Welcome Home, Kim Youngwoon

Welcome Home, Kim Youngwoon

~In honor of Kangin's release from the military~

“Jungsoo hyung do you see him yet?” Ryeowook asked for the fifteenth time in ten minutes. Jungsoo just looked over at him and smiled.

“Not yet Wookie just drink the banana milk we got you and we will let you know.”

Ryeowook pouted a little but did as he was told and drank his milk with Sungmin. Jungsoo was on the tips of his toes trying to see over the crowd to see if Kangin had been released yet.

“Teuk umma here drink your banana milk. No matter how long we stare at the gate he will still be released at the time that they told us so just drink and when he comes out we can all run to him ok?” Hyukjae said as he put a hand on Jungsoo's shoulder and placed the small milk container in his hands. Jungsoo nodded and poked the straw into the top and started to sip away as he returned his gaze to the gate. What Hyukjae said was true but Jungsoo wanted to be the first to see Youngwoon. Sending letters to each other was nice and it kept them close but it wasn't quite the same as actually being together with his Raccoon man.

Jungsoo focused his eyes on the windows of the closest building to the fence. Their manager told them that Youngwoon would be discharged in that building before coming outside. It was hard to see and people kept moving in front of his view, but he did manage to see people inside. There was a few people inside and he wasn't quite sure which one was Youngwoon but when one man saluted to his commanding officer before bowing Jungsoo knew it was him. He quickly shoved his milk into Donghae's hands and pushed past Kyuhyun. As he ran to the gates he shoved people left and right and jumped over a person who was kneeling down to tie his shoe. Youngwoon was coming, he had to see him.

The gates began to open and Jungsoo fidgeted as he stood still in front of the guards. He couldn't go in any further, but he made sure he was the closest one to the gates. He bounced up and down slightly as he looked past the guards and just as he did he spied the familiar face beneath the standard issue military hat walk around the corner. Jungsoo's eyes widened and he smiled from ear to ear as he took a deep breath.

“KIM YOUNGWOON!” Jungsoo belted out and the other man's head snapped up towards the sound of his voice. When Youngwoon's eyes met Jungsoo's, he grinned and ran towards the older man. Jungsoo opened his arms and braced himself as Youngwoon jumped towards him. Jungsoo wrapped his arms around Youngwoon and buried his face in the younger man's hair.

“Youngwoon. . .Youngwoon I missed you so much. . .Youngwoon. . .” Jungsoo repeated over and over again as a few tears dripped onto Youngwoon's camouflage jacket.

“Jungsoo!” Youngwoon sobbed softly so the all seeing fans didn't notice.

“Youngwoon I'm so glad you're back.” Jungsoo sniffled. His brain didn't quite register the other members closing in on them through his excitement and happiness over Youngwoon being in his arms again. “I love you my raccoon man don't ever leave me again!”

Youngwoon laughed softly. “Alright I won't. I love you Jungsoo~”

“Yah I love you too now let us have a turn to welcome him back.” Came Kyuhyun's irritated voice. Jungsoo wiped his teary eyes and runny nose quickly before turning to see all the others standing behind Kyuhyun who had his hands on his hips and his foot tapping impatiently on the ground.

Youngwoon lightly slapped the back of Kyuhyun's head. “Be nice to your umma.” He said before he held out his arms to hug everyone. Ryeowook and Sungmin were the first to wrap their arms around his waist as Donghae and Hyukjae ran into his arms too. Before Youngwoon knew what was even happening he was being squished by his dongsaengs.

“The other members wanted to be here but their schedules couldn't be canceled.” Jungsoo said and Youngwoon nodded his understanding. He looked into Jungsoo's eyes over the others and smiled his special aegyo eye smile just for his Teukie before Jungsoo winked in return. Finally being able to see him made Jungsoo love his raccoon man even more.

Welcome home, Kim Youngwoon.

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Chapter 1: It's adorable. ;u;
So cute ^_^!!