▒⋮TUTORIAL — line-height.

▒⋮ROSE — closed.


Today, we will study line-height. For those who can't tell by the obviousness of the name, line-height is the height of your line. Many people don't know how to work line-height after AFF's HTML switch so some of their layouts now look really funny and spaced out.

All you need to do is put this code at the beginning of your layout :

 < div style="line-height:10px;" > 

And put  < / div >  at the end. ( Remove the spaces between the < and > and / but DO NOT remove the space between div and style, or that will mess up your code. )

There are some rare circumstances where this may not work, so please just PM me if it doesn't work and I'll try and help you. You may of course have made a mistake so before you contact me, double-check your codes.

If you know your own code, ie. you made it yourself and didn't copy it off someone ( !!! ), then you'll know how to do this. Because people have come running to me before about why it doesn't work, and it turns out the person they copied it off inserted another line-height code in the middle of the layout perhaps to aid the aesthetics of a title or something. But of course the plagiariser didn't know, because it wasn't their layout.

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❝ ✧ ⋮ T W I N K L E 。〕» batch two is now closed. those who requested, check the request list to see if you're accepted.


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Chapter 22: Hello :) May I ask how do you do the shadow effect of words?
Chapter 24: Already? Asdfghjkl;
but your layouts are so good.
;___; are you ever going to come
Chapter 24: awh ; ;
why does it have to close
on my brother's birthday.
Chapter 24: don't go ;_;
Chapter 24: WHAT?! already? but you're layouts are awesome ;-;
hello. is the request available? I want to request ^^ But is it okay if i want to request for a shop layout?
Chapter 16: i would like to cancel my request.
i'm sorry for it :(
asdfghjkl; the new layout is flawless. ; ;
you're so pro at dis. i can't even.