Chapter 2

First Love Never Dies

It's been years since Zelo moved away. Three years exactly.. My 13th Birthday came to place, I met new friends, although, I could never forget my first best friend, the person who took care of me every single day. I enjoyed the party and the time of blowing the candles of the cake came into place. Every one of my friends and family sang Happy Birthday, when they stopped, I looked at hand, holding a little blue string and silently wishing, "I wish you were here. I miss you..." and I finally blew the candles out. After the party, I went to my room and kept the string hidden so that it will never get lost.

A few months later, the first day of Freshman year finally came. I'm so nervous that I didn't even want to go to school, but I took a deep breath and wore the charm bracelet Zelo gave me, kissed the teddy bear good bye and I'm off. From 3 blocks away, I heard the bell ring, so I rushed quickly, gladly I reach the gate before the guard close the gates. I tried to find my class schedule in bulletin boards by the hallway and check which class I was in. I found my name, "Song Lei Ra", but I also saw my friends name in my class too, "Lee Jeong Min" and "Kim Hyun Ah". When I went to my spective room, Hyun Ah and Jeong Min called out to me saying that they saved me a seat.

Hyun Ah: Hey Lei!
Me: Hi Guys.
Jeong Min: How are you Lei?
M: I'm just fine, how about you?
J: I'm okay.
H: What did you do during summer Lei?
M: I just went to the playground everyday, looking at the kids playing.
H: Can't forget him?
M: Of course not!! He's the best person I ever met.
Hyun Ah smiled but Jeong Min was sort of quiet. Class finally started..
After Classes, I walked home, then I heard someone calling out my name. I looked behind me and saw Jeong Min running. I stopped and waited for him, when he finally reached me, he couldn't catch his breath, I smiled at him and giggled.
Me: What do you need Jeong Min?
Jeong Min: I just want to walk you home.
M: Okay. (I smiled innocently) After walking a block or two.
J: Lei?
M: Yes?
J: Do you like him?

M: Who?
J: Well, uhm, y'know, your childhood friend?
M: Oh, Zelo?
J: Yeah, him.
M: Well he's like my older brother, nothing special.
J: The way you talk about him in school, it looks like you have a crush on him.
M: I just miss him so much. He was special to me..
Then, we both suddenly piped down. I went inside my house, waved goodbye to Jeong Min and went to my room. I didn't tell the truth that I liked Zelo. But I wonder why he ask about him. Does Jeong Min like me?? Ugggh, am I ready to move on with my first love?? I really don't know what to do.. I asked Ren(Teddy Bear from Zelo) what should I do.


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itsMe21 #1
thank you. (:
omfgggggg so adfhdgtv romantic!
enuff said.