chapter 7

believe me

When taemin finished his talk with his father it was lunch time kris sat beside amber and her father was sitting across of them at the other side of the table with taemin beside him and king heechul at the head of the table.

King kangin : amber why aren`t you feeding your husband?

Amber : huh?

King kangin : your mother used to feed me to show me her love amber so, why don`t you?

Kris : it`s really okay, amber you don`t have to do it.

King heechul : you know your umma used to do that to me too.

Kris : really appa?! You never told me that before.

King heechul : well now you know

Amber : here kris open your mouth

Kris : thanks

Amber continued to feed kris and kris was beyond happy with that, after the lunch king kangin went to amber`s room with her to talk with her.

Amber : appa what`s wrong with you?

King kangin : me? Nothing but what about you?

Amber : I`m fine appa nothing is wrong with me.

King kangin : then why are you treating kris in a bad way?

Amber : w ــــــــــ what ?

King kangin : I know everything about you amber.

Amber : did he tell you that?

King kangin : who`s he?

Amber : kris! Did kris tell you that?

King kangin: no, someone else told me, amber kris is older than you , have you ever called him oppa?

Amber : no.

King kangin : so yo call him idiot but not oppa! Is that how I raised you amber?

Amber : I`m sorry.

King kangin : did kris treated you badly?

Amber : no

King kangin : here wear this.

King kangin handed amber a short dress.

Amber : what about it ? appa you know I don`t like to wear those dresses.

King kangin : amber you`re a girl you should wear dresses not what you`re wearing right now, even kibum wear clothes better than you.

Amber : but appa I don`t like it.

King kangin : now that you`re married you should wear what your husband like not what you like, now go change into this while I call taemin to put some makeup for you.

Amber : appa, please don`t do this to me.

King kangin : go change now

As amber was wearing her dress king kangin called taemin to put makeup on amber`s face and as taemin finished.

Taemin : waoh nonna you look pretty.

King kangin : good job minnie.

Amber stayed silent with eyes filled with tears.

King kangin : taemin go tell kris to come here.

As taemin went to call kris king kangin looked at amber.

King kangin : I want you to call your husband oppa, okay?

Amber : okay.

Amber knew that she`s better not to disobey her father as she was holding her tears in front of her father she kept her head down and as she couldn`t hold them any longer kris entered the room with taemin and kai.

Kris : appa you asked for me?

King kangin : yes I wanted you to see this girl here.

Kris : who`s she?

King kangin : your wife.

Kris “shocked” : amber is that you?

Amber : yــــــyeah it`s me oـــــoـــــoppa.

Kris went closer to amber till he was in front of her he held her chin to make her face him but amber was silently crying.

Kris : appa minnie kai please leave us.

King kangin : why kris?

Amber couldn`t help but let a soft sob left her lips as kris heard her sobbing sound he hugged her to his chest.

Kris : yes I want amber to dress like princess and wanted her to call me oppa but not like this not by forcing her to be like this so please leave us alone.

As they went outside the room kris pulled amber to the bathroom and towards the sink he stand behind her.

Amber : what are you doing?

Kris : I`ll wash your face.

Amber closed her eyes as kris started to wash her face and after he finished he toke her to the closet and got her one of her pajamas.

Kris : here wear this.

Amber : but it`s early I don`t want to sleep now.

Kris : I know just wear your pajama, please?

Amber : okay.

Amber went to the bathroom to change into the pajama and as she finished she went back to the room to find that kris changed into a matching pajama with hers.

Kris : now that`s better.

Amber : why did you do that?

Kris : do what?

Amber : kris?!

Kris : amber would you hear me just for once, please?

Amber : okay go on.

Amber was sitting on the bed and kris was sitting beside her.

Kris : amber the first time appa told that I`m going to marry one of king kangin`s childs I asked my father if I`m going to marry a male but when appa told me about you I was asking myself if you will ever like me and when I first saw you I knew you are a pure person so I couldn`t force you to kiss me on our wedding that`s why I kissed your forehead and on our first night you wore my pajama and I thought I never saw anyone cuter than you, amber when I woke up and saw you sleeping I knew for sure that I fell for you.

Amber : what!? Kris please don`t joke with me.

Kris : I`m not amber I love you I really do.

Amber : kris I can`t I ـــــ I`m sorry.

Kris : amber can I ask you two favors?

Amber : what is it kris?

Kris : I want to kiss you.

Amber : butـــــ

Kris : just once amber, please?

Amber : okay just this one and the only one.

Kris leaned to kiss her as she felt his lips on her she closed her eyes kissing him back but when she felt his tongue on her lips she broke the kiss.

Amber : ert.

Kris didn`t care and hugged her.

Kris : thanks amber that meant a lot to me.

Amber : what else?

Kris : huh?

Amber : you said you wanted two favors from me the kiss and?

Kris : I want to sleep with you.


Amber : GET OUT!

Amber pointed at the door and kris held her hands to his chest.

Kris : amber you got me wrong I just want to sleep next to you maybe cuddle if you allowed me to, nothing more.

Amber : kris just for today I`ll let you do that.

Kris hugged her once again and then he laid on the bed and amber followed him and laid beside him.

Amber : I`m really sleepy after all this drama that happened today.

Kris : yeah I`m pretty sleepy too.

Amber shifted to the side so her back was facing kris.

Amber : you can hug me but not tightly.

Kris smiled and back hugged her.

Kris : good night my love.

Amber : good night kris.




so do you think amber believed kris?

is cuddling for once is all what really kris want?

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Chapter 9: so sweet >,< i want a sequel~
WhiteFlower #2
Chapter 9: Beautiful story , Krisber forever .
Chapter 9: YAAAAAY!!! They finally have their happily ever after!! <3 <3
Chapter 9: Kaaaayuuuuute. :3

Thanks for the fluffiness and showing Krisber's signature perfness♥
Chapter 9: How about the war, were they won it?
Chapter 8: wow! war?? OMO! Noone's gonna be killed right?? I really hope not!!
Chapter 8: Finally.. Thanks for the update. Glad to see the krisber progress ^^
I'm having a writer block and so much work in school so wait for me I won't take so long
freakymui #9
Chapter 7: Just give him a chance n dun be like that stubborn Amber! You really have a good husband!