Girl fight

Time for a change

(Shopping mall)

“Where is that Chanel bag you said you saw?” Charmaine asked searching around the boutique.
“Can’t you see it? It’s on the rack…” Linda pointed.
“Wow… That is so beautiful…” Charmaine approached the bag and wanted to hold it but it was grabbed by someone else.
“Err… Excuse me… I saw that first…” Charmaine said politely.
The lady ignored and went to the cashier to purchase the bag.
“I want this.”
“Okay, Miss Yeung. I’ll pack it up for you…” the cashier said.
“Cash or credit card?”
“Credit card.”

Tavia took out her credit card and gave it to the cashier. When the cashier wanted to scan the card, Charmaine held tight, stopping the cashier from doing that.
“Wait a minute… I saw that first… And I am buying that…” Charmaine said.
“Leave her alone. Just charge…” Tavia said again ignoring Charmaine.
“How rude… I saw this bag first…” Charmaine began to get angry.
“Problem is… I grabbed this first…” Tavia finally responded Charmaine.
“You SNATCHED it…”
“It’s okay, Charm… We can go to the other shop… There is a better bag…”
“I want all the limited edition in this shop and the other shop… Including this bag…. Cashier, please help me pack them all up and this is my credit card.”
“You can grab all the bags if you want… Cashier, charge this bag first… I’m in a hurry.” Tavia said.
“I said including this bag…” Charmaine said being stubborn, not to let go.
“Do you know who I am?” Tavia asked feeling pissed off.
“Do YOU know who I am?” Charmaine asked back.
“You’re the top designer in Asia and also famous in Europe.” Bosco answered from the back.
“Bos, our famous designer here is snatching this bag with me. I have to attend a wedding party and I found this bag suitable with my gown.” Tavia explained.
“I came here all the way from Hong Kong just to get this bag.”
“I came here all the way from Vegas.” Tavia defended.
“Erm… Miss Sheh, can you please let my girlfriend have this bag? I can pay you double.”
“Money is nothing to me…” Charmaine answered.
“Look at her… She doesn’t know how to be polite…” Tavia said.
“I was polite and I am not going to be polite anymore…” Charmaine defended.
“Charm… This is public… We should leave.”
“I won’t leave until I get this bag.”
“Me neither…” Tavia added.
“Charm… This Yeung here is an actress from Hollywood… She is very famous… You shouldn’t get on her nerves.”
“I know… I’ve seen her before…”
“Then why are you here arguing with her over a bag?”
“She is so not a competition to me…” Charmaine answered.
“Darn… Just leave the bag alone…” Raymond said coming from the back.
“Who the heck are you?” Tavia said.
“I am your boyfriend’s cousin and also a designer but not a ‘bag fan’…”
“Shut up and mind your own business…” Tavia said harshly.
“Do you know your popularity has just gone down a level cause you’re actually arguing and scolding in front of public?” Raymond said.
“Do you know I had resigned?” Tavia argued back.
“Resigned?” Raymond was shocked as he looked at Bosco.
“We’re getting married…” Bosco explained.
“Oh…” Raymond nodded in understanding.
“Whatever… I only know that I want this bag.” Charmaine said.
“Honey, why not I buy you another one? This bag has no value anyways snatching like this…” Bosco said.
Tavia looked at her time and said “Okay… Cashier please put this in your store and don’t put it on display… I’ll get it before 9 this evening…”
“Honey…” Bosco tried to persuade her but got interrupted.
“I won’t give in…” Tavia said and left the boutique.
Charmaine looked at Bosco and Raymond and also left the boutique with Linda.
“THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I can’t believe it… She is so unreasonable.”
“I know… But you should have understood that you’re dealing with which type of people… I heard Tavia Yeung is a hard hearted person… It’s like nobody can get through her or persuade her in anything when she had made her decision… That’s why even her boyfriend couldn’t control her…”
“I don’t care who the heck she is but I won’t give in…. I am getting that bag… Even if I don’t get the bag… I won’t let her get the bag…”
“Why do all these stuff? It’s useless…”
“I paid the cashier to give me the bag… Just when Tavia was about to take the bag, I am already at the cashier paying for the bag…”
“You’re really stubborn…”
“She can do it… I can do it as well…”
“I can’t believe it… She actually dumped me in that shop…” Bosco said.
“That is why I never like ladies… Today’s incident made me feel even right about it…”
“We’re already engaged and getting married soon… We can break up over a bag…”
“Somebody’s getting hooked up… I just don’t understand why can’t you live without her…”
“She’s really special… I just don’t know how to describe… But it’s somehow a different feeling from the other girls…”
“Enjoy marriage then…”
(Tavia’s house)
“Hello… This is Ron speaking…”
“Ron… This is Tav..”
“Hey, Darling…”
“What happened?”
“There is this lady who was snatching a bag with me… It was so unfair… I ignored her thoroughly.. “
“You’re always this calm… Where are you now?”
“Yeah… Why?”
“Nothing… It’s just that a friend of mine it there also…”
“Oh... Hey, Honey, I have to go… I have an appointment…”
“Alright… Love you…”
“Love you, too…”
(Conversation ended)
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I like this!
charray #3
Hello Mon, so happy to see you here on asianfanfics. I didn't know you are Mon until today, you are famous for Charray fics :D. Hope to see more of your fics here, I've really enjoyed reading yours on Winglin for years! Keep going on, you are great!
Welcome to Asianfanfics coolbuz016. Hope you'll enjoy it here =)
I'm a die-heart Ray-Lei fans but I will support your story. good luck =)