Time For Korea!

The Life of a "Normal" FanGirl

"Emily!! Get out of the shower!!" Megan yelled from across the hall

"Well sorry! I wanna look and smell good just incase I run into my bias!" Emily yelled back as she wrapped the towel around her and opened the door

"Ugh finally." Priscilla said as she went in the bathroom to straighten her hair. Emily put on a spring dress, Curled her hair, put on some eyeliner and mascara and grabbed her purse, iPhone and iPod.

"Priscilla it doesn't take that long to straighten your hair." Megan said, next to the bathroom door

"Well it does for me!" Priscilla said as she pouted since she couldn't reach the hair in the back.

"Here let me get it." Megan grabbed the straightener and helped Priscilla.

"Thanks." Priscilla smiled and Megan nodded. Priscilla decided to wear capris with a tank top and some flip flops. She grabbed her iPod, Samsung Galaxy S III, Keys and went to the door where emily was checking herself out in the mirror while sitting on her suitcase.

"Sorry guys! I'll be out in a minute!" Megan yelled as she put on some white shorts, a tank top, a shirt that droops over the shoulder, her flip flops and grabbed her iPhone, iPod, Laptop and her keys and went to the door with her suitcase.

"Ready?" Priscilla asked

"Ready" We all said and walked out the door to the car.

"South Korea here we come!" We all yelled as we had our heads out the window.

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lol XD cant wait for a update
I would never say that!!! XDD Especially when im going to meet my bias *__________*