
How I Got My Girl


“Woohyun oppa!” Yoonha chirped.

“Mmh?” He tilted his head.

“Do you remember the day we used to be in high school?”

“Awww, Yoonha! Don’t remind me of that! You know how embarrassing that was for me?” Woohyun whined.

“We all know that fact, Nam Woohyun. We all know.”

“Hyung, we all know the fact that you were blindly in love, believe me.” Hoya added on, chuckling at the nostalgic memory. Woohyun began to blush profusely while s laughed at his actions.

“But what actually happened between you and Woohyun hyung?” Sungjong interrupted. All of the laughing stopped and everyone stared at him, wide eyed.

“Y-you didn’t know what happened?” Dongwoo said, astonished.

“No one told me till now. You guys won’t tell me!” Sungjong reasoned, pouting.

“Aigoo… Poor maknae. Noona will tell you ok?” Yoonha pinched his cheeks, as if he was a small child. Sungjong nodded, smiling brightly.

“It all started when….” Woohyun started.

This is the start of our flashback.

(8 years ago)


Woohyun’s POV

Well, let’s just say that I wasn’t the most popular students there. I was always alone. But I didn’t really care. But since I wasn’t popular, I was subject to constant bullying. I was always alone during recess. All alone.

Until I met her. The girl of my dreams. It was love at first sight. It was over a game of tag. She was the one that tagged me first.

A little girl approached the little Woohyun. “You’re it!” Her frail looking finger poked his arm.

For a 13 year old, she was really pretty. We became close really fast. Both of us had an interest of singing. I would always hang out with her. Always. I wasn’t alone anymore. I have a friend. A best friend! And…. In love. But I have yet to know about love.

We were friends for a really long time. We’ve been through a lot together. Not to mention that we went to the same middle school and high school.

4 years passed since the day that I’ve met Yoonha. I didn’t really remember what happened but I was hanging out with her and laughing our asses off over something. Then it hit me. Hard.

I’m in love with Yoonha.

I’ve always thought of telling her my feelings. But I was afraid. So I just kept my mouth shut. I think I kept it in for months, maybe even for a year. But one day, I decided to be a man and confess to her. I wrote her a love poem, bought her favorite flowers, and wrote a small speech that revealed my feelings for her. I put all my heart and soul in writing the speech to her.


“Woohyun! I have something to tell you! I-,” But Woohyun cut her off.

“Me too. Yoonha, I… I like you. More than a friend. No, I love you.,” Woohyun kneeled on one knee and gave her a bouquet of white lilies.

“All these years, I’ve liked you. But I was afraid to tell you. But now I did. Would you be my girlfriend?” Woohyun looked to her with hopeful eyes, hoping that she would accept the confession.

But, I was too late. Too late.

Some other dude asked her out about 4 hours ago. She was going to tell me about that she got a boyfriend as soon as she saw me. But I confessed to her before she could say anything.

It was an awfully quiet moment. Yoonha did not reply to him. He started to get worried.

She doesn’t like me?

“Woohyun… I… I… I’m sorry..” She started crying. “I really liked you too at one point. But… But.. Yoseob asked me out 4 hours ago.. Woohyun… I’m sorry” She cried.

It was her attempt to comfort me but I was dead. My brain literally just died. Actually, she just made me feel worse. Instinctively, I ran away from her with tears falling down from my face. It was just overwhelming. I was a love struck teen. Possibly the most stupidest one in the universe. I was blinded by love.

I ran all the way home, grabbed a big bottle of bleach and sat on my bedroom desk. I wrote my suicide note.


Dear, mom, dad, Boohyun hyung and Yoonha.

            I’m sorry I wasn’t the son you’ve ever wanted. I’m sorry that I just left the world like this, I’m sorry. This world is just too much for me. This is the easy way out for me. I love you. Forever will. I’ll be in heaven, waiting for your arrival.

Boohyun hyung, take care of yourself ok? And… I’m sorry that I was a horrible brother. I really am. Take care hyung! And… please take care of Yoonha for me. Just make sure that she’s happy.

Yoonha, I know you won’t be reading this but… I love you. And nothing can change that fact. Thank you for being with me for the past few years and… I wish you the best with Yoseob.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  From, Nam Woohyun.


I gulped down a big mouthful of bleach. It felt horrible, yet, at the same time, it felt really good. More tears streamed from my eyes. I drank more of the bleach till I was down. Goodbye…. Yoonha.


 “I’m gonna stop till here. My mouth is awfully dry now.”

“WOOHYUN HYUNG!!” Sungjong shouted, tears streaming down his face. He’s crying like a madman. Dongwoo too.

“I’ll take over now. Ok, Jongie?” Sungjong nodded, wiping his remaining tears.



Yoonha’s POV

I was really, really worried about Woohyun so I went to his house to check on him. To see him lying on the floor, lifeless, he’s a real idiot.

“The idiot you love, that it.” Woohyun corrected her, cuddling next to her with a glass of water in his hands.


I immediately called 119 and then, I saw the suicide note. While reading the note I cried my heart out.

“Pabo… Nam Woohyun, you’re a ing idiot. A ing idiot.” I glanced at him, now I feel extremely guilty now. Well, till this day, I still am. The ambulance came and immediately got Woohyun to the hospital and I accompanied him there. I was always there, waiting for his results.

“Woohyun, I’m sorry… I’m sorry that I caused you to be like this."


“Wow, talking DOES make your mouth really dry.”

“Told ya.” He handed me a glass of water.


“Geez maknae, be patient for once.”



Woohyun’s POV

A few days later, I woke up. I was connected with a bunch of IV drips and monitors. For a minute there I was hyperventilating. But then there I saw Yoonha, sitting beside me, crying her eyes out. the moment she saw me, it looked as if all of the weight magically came off of her back.

First, she was extremely happy to see me alive.

“WOOHYUN!! Thank god you’re alive” She jumped up and down. Then her anger came in.  “What the did you think you were doing? Do you have any idea how worried I was?”  Then, the disappointment came in. She face palmed herself and said, “Aigoo… what am I going to do with you…”

It was cute seeing her like this. But I never knew that woman were that PMS-ie. But I just kept quiet and got what I deserved.

In a few hours, we were back to normal. Other than the fact that I’m in the hospital, it seemed like nothing actually happened.



“You do know that I’ll be going to a mental health institute right?”

“I know, namu, I know. I’ll visit you whenever I can ok?”


For the next 3 months, she’d always be visiting me there. We’d always gossip together and update each other on what happened in our lives.

She’d tell me what happened to Yoseob while I’d tell her what happened to the doctors here. Soon I was out of the institute! Guess who’s there to pick me up? The love of my live.

Then, the bestest thing happened to me. She told me that she broke up with Yoseob and that she wants to be with me.

 I was soo happy. Happy to be alive, happy to be in love.

And now, we still love each other. I was put in friendzone but I managed to get out. Friendzone isn’t always a life sentence. Things changed, people change, and feelings change. That’s how life rolls. But listen, DON’T EVER think about killing yourself is gonna get the girl you love. 99.999999999% of the time, you probably won’t survive. I was the one in a million that survived it. I was mentally unstable then, don’t do what I did. DON’T DO IT.

One last thing,

            Love always prevails. 

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