only to find Heechul's dark orbs locked on him. It sent a shiver down his spine.
His face was mere inches away, if only he had the courage to lean in and claim those lips. He wanted to, he just didn't know how. It was tempting him, it frustrated him to not take what he wanted, he was willing to pay the 
price for it but Hankyung could not live with the thought of Heechul hating him and not speaking to him ever again.
"I'm cold." Heechul rubbed his hands together, the aircon was on full blast, Hankyung couldn't do anythimg about it, he didn't want to move an inch away from Heechul. So he thought of offering him his body, which was warn in contrast to the cold air
that surrounded them. 
" Come here then." Hankyung opened his arms for Heechul and they took him in without wasting another minute. Locked in eachother's embrace, Hankyung wished he had the power to freeze time
so that he could live in this moment forever. Heechul's breathing was hard on Hankyung's neck. Hangkyung could not near it any longer but he ahd to put up with it,m he was contented to just ebing this close to Heechul.
Heechul didn't want this moment to end, inside Hangkyung's arms, he felt safe, nothing could hurt him, no one would scar him as long as Hankyung was there.
"You know what I think, Hankyung?" Heechul playfully asked as he started to get sleepy. He burried his face on Hankyung's chest, Hankying guessed from the way Heechul's features moved against his body that he was smiling. 
"I think you're in love with me?" Heechul's eyes were threatening to close on him. Hangkyung has never been more thrown off guard. But Heechul hadn't meant that silly question, or had he, but it was true wasn't it? He was in love with him, so madly in love 
with him that he has lost all sense of being and that living in a world without Heechul would be almost like not needing oxygen to breathe. He loved him, he needed him, he wanted him. But he couldn't take him, so he drew back. Just when Hangkyung thought
Heechul was asleep, his soft voice penetrated the four walls of the room.
" Am I right?" With that, Heechul fell asleep before hearing Hanghyung's answer. 
"Yes." He knew he'd close his eyes, he knew he'd never hear, he waited for this moment, when he could say it out loud, it doesn't matter whether he  hears him or not. It didn't matter whether Heechul knew or not. Just staying by his side was enough. Before closing his eyes and let sleep rob
him of his consiousness, Hankyung pressed his lips to Heechul's forehead. 
"I love you." He whispered. It would be better if you know thought. Hankyung thought and drifted off. 
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mmm nice :) i like it though :)) update soon ~
omo update soon dis ist good~!
toshiki #3
great story! update soon!