rules c:

crayon rp • many spots available!
le rules .
(follow them or kyuhyun will kill you! >D)

OO1. one account per person please c:

OO2. ermm, recycled accounts are okay, but no clashing personal accounts and your rp account together. :>

OO3. please speak in english... please.

OO4. and yuri is allowed ^^ c:

OO5. when talking in OCC, use brackets. e.t.c. () [] {} <>

OO6. if you want to go on a hiatus or you wanna quit (WHYYYY? D:) please DM the main account or one of the admins.

OO7. no in public please. do it in dm. we have innocent people :3

OO8. if you're dating, tell us! :D ♥

OO9. broke up? D: let us know too.

O10. you can create a couple name for yourself too c: ♥

O11. pleaseeeee keep drama minimal. D':

O12. pregnancyyyyyyyy is um, not allowed, sorry. (please no mpreg .___.) adopting is allowed :D YAAAAAAAAAAY~! childreeeeeeeen! ♥

O13. have fun :B

O14. be active. xD




how to join .

. select your desired idol. (make sure she/he is free! c:)

. reserve your idol in the comment section below~

. wait for confirmation.

. after confirmation, please create your account.

. your username MUST have "crayon" in it. you may put it ANYWHERE. your username also must contain your desired idol's name/nickname/stage name.

. we're only giving you 5 days to create your account.

. put @crayonsrp roleplayer ANYWHERE in your bio.

. follow all admins and base account (@crayonsrp) FIRST.

. ask for verification from base account.

. favourite the verification tweet, okay? c: ♥


we look forward to seeing you! :D

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