Childlike request

Wonderful↹ You

"You look terrible." Sooyeon looked at me, with a carton of strawberry milk in her hands.

I rolled my eyes, as my next words naturally rolled off my tongue, "Thanks, you look great." 

"Seems that someone's a little irritable today."

"I just had a hard time falling asleep, a lot of thoughts in my head, I guess."

"I bet it's that as-" Haneul elbowed Sooyeons rib, commanding her to stop whatever was going to escape .

Delicately, Hanuel phrased Sooyeon's words, aware that this was a touchy subject for me. 

"Is it about the whole..." 

My eyelids shut while I inhaled a large supply of air into my system.

"Let's not talk about that right now."

"Jinyoung deserves to know, Dahae."

"Of course he does and he'll know. But not today. So please, I'm begging you, don't tell him." 

"Fine, Hae. Just know that I don't agree with it. It's cowardly and unlike you." Sooyeon replied.

My patience had finally worn thin and next thing I knew, all the stress I felt was out through the vile words I spoke.

"At least I don't act like a complete ."

"What? I'm a ?"

"That escalated quickly..." Hanuel whispered and Jeonghwan breathed a laugh. 

"These two have been friends for so long, they know how to press each other's buttons."

"If they know that they hurt each other why do they continue?"

"I honestly don't know, Hanuel." They silenced and watched us fight.

"Well you aren't exactly a saint, now are you?"

"I'm just being honest here, you little-"

Realising that this wasn't going to stop without interferance, Jeonghwan griped Sooyeon wrists tightly and acted as a human barrier between us; as Hanuel stood behind me, placing an arm on my shoulder.

"O~~~~kay! I think it's time we cooled off and headed to lessons, huh?"

"Sure. Oh. Wait, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't sound like a total ." And that's when I lunged for her face. 



I sat quietly in the library, a pencil held in my left hand, trying to calm down my mind after the recent events.


I called my bestfriend a .


My relationship is slowly falling apart and I'm not even trying to fix it. I fixed my eyes onto the tall figure out in the courtyard and sighed deeply. Seems like I've been doing that nowadays. As I watched the back view of Jinyoung, I felt my heart break trying to recall the conversation with my parents a few weeks ago.

I locked my eyes on the backsides of my parents. Something was not right.

They had a rather difficult relationship and were often fighting. Today was different; all I could hear were murmurs from the kitchen. Warily I shook my bag off my shoulders and walked to the kitchen.

With such synchronisation that frightened me they turned around, noticing my presence and expressed hesitance and a kind demeanor.

"Oh, Haeng. Are you hungry?" I shook my head and reached for a water bottle instead. My mother was well known for her inability to cook, even Jinyoung was surprised when he first ate dinner at our home. He was so cute, trying to explain the falter in his countenance. I digress.

"Haeng, we have something to discuss with you," My mother reached for my father's hand, like how I remember when I was younger, as if he were to give reassurance to her. 

My stomach turned and suddenly it occured to me that whatever was said next, would be bad. Very bad. It had been years since peace graced our house and I wished that they would continue fighting. Throw belongings. Anything. Just as long as the next words weren't said. 

"We're moving."

"Oh..." Surely it would just be to another part of the town, right? For what reason could they move somewhere else?

"Your father received a promotion and well, I think it's for the best if we all move to Seoul."

I could feel my heart sink, a pain attacked me like poison spreading through my entire body. Albeit, I'd prefer the arduous latter.

"How is it best? Eomma, appa, you were both raised here and consequently I was too. All of our family and friends are within this community, you're really going to betray them?"

"Ey~ it's not a betrayal, we already told halmeoni and harabeoji; they are completely delighted about the news, as should you."

I tried to imagine my grandparents wishing mother and father a happy goodbye, but couldn't. 

"You really expect me to believe that they would send you off... as if it's nothing?"

Father narrowed his eyes, frustration evident in his glare, "I expect you to believe the truth, Goo Dahae." 

"What about my friends then? And Jinyoung?"

My father rolled his eyes and patted the shoulder of my mother, almost like he was signalling to her 'deal with it'.

"Um... listen Haeng, our beloved daughter," She flittered her eyes between the two enraged bodies, clearly aware that there was a side to choose. It was her choice now. 

A rueful breath escaped her lips and with her eyes, she pleaded, but I held my ground. 

Tired of waiting, my father cut in and spoke in a low voice, words that were bitter and acidic,

"That boy and those friends of yours, they'll mean nothing to you in a year's time. We're only speeding up the process, so become a submissive daughter and grow up. It's about time that you stop being so childish. You can finish your studies in Seoul, where you can receive the best education we can offer you. That's all we want, Dahae, the best for you."


I patted the garden bench and sat down next to a tall girl with wavy ebony locks, admiring the clear countryside landscape engulfing us. Scents of flowers and earth appeared, the sunlight bouncing off the pond and a warmth radiating from it. This was her favourite place in the world, it was strange to think that she would have to part with it. 

I'm going to miss this place... Where can you find such tranquility in Seoul? 

Both exchanged glances, unsure of how and what words should be said, so Dahae simply greeted her, "Sooyeon... hi."

"Hi to you too,"


I sat there, beside Sooyeon and began to think.

I dug my fingers into the bench and noticed familiar engraved into the decaying bench.


We received Detention for a week for that.

"Hurry up Jinyoung!" I anxiously bit my lip, afraid of being caught.

He laughed when he looked up briefly, creating an eyesmile. "Just relax," 

"Hurry up and then I can relax, please Oppa?" I pleaded him.

"As cute as that was, an artist cannot be rushed as he creates a masterpiece."

"It seems more like defacing school property to me, Jung Jinyoung. What do you think?"

"I think your voice has gone a few octaves lower than usual, are you sick?" He sent a worried glance and spoke with a slight falter. "Good day, Cha seonsaengnim."



"Do you remember that time I used your face as a canvas?"

"Yeah, how can I forget? It wouldn't come off for two whole days!!! Do you know how difficult it was for me to explain why I had excess hair between my eyes and on my upper lip? My mum asked if I wanted to have it removed- professionally."

"Hey! That was a masterpiece, Goo Dahae."

I raised my eyebrow and said, "Whatever you say, Sooyeonie." We exchanged glances and laughed. 

"I'm sorry I attacked you."

"It's okay, the scratches and bruises will be my battle scars." I laughed and smiled at her.


"Sooyeon, let's hang out tomorrow."

She blinked at me, seemingly surprised. "O-okay, what do you want to do on your last day here?"

It's about time that you stop being so childish. 

"What did we do as kids? Whatever we did, let's do that just for one more day."




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Chapter 4: this was so sad...but intriguing! i can't help but wonder if they ever talked before she left, one last time to clear things up...
2PMOkTaec #2
Chapter 2: oh? i wanna know what happened >< update soon please~ ^^
DeullieSa34 #3
Chapter 1: what happend to jinyoung~ o_0 Good job authornim~~~~ Update soon~~
Update soon~ ^_^