
Someday, My Love

Someday, my love
A one shot story written by Iznaberry

The two of them belongs to top idol group in the nation. Both of them were in constant surveillance not only by the media but even by their fans. Their movements are restricted and solely depend on what the public would say or what they dictate for the two of them to do. Both of them needed to uphold a certain image that they are forced to lie. To lie to their fans about what they truly feel and want to do. To continue acting like they can never fall in love with someone and prolong the dream of their fans. It was tiring but they don’t have a choice since its part of their dream but it just gets too tiring and one can only tolerate much.

He was watching another rerun of the show wherein they have guested before and his eyes winced as he heard how she denied having a man in her life again. He knew it was part of the script designed to protect the two of them but no one can blame him if it hurts. How can anyone stand that the woman he loves kept on denying him and blatantly looks for love over and over again? He can only take much and it didn’t help that his own ‘family’ is supporting her with stories of their own. He may be known as a reliable leader and a strong willed man but he is still a man. He is still a human who gets hurt.

His heart would always feel like being pricked by thousands of needle whenever he would watch, hear or read about her looking for a man of her own and it has escalated since the supposedly dating ban has been lifted. From her updates to interviews, it’s what she often says and how media would emphasize it too much. Too much for his liking anyway.

“Ji, what’s up with your expression?” His best friend asked when he found him alone in the couch with a frown plastered on his face. Following where his eyes went, his friend’s mouth formed an ‘o’ before making his way by his side. “You’re watching it again.”

“Uhuh.” He acknowledged without looking at his friend.

“So that’s the reason for your grumpy face.” His friend concluded and watched the show with him. A full minute has passed without any words between them before he called out to his friend. “Youngbae…”

“Hmm…” Youngbae muttered without looking at him as his friend’s eyes were completely focused on the small screen. He managed to catch the small smile that formed on his friend’s lips. Youngbae whispered, “I know what you want to say, Ji. How long have we been friends anyway?”

“Ten years or so.” He replied and let out another sigh.

“Do you regret being with her?” Youngbae asked. “Are you getting tired of her?”

“No! Of course not!” He shook his head. “It’s not like that!”

“So what’s the problem? Is she getting clingy all of sudden that you are getting tired already?” Youngbae asked and before he can even managed to respond, his friend continued. “Do you know how lucky you were to have her? To be loved by her?”

“I know.” He whispered.


“All this hiding and denying are frustrating the hell out of me.” He muttered. “Can you blame me if I get exhausted from all of this? She often announced to the world on how she needed man! How can she say that when she already has one? What does she call me then? Am I not man enough for her?”

“She’s protecting the two of you! You should know that!”

“But she doesn’t need to!”

“She knew that being in a relationship right now would ruin your careers and she knew how much you love being an artist! Why are you being like that now?”

“I knew that but I don’t need her protection! If fans love me as an artist then it shouldn’t matter if I’m with someone! I want to shout to the world that I’m in love with a wonderful woman!”

“And she knew how most of your fans don’t like her for you. She feels incompetent, do you also know that?” Youngbae asked. His eyes were shooting daggers at him. “Do you know how many hate mails and messages come for her every single day and telling her that she’s not worthy enough? Do you know how many comments have she read about not being good for you? That you are better off with another woman? Fans would even bless you to be with some no-named Japanese model! That anyone would be better than her? Do you even know that?”

“I…” He took a deep breath because he was rendered speechless at Youngbae’s confession. He knew that some fans don’t like her but he never knew about those other things. She must have been hurting all along yet she didn’t tell him. He finally said, “I didn’t know…”

“So please understand Dar—noona. You’re not the only one who finds this setup tiring.” Youngbae said and an understanding smile formed on his lips. “You should know how much I envy you right now. You have the woman I love in your hands and if it’s not you, I wouldn’t have even given her up.”

“I know. I know.” He said as he gave his friend a brotherly hug before they parted.

She was hurting as well but he never knew. He was being selfish while she was being selfless again. When would this end? The never ending run around relationship. When would he realize that she’s in a more disadvantageous position than him? Is being with him going to hurt her? Is this how it’s going to be always? Is this the end for them? Have they both finally run into an unmovable wall?

He loves her so much and he knew she loves him as well. But if both of them were hurting, is love even enough for them?


She can feel that there’s something wrong with him. She can sense it through his actions. The way he coldly brushed her off whenever she tried to cuddle with him and his cold one word replies on his messages, she can see through it. Something’s definitely up with him. It has been awhile since they went out and have some fun. Both their schedules were a killer that they can only steal a few minutes to an hour every day for them to be together. Not only the time but it’s rare for them to even meet up. He’s in another country while she’s in another.

It’s even a wonder on how they were able to manage it but she knew that one day this setup would tire him out. He’s full of passion, in his music, in life and in love. He would definitely be exhausted with all of this and it was what she feared the most. Like what she’s afraid of, it has crawled on without being noticed and now she can’t even avoid it anymore.

Her train of thoughts were interrupted as a message from him came.

“You have some time?” She gulped upon reading what the message entailed. She sent a response that she got an hour or so and he quickly replied telling her to meet up. She pocketed her phone and excused herself from the crew and the other members as she walk-run towards the rooftop.

“Jiyong?” She called out his name while trying to catch her breath. She looked around as she called him again, “Jiyong?”

A frown formed on her forehead as she walked around trying to find him. A few minutes have passed yet it seems like there’s no sign of him anywhere when she finally heard his voice and it seems like he was speaking with someone else on the phone.

“Yes, I’ll see you at the club then.” She heard him say and judging by his smile, it must be a woman. Hopefully, she was wrong. She just stood there until he finished the call before she called him again.

“Jiyong, I thought you left…” She whispered. Her voice was trembling.

“Oh, did you just arrive or…?” Jiyong asked nervously like he was trying to hide something from her.

“Just arrived…” She answered as she hoped that he didn’t hear her voice cracked. She walked inside the cottage-like structure and sat beside him. Softly, she whispered, “It’s nice to see you again. It’s been awhile since we met.”

“Yeah.” Jiyong coldly replied and she must admit that it hurts.

“How have you been?” She asked as she tried to hold his hand but he managed to avoid it like she knew what she’s going to do. “Haven’t heard much from you.”

“I don’t need to report to you every minute.” Jiyong snapped. “It’s not like you’re my boss or something.”

“I… I…” She stuttered as she was lost on how to respond to his snarky reply.

“What?” Jiyong exclaimed that took her by surprise.

“Is there something wrong, Ji?” She asked and gulped. Forming a fist, she managed to ask, “Is there something wrong with us?”

He looked at her and she can see how different emotions flashed in his eyes. Fear, longing, regret and a lot more were in there. They just stared at each other for a while without any words. Then he looked down as he took her hand.

“I’m sorry.” Jiyong softly said and his voice was trembling just like hers earlier. His hand squeezed hers gently as he continued, “You know that I love you, right?”

“I know…”

“You know that I deeply care for you…”

“I know.”

“You know that it’s you whom I’m thinking about always…”

“I know… but what Ji?” She asked. “I can hear the ‘but’ in every statement…”

“But it’s tiring...” Jiyong finally said it without looking at her. His head was just looking down and staring at their hands that were linked together. “I’m getting tired of all of this. Hiding from everyone and lying here and then… It’s just out all my energy and positive vibes… I think…”

“…we needed space. That’s what you’re going to say next, right?” She finished and she wanted to praise herself for trying to be nonchalant about the whole thing.


“If that’s what you want then…” She said as she took back her hand from him. Looking at his head that faces down, she reached out and pushed his head upwards with her hands. She bit her lips as she let out a forced smile on her face and smoothened the frown on his forehead as she whispered, “If that’s what makes you happy…”


“I understand…” She repeated as if she was trying to convince herself. “You don’t have to worry about it.”



That’s one word to sum up what he’s been feeling now ever since he broke up with her. It hurts whenever he remembered on how she smiled at him when he told her he needed space. She gave it without a fight. She just smiled and agreed if that’s what makes him happy.

He snorted.

‘Yeah right’ He thought. He was fcuking happy that there are no words to describe what he’s feeling right now.

He missed her badly. Her cute awkward messages cheering him on for his upcoming album and her small events to make him feel how much she loves him. How is she doing now? He’s not hearing anything from her and even his friend Youngbae doesn’t have much news since none of the girls were telling them about it. Seungri may know something but he’s in Japan right now and he doubt if the youngest member would even tell him. He maybe a blabbermouth in varieties but in reality, his mouth is tightly sealed when it comes to his favourite noona.

His days and nights were spent making his album with one of his newest good friend. They often stayed up late mixing sounds or playing around with his newest hobby, skateboarding. At least when he’s doing that, he can forget about his little problem.

“You need love.” His good friend plainly told him.

“What?” He asked.

“Your songs are just songs. It’s lacking love, man!”

“They’re not supposed to be love songs.”

“I guess so but it’s like just words without a heart. Like you’ve lost a heart.”

Of course, he lost his heart. It was with her anyway. How can he even take it back? What should he do then?

“You can seek love from fans, you know?” His good friend whispered and suggested to make his own twitter account to connect with his international fans. Hitting two birds with one stone since he can use it to promote his upcoming album as well and that’s why he created one.

As soon as he created it, he received a hell lot of love and his frown went deeper as he read a few of them. Most of them were declaring how they love him and a lot mentioned about him being paired with another girl. Some of them were telling not to pair him with her or something like that.

Reading all those messages and comments online made it clear for him. He understood her reason on how she wanted to protect the two of them. Those insensitive comments can really get into someone who’s kind of a worrywart and cautious.

What should he do to stop those insensitive people from directing their hate to her? Should he make a move that may confuse them? He was thinking hard on what to do when an outrageous idea popped inside his mind. The perfect idea that would temporarily resolved his problem.

A few clicks here and there and it’s settled.

Now, it’s time to settle it with her. He knew that they were practicing at the concert hall with their band for the opening of their global tour. He’ll tweet later since he needed to speak with her first. It was like he has some sugar rush that made him dash to wherever she was.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the place and with a disapproving look, CL and Minzy pointed to where he can find her. She was sleeping on the couch with Bom.

“Don’t hurt her anymore, oppa.” Minzy said with a serious expression. “Her body is too tired from the practice and schedules. Please don’t tire her heart too.”

“If you don’t have anything good to say, can you just leave, oppa?” Chaerin snarled at him.

“I want to talk with her.” He said.

“For what? To hurt her more? One can take only much.” Chaerin exclaimed and her eyes turned into slits. “Five minutes and if I hear her cry, we’re barging in and you’re leaving.”

He nodded as he gently woke her up carefully as he didn’t want to wake up the other girl.

“Dara…” He gently shook her and after a few minutes, her eyes opened and blinked a few times in disbelief.

“Am I still asleep?” Dara asked innocently as she rubbed her eyes and her lips formed a pout. “Dreaming?”

“Dara…” He called her out again. “You’re not dreaming.”

“You’re really here…” She muttered. “You’re here…”

“You look so surprised.”

“Am I?” She nervously said and let out her soft chuckles.She looked around and saw the younger members peeking at them from around the corner. “Let’s talk somewhere…”

He nodded as she stretched out her arms before she finally stood up and lead him to an empty room.

“Do you need something?” Dara asked and nervously bit her lips.

She looks so nervous now and he wanted to ease her feelings. He grabbed her hands and squeezed it tightly while looking at her eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Dara…” He started and he can see genuine surprise in her eyes. “I really am.”


“I didn’t intend for us… to…” He tried to continue but hesitated.

“…to break up?” She finished his statement and he shyly nodded. She smiled as she said in her little voice, “I don’t blame you at all.”

“And that hurts me more knowing you always try to understand me no matter what. Never placing any blames on me and always trying to comfort me.” He whispered as he pulled her closer. Her face was an inch closer to his. “It’s hard…”

“Jiyong…” She whispered his name and it sounded so sweet. Her breath smells so fresh and her eyes pull him closer.

“I don’t even know why I wanted to break up before… I don’t need that damn space…” He continued as his hold on her hand tightened. “I don’t care if you keep on denying me on air… I won’t mind if you continue to play the part of a lady waiting for a man. Heck, I may ask Seungri to help you with that act of yours…”

“Jiyong… I…”

“Ssh…” He cuts her off by placing his two fingers on her lips. Her eyes widened at his rashness and her face reddened as his actions. He continued, “I don’t care anymore… The only thing I care is you and I. As long as we know the truth about the two of us… It doesn’t matter what people writes about the two of us…”

He gulped as he leaned forward until the tip of their noses touched.

“That’s what I’ll do if you’ll take me back again…” He whispered in a pleading voice while his eyes melt with. “Will you?”

“I never have let you go. I just let you have your space.” She mumbled and rubbed her nose against mine. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking that?”

He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent. The scent he missed so much as he cupped her cheeks with his two hands.

“No… no. Don’t even try to ask that.” He pleaded as he looked at her once again and smiled. “I love you.”

She smiled and her eyes started to get teary.

“Ssh, don’t cry, baby.” He whispered as he kissed her forehead.

“I… I just…” She tried to explain herself. “I thought you really left… because of me. Because you got tired of me…”

“I was mistaken. But I won’t make the same mistake again.” He said and planted a light kiss on her lips.
“How about… I heard that…” She tried to ask and he already knew what she wanted to know.

“Yes, I created a twitter account… and yes, I followed some people… and I wanted you to know that I intend to follow someone…” He said and explained. “So that I could protect you from my fans… So we could protect us.” She gasped as he said, “I finally understood and I’m going to do my part and play the bad boy image I had.”

“But…” She tried to protest.

“Someday we’ll tell them the truth. Someday they’ll know the reason why we lied. Someday they’ll know we’re together… But until that someday, we’re together in this, alright?” He said and she just nodded as she wrapped her arms around me and they kissed.

NOTE: ^o^  A oneshot to cheer up everybody~  kekek Though it was posted a little earlier in DGH. Always keep on believing!



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Chapter 1: Trial is part of relationship specially the position of daragon couple but if both of them have trust and faith in their relationship their will succeed as a couple ♥️
Chapter 1: Parang totoo yon story mo authornim sa nagyyari sa dalawa, kung hndi ako nagkkamali sa tingin ko sa kanila dalawa may relation🙏✌️❤️
Chapter 1: I hope and pray my OTP couple become real in near future 🙏♥️
Chapter 1: I was checking my bookmark and saw this I reread it and remember why I bookmarked it

its coz the thing written here are like facts like everything that happening and had happen is all for the sake of protecting their relationship. this fic is really good never gets old and the feelings are still there no matter how much you had read this before
wenn0402 #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww i hope daragon would reveal their relationship now.. i cant wait for this day...:))
bienbonita #7
Chapter 1: Ah, aigoo how ironic that I'm reading this fanfic ~ right after spazzing due to the Daragon moments in Twitter today!!! :)
Chapter 1: when Dara broke her tears, I felt the RED alarm.. like 'oO.. CL won't ruin the moment, will she?' khu khu khu khu..
I feel 'weary' at the beginning of the fics for some reason..
I think you described the story line in a brilliant way.. and that's a good thing to do^^~
Chapter 1: This Is real!!! Kyaaaah. Daragon is REAL
adindaisapplers #10
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!!!DaraGon is REAL!!!!Hate so much that crazy kiko!!DaraGon fighting!!!!!!!