
What am I?
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A few days have passed since the accidental kiss, the slap in the face and the discovery of Yuri. Sunny has given up fighting off the strange feelings she’s had since that night. Instead of wondering why, she let her emotions solve itself without interfering. Taeyeon acknowledge that things have officially changed between her and her best friend. Though she feels awkward and strange whenever Sunny enters the room, she’s happy and content.

Sooyoung has accepted the fact that Yuri is nothing more than a friend to Tiffany though she has her doubts sometimes after witnessing a few interactions between one another whenever she came to visit Tiffany. Tiffany felt herself slowly withering away from the secret that she’s been hiding from Sooyoung. She only told her part of the story that day and has been contemplating on whether or not to tell her all of it.

Hyoyeon knew she’s changed ever since she met Jessica. On the bright side, she has finally stopped being stubborn and forgave the latter for what she did but she couldn't seem to shake off her apathetic exterior of hers when the girl was around. Even though Jessica realized her love for Hyoyeon earlier, she has now given up trying to convince herself that it will never work out and accepted the fact that the dancing queen has stolen her heart away.

In an attempt to relieve the stress brought upon her from the musical, Jessica called up Tiffany for a day away from everything. Overjoyed to the sound of a getaway, Tiffany quickly accepted and made her way to her house. Jessica took a deep breath and changed into tan skinny jeans and a white cardigan accessorized with a stunning pair of Raybands, a grey wool scarf and white slip on vans. She grabbed her beige J.Estina purse and went out the door to her white BMW.

Tiffany was waiting outside in her car for Jessica to come out. She was dressed in skinny jeans, a pink hoodie, pink converses and a white scarf. She looked up to the sound of a door closing and stepped out of her car.

 “JESSI!” she ran towards her best friend.

“Hey Tiff!” she welcomed her with a big hug.

“Omg! It’s been so long!” she come out of the hug and smiled brightly.

“It’s only been a week. Why are you speaking English?” she laughed.

“Let me be! You’re like the only one who I can speak English to without having to worry about being understood.”

“So what? Are we going to converse in English today?” she laughed.

“Yupp! Now let’s go!”

“My car!” Jessica gestured to her car.

They got in and headed off to grab some breakfast before their long shopping spree. They talked about the ups and downs of work and how lucky each other are. Tiffany wanted to be a musical actress but her dad opposed so she became a model. Jessica wanted to be a model since it required less effort overall but couldn’t because at the time of applying, she needed a more stable and dependant job but now she’s too lazy to change occupations.

During their meal of American breakfast, they continued their talk about life and the other general categories. Of course, in English.

 “Hey Jessi…”

“Hmm?” Jessica responded while chewing her pancakes.

“How famous have you gotten over the past three years?” Tiffany cut another piece of her omelet and chewed.

“Not everyone recognizes me but there are still people who come up for autographs. I’m content though. Not so sprung up on being a superstar,” she took another bite of her pancake. “You?”

“Same. Not the high up first class, but not third class. I’d say… at the top of second class?” Tiffany smiled, “I’m thinking about quitting being a model though and start my career in music.”

“Wanna do a musical with me? I could put in a few good words of you.” Jessica grinned at the chance of performing with her best friend.

“That’d be GREAT!” she clapped.

“That’s going to be in like another three months. Haha. I’m having my first performance of this musical in two weeks.”

“Fine with me!”

They finished their meal and headed to the mall for yet another shopping spree. Despite the vast amounts of money the two of them had, they’re very humble and seek out the fashionable ye

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Fire_trek 348 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you