Love Letters

Pfft...Love Letters

Read, read, don't read. Present. More packages. Definitely don't open. Read, don't read, read - did that one have glitter all over it? - don't read.

Donghae had no idea he'd be spending part of his break back home sorting his own mail. He wanted to be a star, but he never thought that he'd get so many letters for it! It wasn't just letters, either - packages, all kinds of them, filled with presents and who knows what, all from complete strangers who either hailed him as a hottie or cursed his name by the devil.

"Donghae, this one's purple," said Eunhyuk, waving shiny purple envelope with delicate cursive writing on it to his friend. "You tossing it?"

The annoyed star sighed. "Yeah, toss it," he said. Truth be told, he liked the fan mail. He liked the stories of how they are trying to achieve their music dreams so they could do what they love best. He liked the children's drawings of him and s. He especially liked the handmade snacks and treats he received. What he hated, however, possibly even more than the anti letters, were the love letters.

"Man, Hae," Siwon said with a chuckle as he placed a few letters in their designated "read" pile, "you're almost getting as many of these love letters as I am! And you're not even going to read them!" He tossed a bright pink envelope into the "don't read" pile. "I'm telling you, I'm jealous."

"Shut it," snapped Donghae. Another present, tied with red and white ribbon and marked with a label saying, "To my one and only Lee Donghae". He threw it across the table and into the pile of the other unwanted packages. "It's not like I wanted those stupid things."

If the envelope was pink or purple, had overly girly handwriting on it, or had any trace of hearts on it, it automatically went to the "don't read" pile. It was a little flattering at first to see these confessions of love from total strangers - but that was before he realized how annoying they were. They all sounded the same - how the writers would dream of him every night, how they'd need a hero to sweep them off their feet, and all that sappy crap he'd seen in Siwon' trashy romance novels. It was all so contrived, so fake - besides, he'd never be interested in any of them, not as long as -

"I think he should read them," said Eunhyuk with a smirk, "out loud."

"No, Hyukjae, I'm not going to read them!"

The older man laughed heartily. "Aw, come on, you owe the poor ladies that much!" He winked at the irritated boy and nudged him with his elbow. "And who knows? Maybe with these you can finally find yourself a girlfriend!"

"I don't want a girlfriend who sends me this kind of crap!" He slammed three more envelopes onto the table. "It's annoying! It's embarrassing!"

Hyuk stared at the steamed fish (Lulz, see what I did there xD). "H-hey, don't take it so personal... You know Siwon is just being an idiot again!"

After shooting a glare at the lead dancer, Siwon turned back to Donghae. "Hey, all I'm saying is that these fans of yours went through the trouble to write you something nice." He picked up a letter that reeked of perfume. "Even if they are annoying. I just don't think you should be so angry about it, that's all."

"I'm not interested, okay!" Donghae buried his head in his hands. "I don't care that they think they're in love with me, I'm not interested! I already like - "

After stopping himself from saying anymore, he turned bright red. Then, he looked up from his hands, only to see Eunhyuk and Siwon grinning wickedly at him, like two sharks cornering a helpless fish in order to devour it.

"Oh?" Siwon asked. "You already like someone?"

Hyukie stood. "Ooh, ooh, I think I know who it is!"

"I-I didn't say anything like that!"

The prince eagerly leaned into Donghae's personal space. "All right, Hae, let's play Twenty Questions! Is she someone we know?"

"Would you shut up already - "

"Someone who's part of our SujuGen family, right?" chimed the fish's "best friend".

"And does her name begin with a 'Y' - "

" - and end in "-oona"!"

A mortified Donghae yelled wordlessly at them, knocking over his chair as he stood. "All right! Okay! I admit it! I - I like Y-Yoona. Are you happy?!"

Suddenly, a large hand slapped him on the back. Siwon laughed along with Eunhyuk as he affectionately patted the poor guy. "See, doesn't it feel so much better to let that out?"

Donghae looked down at his feet. ...Well, he thought, at least now he could explain why those letters annoyed him so much.

When Eunhyuk finished laughing, he gave the others a knowing smile. "It was pretty obvious from the beginning, Hae," he said. "You're just wasting time by denying it."

"Wasting time?"

"Yeah! Wasting time you could be using to tell Yoona!"

"H-Hyukjae, I can't do that!" stammered Donghae. "Not now!"

Siwon waved his free hand lazily. "Ah, let him go. He'll do it on his own time, won't you?"

Donghae nodded. "Y-yeah. On my... own time." He picked up his chair and sat down again, wordlessly leafing through some more envelopes.

He wondered what it would be like if she sent him a love letter.

The next morning was a lazy one. Having already thrown out the unwanted letters, Super Junior's vacation house was already much cleaner than it had been the previous day, so it gave Donghae a chance to sleep in without worrying about LeeTuek or Heechul being angry over the clutter. At around eleven o'clock, he rose out of bed and went downstairs to greet the manake who was still up playing games and find something to eat. Kyu had his eyes slowly pulled away from the screen just to greet the sleepy fish in front of him.

"Mornin', hyung," he greeted.

Donghae yawned. "Morning, Kyu." He rubbed his eyes as he sat at the table. "I just had a busy day yesterday, you know that."

The manake snorted, focusing on his Starcraft again. "No one told you to sort out your mail. You've could've done something else worthwhile. Siwon and Eunhyuk were helping you anyway. I would've helped too, but Yoona came over and we were-"

"What?! She came over?!" Donghae shouted, widening his eyes. His eyes then narrowed. "What were you two doing alone in the house. You didn't do anything right?" He mentally smacked himself in the head. Seriously? Did he have to be that worried in front of his younger one about Yoona?

"Tsk, don't be stupid. We went out for some pizza than came back and played games with Yesung. Why? Jelly?" With that look on Kyu's face, Donghae knew he saw right through the fish.

The boy waved him off, wanting to change the subject before noticing an envelope on the table. This wouldn't have been so odd, had the rest of the mail not already been in neat piles on the other side of the room. He picked it up and looked at it - a plain envelope, no address... and extremely familiar handwriting.

"Kyu?" he asked, "Where'd you get this?"

Kyuhyun noticed the letter and laughed. "Heh! You'll see. It's a special delivery, stupid."

Donghae opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. As he read it, his eyes widened. This was Yoona's handwriting, he knew, and what she had written was -

- He finished the letter and folded it again, stuffing it in one of his jean pockets. He then stood up, grabbed his gray hoodie from a hook on the wall, and stepped into a pair of Nike's.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah." Donghae flashed a grin at the warlock, who paused the game to take a glance at his hyung. "I'm going to go see Yoona. And then - I'm going to give Eunhyuk and Siwon a piece of my mind...!"



Sorry if I went out of character for these guys. I know Siwon doesn't have trashy romance novels. He's more in to Bibles xD.

Anyway, Comment and Subscribe...mostly comment. I like reading what you guys have to say about the story!!!

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 1: perhaps, it would be perfect if you add one more chapter, into a two-shot story...
anyway..this is a good one..^^
yoonhae134 #3
Love it but I wish there was more
baektologist #4
Nice! Sequel please!
Great story!
pls write another fanfic if you can^^
Julettums #6
@ etoilediva Not sure if I'll make a sequel. I wrote it for fun... So I didn't actually put much thought in to it (hence the really y ending). I'll see if I can make a sequel..If I come up with any ideas.

@ lemonechaoi Well, I'll see what I can do ;)
lemonechaoi #7
should make sequel for this! hahaha awesome :)
etoilediva #8
Is there going to be a second part to this? I didnt quite get the ending. Great story by the way!