▒⋮PICKUP — sympathetic.

▒⋮ROSE — closed.


goodbye, hello.
goodbye, hello.
unfortunately, due to layout plagiarism at this shop, i am changing the shop slightly.
plagiarism of my shop isn't a new thing and i ignore it, but now i really need to do this.
now, i will be asking people to pm me if they would like the code for my layout.
i know that some shops do this but are still plagiarised, and it is by checking the source code.
on google chrome, you can right-click and select "view source", and you have the html for that layout.
so now, i will only be granting you guys a preview, aka just an image, of my layout.
thus you cannot even try to get my code because it is just an image with no html in it.
i'm really sorry for this major change, but i had to do this. i trusted my subbers, but i can't now.
this layout is for sympathetic, i hope you like it. please pm me to pick up the code. thanks.

+ use this layout for a minimum of two weeks.
+ never remove the credits or be reported.
+ pm me for the code if you want to use this.
+ upvotes are greatly appreciated!




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❝ ✧ ⋮ T W I N K L E 。〕» batch two is now closed. those who requested, check the request list to see if you're accepted.


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Chapter 22: Hello :) May I ask how do you do the shadow effect of words?
Chapter 24: Already? Asdfghjkl;
but your layouts are so good.
;___; are you ever going to come
Chapter 24: awh ; ;
why does it have to close
on my brother's birthday.
Chapter 24: don't go ;_;
Chapter 24: WHAT?! already? but you're layouts are awesome ;-;
hello. is the request available? I want to request ^^ But is it okay if i want to request for a shop layout?
Chapter 16: i would like to cancel my request.
i'm sorry for it :(
asdfghjkl; the new layout is flawless. ; ;
you're so pro at dis. i can't even.